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Small Business Idea!

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Hi, I currently live in the Uk where i run a small art gallery and studio. I make most of my money by offering painting tuition to holiday makers on a daily basis, many follow up with extra days to improve there skills.

After spending time in Chiang Mai and seeing the high level of tourists and the arts related culture they have there I was thinking it might be a good place to offer painting tuition. This would be field or studio based depending on the weather. Before I start planning this in any sort of detail I would like to ask a few questions to see if I would meet the requirements for starting simple business in Thailand.

If anyone could put a approx figure to my questions it would be very useful to me.

1.To start operating my business I would need a studio, this doesn't have to be anything fancy just somewhere with good light, running water, Cr, air con. A good location and easy access would be needed too.

2.Advertising costs.

3.Legal costs

4. What capital am I expect to show to be able to commence self-employment in Thailand.

Any advice as a starting point on the above much appreciated.


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