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Why Doesnt Thailand Have Vandalism


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Travelling around Issan last week and taking nightly walks in Loei in the parks ,i thought i could never do thisa in Sydney where i come from.

I probaly would be robbed or bashed .

I walked to a Buddha temple in the park about 9pm and i walked inside,there was beutifl paintings and miniture statutes.

Things like this we could never ever have in Sydney Australia and yet thats suppossed to be the lucky country?

i walked thru the park to see families and Police walking around,and i think what a great place this really is where you can walk safely,have beutiful open temples,walk safely at night.

When i was in Udon last Friday night i was looking out for the louts and hooligans buit i didnt see any,i felt very safe.

I wonder why the youths from the West countries are violent and things are out of control.

Looking at the Sydney news site today on the internet i come across stories such as



Why cant we in Sydney have the nice things such as temples etc open.

Isnt the west the "lucky countries".

Personally im sick of people saying Thailand is 3rd world,the 3rd world is the Western countries with do gooders who help these out of control young hooligans go on there violent sprees.

I have no time for these young idiots in Australia.

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I live in sydney and i walk home from the station in the early mornings off my face.

Shit happens everywhere.

And one more thing its not the west thats concidered the "lucky country" Its just Australia that is the "lucky country"

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You might want to read the paper. They do have vandalism. Nuts and bolts taken from electric pole pylons, manhole covers stolen...oh, and where I live, there is plenty of graffiti spray painted on walls--of course, the latter is done by people bright enough to read and write. You might also want to check the stalls in the local men's room--both graffiti, artwork and adverts (in case your interested).

As far as being safe, I would suggest you be careful. The country can seem deceptively peaceful, but bad stuff does happen.

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I find alot of things superior here in Thailand than in the west.

Like the fact that i,as a bloke,could put on a dress,high heels,& make up,& walk to the local bar & be very loud in a high pitched voice,but still have no fear of getting my head punched in by a group of insecure males,trying to impress their mates.....Of course i have no desire,conscious or otherwise to actually go ahead with the dressing up bit. :D

I do sometimes feel that Thailand follows the west too much on alot of things though.Just got back from Laos,& i have to say that the Laos people look a tad less arrogant than the thais. :o But i like both.

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Sorry but it is nowhere near as bad here, you don't see gangs of youths smashing things up just because they are bored, ripping up peoples gardens for the fun of it and smashing car mirrors as they walk home at night. In the U.K this happens in nearly every town and city in the country, every night.

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I didn't say it was as bad here as say ... Blighty.

I did however say "and a definite lack of experience with Thailand since there are vandals and hooligans all over! (still safer than most places .. but get real! )"

I live in a mostly upper class neighborhood in BKK .. there is still vandalism and theft. In Hua Hin it exists ... in Phuket ... in Chiang Mai ... etc

But do note I did say it is still safer here than most places! Anyways the OP was a rant about Australia .. not really a commentary on Thailand.

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<br />Sorry but it is nowhere near as bad here, you don't see gangs of youths smashing things up just because they are bored, ripping up peoples gardens for the fun of it and smashing car mirrors as they walk home at night. In the U.K this happens in nearly every town and city in the country, every night.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Correction "Day and Night" ! Daytime is no guarantee anymore Im afraid, and lets not forget beating 90+ year old men to death either. See a crime in progress?? call the police get put on hold by machine finally get transferred in 5 minutes, report phone box being smashed up opposite my house, kids spend 20 minutes demolishing it and Police arrive about 30 minutes after they have left and when I say arrive I mean drive near the phone box and without stopping u turn and dissapear. Job done. Oh yeah it was the third time I'd seen it smashed and reported on each occasion whilst it wa s happening. Still what can I expect with only £1500 a year in rates in the UK? Id rather be here and spend my money as and when necessary on services of my choosin g including major surgery if needed instead of being fleeced for tax in the UK and geting poor service.

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<br />Sorry but it is nowhere near as bad here, you don't see gangs of youths smashing things up just because they are bored, ripping up peoples gardens for the fun of it and smashing car mirrors as they walk home at night. In the U.K this happens in nearly every town and city in the country, every night.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Correction "Day and Night" ! Daytime is no guarantee anymore Im afraid, and lets not forget beating 90+ year old men to death either. See a crime in progress?? call the police get put on hold by machine finally get transferred in 5 minutes, report phone box being smashed up opposite my house, kids spend 20 minutes demolishing it and Police arrive about 30 minutes after they have left and when I say arrive I mean drive near the phone box and without stopping u turn and dissapear. Job done. Oh yeah it was the third time I'd seen it smashed and reported on each occasion whilst it wa s happening. Still what can I expect with only £1500 a year in rates in the UK? Id rather be here and spend my money as and when necessary on services of my choosin g including major surgery if needed instead of being fleeced for tax in the UK and geting poor service.

Nice rant about the UK ... have anything to add about vandalism in Thailand?

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Thailand probably has the same stuff wrong with it that is wrong in the West, its just that because the Thais are so poor you can afford a young gf/bf so everything looks rosy to you.

Envy is sooo unattractive :o

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Vandalism might be less in Thailand but petty theft and violations of the "law" are endemic. I was reading my Pattaya news feed yesterday (it's my version of a cheap thrill) and came across this article;

Khun Komsun, the deputy mayor of Chonburi city, as well as police, soldiers, and Wildlife Protection officers ventured into the 90,000-rai Khao Kiew-Khao Chompoo National Park to investigate reports that a large number of people had illegally encroached on land in the park. The reports were largely substantiated by the deputy mayor and a total of 288 people have been identified as having been involved in illegally working approximately 8,000 rai of land in the park. Some of the miscreants include various business people who figured no one would notice the natural shrubbery and plant life in a few thousand rai being cut down so they could make extra money by way of farming. Investigations into the activities of the 288 people identified as being involved have begun.

