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Where Do You Go For Factual Unbiased News And Views ?


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I find Al Jazeera English News the most up to date, I also watch BBC, but have found many times that 'breaking news' on Al Jazeera is not on BBC untill the next day.

If they were commercial station it would be upto date, but as they are paid for by the British taxpayer they can do whatever they want and know they will still get paid.

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For many years, I was dedicated to the BBC's radio and TV news services. They were really head and shoulders above everyone else. However, over the past decade, the relentless creep of political correctness in their broadcasts has just become too much to take. I don't find their reports to be biased politically (conservative vs. liberal) so much as that their choice of stories to cover in the first place. It seams that every other story is about global warming, some starving kid in Africa, or exploited child labour in India. Also, all their special reports or documentaries also seem to be confined to these topics. These are important topics but they just run them into the ground. They take EVERYTHING too seriously and their Malthusian "the world is coming to an end" world view I've grown tired of hearing. In some ways, I think that CNN is now a more informative and has better production values to boot.

But their political masters in the UK would after all not welcome stories about floods in the UK (due to global climate change & government lack-of-investment in flood-controls despite previous disasters ?), or starving kids in Britain (one-in-four children living below the poverty-line - after a decade of socialist government failed to eliminate this ?), or low-prices for made-in-China-by-political-prisoners bread or circuses at Wal-Mart Asda (where most of the employees are on/close-to minimum-wages).

The Emperor Has No Clothes ! :o

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Interesting thread !

Most of the previous posters are probably native UK/Ireland/US/OZ/NZ born/speakers/readers.

I am not, and being from a small country, I can NOT rely on my own language news reports, whether radio, television, newspapers, magazines or web, SO:

I TRY to find and get (hopefully) factual and unbiased news from several sources on a daily basis, like (not in particular order):

* Bloomberg (also lots of normal news, outside business news) although US coloured

* Reuters, also US influenced of course

* BBC website, which I find to be quite informative, also about lots of other countries but still a little coloured

* Frankfurter Allgemeine; a serious German newspaper but also website, quite 'straight'

* NZZ - Zurich based website, quite straight, but sometimes also coloured...of course

* CNN & BBC World news channels; CNN of course coloured as heck... BBC so-so but I don't have other access to English channels other than normal BBC channels.

* China Daily website, of course also coloured and influenced by Beijing

* Market Watch (Dow Jones) business news.

Personally I think billions of people around the world are heavily influenced by their local news sources, mainly newspapers and Television. That's because MOST people do NOT speak or read more than one (their own) language.

One (we) cannot blame them to look different upon the world than we do.

The Russians have a different opinion about Europe and the USA than someone from Sidney, London or Madrid.

The Americans have a different opinion about Europe, Russia and China than someone from Shanghai, Cairo or Rio de Janeiro

The Africans have a different opinion about South America than............................

We are ALL influenced and it's EXTREMELY difficult to find totally factual and democratic news if there is any.


Where do you find the time to go through all that shit everyday?

Edited by enyaw
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Anyone who thinks Al Jazeera is unbiased has gone way beyond cloud cuckoo land. Living proof that some journalists will sell their soul to the devil if the price is right.

How naive. Who told you journalists have souls?

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I really think the bias angle is overplayed. Of the UK papers, sure The Sun news is pretty laughable (but that's obvious to anyone with eyes), yes the Telegraph (UK) is right leaning, yes the Guardian (UK) is left leaning, but it's not like all the news is distorted to reflect ulterior political motives - it's naive to think that. It's important to distinguish between commentary, features and hard news. I find very litle difference in the hard news coverage across the board. There are only so many ways you can skew a story like ''50 die in motorway pile-up''. If, however, you read a piece headed ''How Arafat became cool again'', you know it's going to be mostly opinion and not fact. Mostly any subjectivity a serious news source has is reflected in the choice of story it carries and the prominence afforded it.

or something

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...There are only so many ways you can skew a story like ''50 die in motorway pile-up''...

Really? Let’s try a few UK examples:


Major crash: Labour fails to spend continuing road tax increases on motorway safety schemes.


Major crash: Despite increased Labour spending on road safety and multicultural drop-in centres, road accidents still occur. Global warming may be to blame.


Major crash: Celebrity (with big tits) tells of how she was nearly on the road that day.


Major crash: Too many cars on the road being driven by Polish plumbers.


Major crash: This never happened when everyone was still driving Bentleys


Major crash: House prices not affected.

