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This Person Needs His Nuts Removed!

Maejo Man

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I was driving along the irrigation canal (near empty) road today, and stopped at a set of lights. When they turned to green the pick up in front of me belched so much smoke that I had to wait till it cleared to drive off.

I followed him to the next set of lights, missing my turn off in doing so, just so as I could get the arsehol_e on camera. The pick up on his right was also doing a nice job with a different coloured smoke.

It's often the country pick ups that are the worst offenders, that's of course negating our own songtaews. This dipstick was driving a Phitsanulok registered pick up :o




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I was driving along the irrigation canal (near empty) road today, and stopped at a set of lights. When they turned to green the pick up in front of me belched so much smoke that I had to wait till it cleared to drive off.

I followed him to the next set of lights, missing my turn off in doing so, just so as I could get the arsehol_e on camera. The pick up on his right was also doing a nice job with a different coloured smoke.

It's often the country pick ups that are the worst offenders, that's of course negating our own songtaews. This dipstick was driving a Phitsanulok registered pick up :D




Jeeeez :D There are actually regulations on exhaust quality. Now if only somebody would come upon the idea of enforcing them :o Of course, that would probably mean 80-90% of the songtaews being taken off the streets...

/ Priceless

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I presume you were referring to "wheel nuts!"

Vehicles like this should be stopped and impounded, although I would like a supply of flash-bangs to drop in the back of these idiots.

Of course the wheel nuts :o This has to be the worst case I have ever seen, but unfortunately "flash-bangs" are out as there is always some poor sucker asleep in the back :D

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I presume you were referring to "wheel nuts!"

Vehicles like this should be stopped and impounded, although I would like a supply of flash-bangs to drop in the back of these idiots.

Of course the wheel nuts :o This has to be the worst case I have ever seen, but unfortunately "flash-bangs" are out as there is always some poor sucker asleep in the back :D

asleep or gassed :D

P.S. remove all nuts

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I'm just glad I wasn't in back of the truck in your photo #2....I would have been seriously tweaked about breathing that in, being on a motorsai.

Course the advantage is....we knuckle-dragging heathens who persist in these childish, risky and puerile motosai pursuits- give awfully short shrift of these polluters.

I give 'em about .5 seconds in second gear :o

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We all know that there is a problem with these smoke belching vehicles.

The reality is that nothing (absolutely nothing) is gonna be done about it.

I have asked my GF to report violations to the appropriate authorities and her answer is "I ride a motorcycle, and what do you think will happen to me if I make a complaint"

At the risk of getting shot down (again) this is one very sick society. TIT

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Yes, the pics are terrible. Yes, the people in the back of the pickup are probably dead. Yes, nothing will be done about it.

BUT, there is another point to the great clouds belching out of lots of vehicles here.

A lot of those clouds are being produced by drivers not knowing how to properly drive diesel engines.

Most pickups (songtows included) have diesel engines, and there is a technique to driving these properly. If in too low a gear or too heavy on the accelerator, incomplete burning leads to huge clouds.

Unlike a gas engine, putting 'pedal to the metal' does not increase power, just wastes fuel and blackens the skies. (See the OP's first photo, and look at the truck on the right - black smoke there too)

So most of these belching songtows could stop the smoke just by learning how to drive the diesel properly. A huge amount of the smoke comes from vehicles that are actually functioning properly...

But, yes, nothing will be done about it.

good morning

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Hard to believe but I can remember when all the neighborhood kids were thrilled to run behind the mosquito foggers to get enveloped in the belching white toxic clouds. It smelled good [to a 10-year-old] and you could momentarily be invisible.

Our parents were happy that we were happy. They puffed on their Camels [non-filter] while they watched. :o

(off-topic ?)

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Hard to believe but I can remember when all the neighborhood kids were thrilled to run behind the mosquito foggers to get enveloped in the belching white toxic clouds. It smelled good [to a 10-year-old] and you could momentarily be invisible.

Our parents were happy that we were happy. They puffed on their Camels [non-filter] while they watched. :o

(off-topic ?)

Me too.

I grew up on an Airforce Base and the whole thing was sprayed every day. Maybe that toughened my lungs up for Chiang Mai! :D

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Why haven't the moderators removed the picture that clearly shows the license plate?

Perhaps because he is breaking the law, and needs to be reported to the authorities. I've already tried, only to be laughed at. Someone else might have better luck.


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Hard to believe but I can remember when all the neighborhood kids were thrilled to run behind the mosquito foggers to get enveloped in the belching white toxic clouds. It smelled good [to a 10-year-old] and you could momentarily be invisible.