It could be said that the above is a form of vandalism. The difference though is that most would not dare do that in the west. One thing though is the same. Just as the Thai perps will get away with it, if those same perps were convicted in the west, they'd probably get a slap on the wrist and told not to do it again.

Edited by geriatrickid
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Thinking about this....

I was wondering how would I know if something was vandaled or not? I mean vandalisim usually means takeing something, usually someones property, and making it ugly.

Well, with the shacks around here, I would not know if someone threw garbage at their shack, or the owner/squater put it there.

I have no idea, if that broken TV was pulled out of the garbage and set out for re-sale, or if the bottles and cans, plastic etc is supposed to be there.

Hard to judge in the slums/Thailand.

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drive around central bkk on back sois, every house has a wall with glass plastered into the top like knifes.

and i think once the young gf/bf that he can afford cheats him or it ends badly, then it turns from everything is great to everything is terrible.

thailand has plenty of problems like everywhere else.

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<br />
<br />Sorry but it is nowhere near as bad here, you don't see gangs of youths smashing things up just because they are bored, ripping up peoples gardens for the fun of it and smashing car mirrors as they walk home at night. In the U.K this happens in nearly every town and city in the country, every night.<br />
<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Correction "Day and Night" ! Daytime is no guarantee anymore Im afraid, and lets not forget beating 90+ year old men to death either. See a crime in progress?? call the police get put on hold by machine finally get transferred in 5 minutes, report phone box being smashed up opposite my house, kids spend 20 minutes demolishing it and Police arrive about 30 minutes after they have left and when I say arrive I mean drive near the phone box and without stopping u turn and dissapear. Job done. Oh yeah it was the third time I'd seen it smashed and reported on each occasion whilst it wa s happening. Still what can I expect with only £1500 a year in rates in the UK? Id rather be here and spend my money as and when necessary on services of my choosin g including major surgery if needed instead of being fleeced for tax in the UK and geting poor service.<br />
<br />Nice rant about the UK ... have anything to add about vandalism in Thailand?<br />
<br /><br /><br />


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Thinking about this....

I was wondering how would I know if something was vandaled or not? I mean vandalisim usually means takeing something, usually someones property, and making it ugly.

Well, with the shacks around here, I would not know if someone threw garbage at their shack, or the owner/squater put it there.

I have no idea, if that broken TV was pulled out of the garbage and set out for re-sale, or if the bottles and cans, plastic etc is supposed to be there.

Hard to judge in the slums/Thailand.

I have to agree with Dakhar, what with all the shanty towns and ghettos that I've seen up and down Thailand, including BKK suburbs, it's impossible to see what has been vandalised and what hasn't. It all looks the same.

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No point in breaking or defacing that which is so poorly built it may as well be already broken or unappealing in its design.

Better (and easier) to improve it.

Although that really would cause an upset. :o

Edited by SebD
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I live in sydney and i walk home from the station in the early mornings off my face.

Shit happens everywhere.

And one more thing its not the west thats concidered the "lucky country" Its just Australia that is the "lucky country"

Mate not related to thailand but IMO Australia was for sure the lucky country , but not anymore , things have changed a lot in thel ast 10-15 years ,violent crime, high taxes , half the country in welfare ,makes it hard to make a dollar and dangerous to go out at night

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I've never noticed that there is almost no grafitti anywhere [up north], until one day....I did see some kids [wife says a gang] spray painted 'bank potatoe' on a couple of realestate signs. Anyone know what 'bank potatoe' means??

other than that one incident, I haven't seen any other grafitti.....nice to not see!!

But, my car has been 'keeyed' [horizontally scraped with a key] in a parking lot.

No where near the senseless vandalism that the west has, thank Buddah!

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Thailand is a country which has no 'safety net,' no welfare and no pensions (except for public servants). You work to survive. I noticed the same thing in Singapore. Why is there so very little crime? People are working 8-10-12 hours a day, 6 or 6 days a week.

It's not that they are too lazy to do graffiti and vandalise things - they don't have the energy.


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<br />Thailand is a country which has no 'safety net,' no welfare and no pensions (except for public servants). You work to survive. I noticed the same thing in Singapore. Why is there so very little crime? People are working 8-10-12 hours a day, 6 or 6 days a week.<br /><br />It's not that they are too lazy to do graffiti and vandalise things - they don't have the energy.<br /><br />Peter<br />
<br /><br /><br />

So little crime???????????? jeeeeeeeeeez they'll take the fillings out of your teeth while your yawning here if your'e not careful.

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Take the fillings out of your teeth while you're yawning? Oh...I don't think it's that bad :D

I've seen some graffiti here, but nowhere near as bad as back in the States. I once saw a car that somebody had "ghetto-ized" with spray paint. I think this was in Miami. A nice sports car in my hometown which was parked on a grassy road shoulder with a "For Sale" sign got vandalized. The rear window was smashed to pieces...probably by some dumb kids tossing a rock from a moving vehicle. As for cars being keyed and other things being smashed, I haven't really seen that here in Thailand. If somebody keyed our car it would probably look better :o

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