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Thai Massage For Mens Sexual Potency


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Also Chiang Mai is home to some reputable and well known massage schools. That is where I would start my search for a good therapist.

Remember, not all therapists have been properly trained. And, not all therapists techniques are the same, try a few different ones, one you feel comfortable with.

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Someone told me about a special type of traditional thai massage. It is for increasing mens power! They push around the top of the legs, stomach and other areas. I belive this is for blood flow etc. It makes you a very good lover apparently.

I am not talking about naughty massage.

Please if anyone can tell me the name of this massage - so I can ask for it.

Also any suggestions of a good place to get this in chiang mai

Have actually had the massage - the massage starts as a traditional thai massage on the lower legs, then the blood vessels and muscles of the genitalia are manipulated.

it worked, much to the delight of the GF and myself.

location was Pattaya - name of massage - sorry can't help

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  • 2 weeks later...
What about if you took steriods (legal of course). Wouldn't that increase your 'power' ?

actually its the oppposite. it makes it bigger but shrinks your testicles due to excess free testosterone in your blood which is regulated by your hypothalamus hence tells it to stop producing it and hence why it shrinks..

Wow, endocrinology 653 revisited courtesy of TV. I was unaware that my penis would grow if I took steroids. I suspect that my latent inner anger may arise from an inadequate penis size. I so do want one of those power poles that all the porn stars have. No doubt with one, I'd easily elicit the interest of the elderly ladies that grace Patong Beach. No longer will I be dismissed as one of the rowdy hooligans as some mummified lass called me after my friend threw a water bottle at my head. (angry Thai syndrome) Cancer be damned, renal failure be damned, the pain of bone and joint growth be damned, I'm off to get some steroids. Oh wait, I'm already fully grown, so that means my penis will not grow no matter the dose of steroids I take since the corpus spongiosum and urethra do not respond to steroids. But, I'll get to experience the joys of acne, which is a plus!

Edited by geriatrickid
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Second that, my g/f is a therapist at a 5 star hotel, although she hasn't unfortunately studied it, she has previously told me of the special 'penis massage'. Unfortunately it seems guys, mos of the practisioners are guys (they have a feel for it)...lol.

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there is something being widely marketed in the USA

they guarantee size/length penis growth

it sounds hokey but this is a new thing and backed by significant substantiated research

fortunately some of us don't need it or aren't that interested


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  • 1 year later...


I was looking for a massage school in Chiang Mai to enroll on a short course and came across the Loikroh Massage School. They offer a course and treatments in a massage called Karsai Nei Tsang which may be what you are looking for. Haven't tried it myself (yet) but may on my next trip to CM!

Would be interested if anyone else has had a session. It sounds "legit" ie no happy stuff!

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dont waste your time or money.

want to be a tiger and blow big?

get the following:


horny goat weed



acetyl l carnitine




yohimbine hcl

on top eat well good multivitamins exercise and you will be a tiger. your testosterone will increase, your blood flow will increase, your loads will be much bigger and intense etc.

:) ...uhm.................yeah :D

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dont waste your time or money.

want to be a tiger and blow big?

get the following:


horny goat weed



acetyl l carnitine




yohimbine hcl

on top eat well good multivitamins exercise and you will be a tiger. your testosterone will increase, your blood flow will increase, your loads will be much bigger and intense etc.

:D jokes aside, you're not a gnc salesman or salesmanager , are you???????? :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

There is a massage place in the mall at the corner of soi 3 sukhumvit that has this massage. You may have to ask for it. I would suspect just asking for a 'massage for man' would do the trick.

I had one masseuse that started on me but my wife was in the next booth and it didn't last long.

Google up lingam massage to find out what it is about.

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