Our parents were happy that we were happy. They puffed on their Camels [non-filter] while they watched. :o

(off-topic ?)

Me too.

I grew up on an Airforce Base and the whole thing was sprayed every day. Maybe that toughened my lungs up for Chiang Mai! :D

What a coincidence. I was a kid on Pease AFB in Portsmouth, NH. Where were you?

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Why haven't the moderators removed the picture that clearly shows the license plate?

Why would they want to remove the picture showing the number plate ?????

The guy driving the vehicle deserves all the adverse publicity that comes his way (and the consequences that go with it)

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Hard to believe but I can remember when all the neighborhood kids were thrilled to run behind the mosquito foggers to get enveloped in the belching white toxic clouds. It smelled good [to a 10-year-old] and you could momentarily be invisible.

Our parents were happy that we were happy. They puffed on their Camels [non-filter] while they watched. :o

(off-topic ?)

Me too.

I grew up on an Airforce Base and the whole thing was sprayed every day. Maybe that toughened my lungs up for Chiang Mai! :D

What a coincidence. I was a kid on Pease AFB in Portsmouth, NH. Where were you?

Langley Airforce Base in Hampton, Virginia for my first 10 years.

My father was the Captain of the base party/fishing/sightseeing boat and I could go along for free every day if I wanted.

Also, the base provided a few free swimming pools and gymnasiums and dirt cheap movie theatres. What a great place to grow up! :D

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Hard to believe but I can remember when all the neighborhood kids were thrilled to run behind the mosquito foggers to get enveloped in the belching white toxic clouds. It smelled good [to a 10-year-old] and you could momentarily be invisible.

Our parents were happy that we were happy. They puffed on their Camels [non-filter] while they watched. :o

(off-topic ?)

Me too.

I grew up on an Airforce Base and the whole thing was sprayed every day. Maybe that toughened my lungs up for Chiang Mai! :D

What a coincidence. I was a kid on Pease AFB in Portsmouth, NH. Where were you?

Langley Airforce Base in Hampton, Virginia for my first 10 years.

My father was the Captain of the base party/fishing/sightseeing boat and I could go along for free every day if I wanted.

Also, the base provided a few free swimming pools and gymnasiums and dirt cheap movie theatres. What a great place to grow up! :D

Small world! For a very short time around mid 1990s I worked and stayed on the base at Langley. I remember the little boat harbour.

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The main runway ran pretty much straight over that harbour and boathouse.

I lived in the very first house directly in front of the runway near the boathouse until I was 10 years old: 219 Grey Ave.

It was haunted! :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Langley Airforce Base in Hampton, Virginia for my first 10 years.

My father was the Captain of the base party/fishing/sightseeing boat and I could go along for free every day if I wanted.

Also, the base provided a few free swimming pools and gymnasiums and dirt cheap movie theatres. What a great place to grow up! :o

So where did you go wrong EweGee? Coming out for a swilly or 2 on Saturday?

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Langley Airforce Base in Hampton, Virginia for my first 10 years.

My father was the Captain of the base party/fishing/sightseeing boat and I could go along for free every day if I wanted.

Also, the base provided a few free swimming pools and gymnasiums and dirt cheap movie theatres. What a great place to grow up! :D

So where did you go wrong EweGee?

Pretty much all my problems and mistakes can be blamed on a permanant state of inflamed lust. :o

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Yes, the pics are terrible. Yes, the people in the back of the pickup are probably dead. Yes, nothing will be done about it.

BUT, there is another point to the great clouds belching out of lots of vehicles here.

A lot of those clouds are being produced by drivers not knowing how to properly drive diesel engines.

Most pickups (songtows included) have diesel engines, and there is a technique to driving these properly. If in too low a gear or too heavy on the accelerator, incomplete burning leads to huge clouds.

Unlike a gas engine, putting 'pedal to the metal' does not increase power, just wastes fuel and blackens the skies. (See the OP's first photo, and look at the truck on the right - black smoke there too)

So most of these belching songtows could stop the smoke just by learning how to drive the diesel properly. A huge amount of the smoke comes from vehicles that are actually functioning properly...

But, yes, nothing will be done about it.

good morning


True to a point,but most of these hics have got no idea about diesel maintenance,or insufficient funds for the above.

The air and fuel filter is full of sh#t/injectors the same,as is their knowledge of things mechanical.

I bought a car this week and the mechanial inspection for xfr is normal thai,a joke.

Any old bomb with major problems would be able to be sold ,as all they check are the tyre condition and have a gander underneath ,for oil leaks?


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