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Too Many Notifications On Popular Topics


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I have often wondered about this. Each notification e-mail i receive states "only one e-mail is sent per subscribed topic to limit the amount of e-mail sent to your account" or like that, yet - if there are 20 replies since my last visit, i get 20 notifications!

I had to unsubscribe from a couple of popular topics because it would fill my e-mail box rather quickly.

Can that be changed somewhere in preferences? I WANT to receive the notifications, but not for every single reply, one would really be enough :o

Thanks for attention......


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Go to: 'My Controls' >>>>top right of each page.

Go to: 'Subscriptions' (on the left of the page)

view topics

view forums

click on one or both of them; on the bottom of the page you can change your preferences, once you 'v' the several topics or forums.

Hope I explained well enough for an amateur :o


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Hi :o

I've checked it - there i are options for unsubscribe, no notification, immediate notification, delayed notification (what's that?), daily and weekly notifications. I think i'll go for "daily" but that ain't good either - sometimes i check my mail in the morning, sometimes in the evening - it's fine when there is an immediate notification as soon as the first reply comes, but all subsequent replies should not trigger a notification for that same topic again, untill i read it again. I am member in several forums and usually it works that way..... maybe there's a tiny glitch somewhere.

Best regards.....


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