News of The World

Major crash: Was the Lizard Man to blame?

Any more?

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I get RSS feed from BBC just to know what's happening, I rarely read the articles themselves. What for?

I can't waste half a day on some prince doing royal duty in Afganistan.

To me the presidential campaign in the US is the only thing of any importance, and I check on its progress every couple of months.

These days news are like spam, you'd better think how to dispose of it rather than how to select what to read.

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Nobody picked FOX news?

FAUX News is for the brain amputated.

You are obviously a minion of the axis of evil.

I think he is looking for a quick trip to udon to take part in a "special" camp - beware the black helicopters

black helicopters? who's pilots are dragged dead and naked through the streets? like in Mogadishu? :o

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Major crash: Celebrity (with big tits) tells of how she was nearly on the road that day.


Although I do think the Guardian entry should read: ''Mojar Crsh''.

Whoops! Of caurse it shuld.

ARF? ?Acute respiratory failure. TLAs confuse me.

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Here, of course :o


Certainly NOT HERE. Thai visa, does not allow opposing views. They like to stay best friends with whoever is in power in the Land of Smiles. No problem, as long as you keep in mind that in real life ou cannot please everybody. Sometimes you need to take a stance unless you are running a business without principles.

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Try these web sites, particularly information clearing house. The main stream media are so biased to government and corporate views its unreal. Still massively under reporting casualties in Iraq and lets not forget they sold that illegal invasion to the world too. BBC news drives me nuts, how anyone thinks it has left wing bias is beyond me. John Pilger is the greatest reporter out there and has been for a long time. He used to write for the Mirror when it actually had real stories in it :-) There is a man who writes it as it is rather than skirting the truth to avoid upsetting the powers that be. Pity there aren't many more like him.





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Where do you find the time to go through all that shit everyday?

I have the same 24 hours as anybody else; the advantage I have, is, that I don't have to work anymore. Retired so to speak. :o


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I use Fox news for its fair and balanced reporting.

If I'm on the UK, I like to get my news from The Sun newspaper.

I think The Sun provides a good mix of politics and naked women.

I like Fox news but their constant adverts (or for us overseas viewers their "Here's something our overseas views may find interesting" news extras :o namely padding whilst the adverts in the US get aired is really starting to drive me bonkers.

Seems like 50% news and 50% adverts/news extra items AWFUL. As a consequence "coming up" items of news can take half an hour before getting there and by that time I have often given up waiting .



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As a consequence "coming up" items of news can take half an hour before getting there and by that time I have often given up waiting .



I don't have Fox News, but have the same problem with the networks that I do watch. It is a common tactic to keep you watching.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Where Do You Go For Factual Unbiased News And Views ?

Actually I prefer to go to a Pub. At least the bias is less skewed and/or completely lost depending on the condition of the other patrons. And the topics have already been edited down.

TV in Thailand



both heavily topic limited (CNN more so) and heavily skewed toward "political correctness" geez what a surprise. And international topics lacking

Newspaper in Thailand

Bangkok Post

The Nation

both have topics heavily edited away from politics (possibly censored as well)

Radio (for those of you that remember the media)

Best for wide international topics is

VOC (Voice of China)

Radio Singapore

Austrailian Radio International

VOR (Voice of Russia) (only been able to recieve this N of BKK)

all of these of course are availible online.

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Where Do You Go For Factual Unbiased News And Views ?

Actually I prefer to go to a Pub. At least the bias is less skewed and/or completely lost depending on the condition of the other patrons. And the topics have already been edited down.

Brilliant ! :o

Welcome to Thaivisa !


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An added bonus with D-W TV (German TV) is that many of their announcers/news readers are real babes...expecially the cutie brunette bombshell who does the sports on weekends :D

Due no doubt due to political correctness run amuck, all the female newsreaders on the BBC are all middle-aged frumpish hags :o

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Due no doubt due to political correctness run amuck, all the female newsreaders on the BBC are all middle-aged frumpish hags :o

The same thing is true at CNN. FOX News has the babes! :D

I hate to be the one to tell you but Ann Coulter is actually a man, NTTAWWT

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Due no doubt due to political correctness run amuck, all the female newsreaders on the BBC are all middle-aged frumpish hags :D

The same thing is true at CNN. FOX News has the babes! :D

I hate to be the one to tell you but Ann Coulter is actually a man, NTTAWWT

I wouldn't be suprised, but there are plenty of real girls worth taking the chance of going blind. :o

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