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U.s. Income Tax (preparer Or Account)?


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Wed 26 Mar 08, 1:33 p.m.

Good Afternoon All,

Does anyone happen to know of an Account or tax preparer who does U.S. Income taxes? The closer to Khon Kaen, the better . . . but could just as easily get done by phone and e-mail from anywhere in Thailand, I reckon.

I have a very simple return, with depressingly little money to report :o . However, this year, I have a couple of minor wrinkles, that while simple, are critical, and I need to know how to show them on the tax forms properly.

Any info appreciated.

Thanks, lah!



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This guy advertises here in Bangkok to do US tax returns. Dan Gordon: 089 521 0941. I dont know him but I have seen his ads around for several years. Maybe he can help you. Their is also a company here in Bangkok called Taxplan run by J Rooney but I misplaced his card so dont have his contact info. Maybe another poster can supply it.

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I don't think we can advertise anyone here. I don't know Dan Gordon, but if he has been here awhile then he should know local issues. Jim Rooney is a good friend (of many) and can be found easily (he is in the Manorah building near Watsons, on the same block as the Hyatt). Lanny has been very helpful to many of us on TV and if you do a search on TV for info on US taxes, you will find Lanny easily. I don't know him, but he knows what he is talking about.

If your return is not that difficult, you can download TaxCut (H&R Block software). It is not expensive, and many use it.

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And don't forget that if you do not live in the US, and do not spend more than 35 days a year there, that you can claim the foreign earned income exemption on your first ~$80,000 of earned income. does not cover things like investment though, only earned income.

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I use Lanny Williams.

I don't do the brakes on my cars either & there is a reason for that.

No seriously folks, doing taxes is look pulling teeth (for me at least), and so I pay (a lot) to have them done by someone else. (and cross my fingers)

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I would advise try taxact first. It is available from free to a nominal price. If you feel it can not do what you want then is the time to call for help.

Thanks, guys, for the replies!



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I use expattaxes.com for my returns.

Be forewarned, my taxes are straightforward, not huge burden. While I was hesitant to give someone my entire information after looking on the web, I asked them for recommendation and spoke with another person who also would recommend them, thus why I am putting them here. I recently got offered another job in a different country and asked for tax advice regarding the need to pay US taxes and they gave me exactly what I needed to know, with in 24 hours, which let me negotiate in a 5% raise based on their information.

Obviously, I am not affiliated with this company, but if the mods feel necessary, delete it, and PM me and I can give you web address.

Mostly I took them as they are cheap. I don't need someone to charge me 1000 USD for a simple service, as I was quoted by quite a few already.....

All of these, of course, are not in Thailand, you just email them the information, on a spreadsheet....

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