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Where Do You Go For Factual Unbiased News And Views ?


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I used to think BBC but their reporting now is not up to par - often their facts are out of date , often showing the previous days closing prices for markets in Asia which are already up and running . and their < BBC World > programming is a disgrace . CNN is better but with an American slant .

I was watching a program on UBC tonight showing a shot of Notting Hill in London , it was possibly Brent Cross but not Notting Hill , so what and who do you believe ?

On tv not a lot ? papers FT ? Internet ??

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I used to think BBC but their reporting now is not up to par - often their facts are out of date , often showing the previous days closing prices for markets in Asia which are already up and running . and their < BBC World > programming is a disgrace . CNN is better but with an American slant .

I was watching a program on UBC tonight showing a shot of Notting Hill in London , it was possibly Brent Cross but not Notting Hill , so what and who do you believe ?

On tv not a lot ? papers FT ? Internet ??

Here, of course :o


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Al Jazeera is the best English speaking news channel in LOS.

You can get any newspaper you want online, though most in England are a waste of webspace.

Why not give the mass media a miss and become ignorant to the social and political problems of the world, its one of the best aspects of leaving your motherland.

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I agree the BBC is not as good as it used to be. Their APac page is very poor and weeks out of date.

Not sure that its possible to be unbiased - everyone has some sort of agenda.

I think the best thing is to dip into as many sources as possible. I visit BKK post, Channel News Asia, CNN, BBC, Straits Times, etc. on a daily basis.

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Totally unbiased is a pipe dream, an impossibility actually. I am sure you do understand that. Any newspaper, magazine, TV channel, internet news service or blog will colour the output, even if they do not think they do. But of course many do on purpose as well.

My main source of world weekly news, politics, finance, business, science and the arts (the last one I skip through fast, since I am a cretin at heart. But there are some good book reviews though) is of course The Economist, the old British weekly. Very reliable and factual, but of course biased, since they confess to a liberal and free trade policy world. So they will naturally be slanted towards those ideas. But they are open about it, and will let any other view come through.

I still think The Economist is one of the pillars of solid and reliable information. Read it, ponder it, and then read something with a different view. Then make up your own mind and opinion.

Good readin'!

Edit: Cleaned up language.

PS: I think the online version is found under economist.com, check it out.

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Online, I usually check out fox news, cnn, msnbc, bkk post. BBC world for TV, but that is the only news channel I get in my apartment. International Herald for a newspaper. That way I get a wide variety and get everyones slants on the news.

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If you want the best of the BBC you have go to their website and listen to the radio! Radio 4 and World Service radio (nothing to do with the crappy TV channel) are available to listen live or to listen to old programmes up to 7 days.

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I use Fox news for its fair and balanced reporting.

If I'm on the UK, I like to get my news from The Sun newspaper.

I think The Sun provides a good mix of politics and naked women.

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I find Reuters to be alright and relatively unbiased in their reporting. There was an issue with one of their freelance photographers editing photos awhile back to give them an anti-Israeli slant, but they no longer accept his photos.

Edit: Should mention, if there's one to avoid, it's Fox. They have a reputation for putting a right-wing spin on their information.

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I use Fox news for its fair and balanced reporting.

If I'm on the UK, I like to get my news from The Sun newspaper.

I think The Sun provides a good mix of politics and naked women.


I think that the great thing about Fox, The Sun, and similar media sources is that they don't use big words too much and they don't require the reader or viewer to have much fancy-book-learning. They offer black and white answers to complex problems and provide me with informed opinions which impress my friends in the local gun club.

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You make knock it but The Sun is the most important newspaper in the UK come election time, and is an exceptionally succesful business.

At least the Sun knows its not to be taken too seriously whereas the Mail and the Express are filled with the same crap yet they lay claim to be written by informed journalists.

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You make knock it but The Sun is the most important newspaper in the UK come election time, and is an exceptionally succesful business.

At least the Sun knows its not to be taken too seriously whereas the Mail and the Express are filled with the same crap yet they lay claim to be written by informed journalists.

The Sun does offer what many in the British public want; moral outrage, pornography, football results, and free bingo. Of course it's a success.

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TV news I prefer BBC. Although it's not as good as it used to be it is not as bad as some maintain. Some people accuse any media putting forth views that don't align with their's of being biased and politically slanted. But then some people cannot understand that there is always an alternative viewpoint.

Newspapers? Other than the Bangkok Post online, or hardcopy if I'm in Thailand, I rarely bother particularly with papers. Sometimes I'll hit the Telegraph website but mainly for the sports.

Anyone who thinks Al Jazeera is unbiased has gone way beyond cloud cuckoo land. Living proof that some journalists will sell their soul to the devil if the price is right.

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As a wise man once said;

It says here that the unions will never learn

It says here that the economy is on the upturn

And it says here we should be proud

That we are free

And our free press reflects our democracy

Those braying voices on the right of the house

Are echoed down the street of shame

Where politics mix with bingo and tits

In a strictly money and numbers game

Where they offer you a feature

On stockings and suspenders

Next to a call for stiffer penalties for sex offenders

It says here that this years prince is born

It says here do you ever wish

That you were better informed

And it says here that we can only stop the rot

With a large dose of law and order

And a touch of the short sharp shock

If this does not reflect you view you should understand

That those who own the papers also own this land

And they'd rather you believe

In coronation street capers

In the war of circulation, it sells newspapers

Could it be an infringement

Of the freedom of the press

To print pictures of women in states of undress

When you wake up to the fact

That you paper is tory

Just remember, there are two sides to every story

Billy Bragg

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As a wise man once said;

Billy Bragg

Is not a wise man but a vote rigging champagne socialist whose never done a days manual work in his life, but for some bizarre reason thinks he can speak for the working man.

He's a good business man and capitalist who lives in a mansion in Dorset.

PS hasnt The Sun back Nu Labour at the last 3 elections

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As a wise man once said;

Billy Bragg

Is not a wise man but a vote rigging champagne socialist whose never done a days manual work in his life, but for some bizarre reason thinks he can speak for the working man.

He's a good business man and capitalist who lives in a mansion in Dorset.

As compared to the other social commentators who all devote their time to manual labor while not given their opinions? Just because the man made a success of his life, through his music, doesn't mean that he can't remember where he came from? Can it?

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I saw RT, Russia Today, on satellite in one of the apartments. Sure its biased, but I caught a glimpse of an interview with Bout's wife after his arrest as well archive interviews with the man himself. Then there was a program about Baltic countries honoring "war heroes" who fought for Nazis in WWII and coverage of Serb riots in Kosovo.

At the same time there was Larry King on CNN and some other crap on BBC, nothing interesting.

In this day and age you need to synthesise various sources to get an idea what has actually happened.

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As for FOX NEWS dont make me laugh!! :o

Fox news? The mouthpiece for the Bush administration and the Republican National Party. I hope foreigners are not passing judgement on Americans based on the type of "news" seen on this channel.

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My prefared news source is the BBC Radio 4 program, not just for news but also for anlysis. In the printed media my News Paper of Choice is the Herald Tribune.

But I think it is important to take news from multiple sources, so I do view other news channels and read other papers from time to time.

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As for FOX NEWS dont make me laugh!! :o

Fox news? The mouthpiece for the Bush administration and the Republican National Party. I hope foreigners are not passing judgement on Americans based on the type of "news" seen on this channel.

I was told that Fox news is as American as apple pie and anyone who disagrees with it is either a communist or terrorist?

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