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The Royal British Legion


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If you are interested in joining the Royal British Legion, you are welcome to go to a Social Evening on Wednesday 2nd April at 7pm at The Old Bell, Loi Kroh Road when membership forms will be available to complete.

Pedr Fawkes, proprietor of The Old Bell will provide a free buffet, similar to St David's day and if lots of beer is drunk he will make a donation to start the Legion's fund raising.

Come along and support the Legion.

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If you are interested in joining the Royal British Legion, you are welcome to go to a Social Evening on Wednesday 2nd April at 7pm at The Old Bell, Loi Kroh Road when membership forms will be available to complete.

Pedr Fawkes, proprietor of The Old Bell will provide a free buffet, similar to St David's day and if lots of beer is drunk he will make a donation to start the Legion's fund raising.

Come along and support the Legion.

This is good news for several good reasons.

1. It will hopefully bring some stability to the annual local Remembrance Day (11th hour of the 11th day etc) which almost did not happen last November due to some 'organiser' backing out at the last minute. Pedr did a very laudable job of an evening gathering of his own and is obviously the right man for this.

2. The Americans have just launched their own VFW post here.

3. I understand that membership of the RBL is open to any Brit who supports it, ie no longer do you have to have served in a branch of the forces or the TA.

4. Whether we agree or disagree with wars and peacekeeping efforts currently on the go, we should bear in mind that Britain still loses young servicemen and women on a regular basis. In my view, anyway, they and their families deserve just as much respect and support as did the heroes and heroines of the past who ensured our continued freedom and right to speak English.

5. What is little known is that the Legion helps former members of the services who have fallen on hard times OUTSIDE the UK, provided of course that real need can be proved. I think this is an even more powerful reason for British expats to join and support. Membership costs under 2,000 baht a year!

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It is a great pity. It seems nobody is interested in supporting this great institution.

It may be that many are interested in supporting the institution, and to that end are in fact already members, so do not need to join now.

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