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It's hot here and I sweat a lot. So much so that I'd say it borders on medical, but beyond that I also have very sensitive skin.

In my daily walking, movement and work I tend to build up a bunch of moisture in the groin area. With the sensitive skin this makes me very prone to heat rash, rubbing and skin abraisions which can go from unfomfortable to painful. Furthermore just due to the humid nature of thaialnd and the ability for bacteriana and fungus to grow in this region there is the occasional bout with Tinea Cruris (jock itch).

I wear shorts, bathe appropriatly, and do what I'm suppoesd to, to keep clean but still I get skin irritation.

Current underware is cotton boxer-breifs, I have a few Dry-fit (clima-cool , insert trade name of your choice here) golf shirts and they seem to do nicely in terms of wicking away the sweat.

Does anyone know of, can recomend mens unerware that is of a similer moisture wicking ability? Brand and Availibility?

What about Underarmor?? Will be going to the states in June and can buy there as well.

Furthemore just any good tips for how to keep the groin area dry and irritant free in Thailand?

Furthemore just any good tips for how to keep the groin area dry and irritant free in Thailand?

shave your balls and go commando. seriously. ditch the underwear completely.


A tried and trusted remedy for this sort of skin irritation is applying a generous amount of Prickly Heat powder to the sensitive areas.

It will smart, but it may well do the trick.

Repeat as necessary.

A tried and trusted remedy for this sort of skin irritation is applying a generous amount of Prickly Heat powder to the sensitive areas.

It will smart, but it may well do the trick.

Repeat as necessary.

Ouch :o


I have 2 pair of Jockey briefs made of moisture-wicking material aka dri-fit etc. Expensive at over $30/pr.

They work as advertised regards wicking, but it's not like your groin area will be powder-dry! As well, since they are underwear, you are wearing overwear and that severely impacts the performance of the material. Evaporation requires air movement to work well.

I rarely wear them, prefering boxers. Much more comfortable and reasonable air circulation.

Shaving and going commando? :D Boxers are almost commando and shaving makes the problem worse. An attractive trim is the answer. :D The hair in that area performs anti-abrasion duty.

You could try switching to PH-neutral body washes. Dettol makes one soap-free and neutral. Label is in thai but soap-free and neutral in english.

If you get a rash, use the medication at least 2-3 weeks to make it really go away.

The powders work well for comfort but can't fix a problem.

And the no-brainer for hot climates...wear shorts as much as possible during the day. Save the long pants for evening wear and trying to impress hi-so women. :o


A Shaved Scrotum Is Simply Scrumptious!

From The Hair Removal Experts At Bodworx International

Save $37.00 Right Now On Our Scrotum Shaver And Trimmer



There are many people of both sexes who would agree that a shaved scrotum is simply scrumptious!

And while a shaved scrotum really is not that hard to accomplish, there are a few things anyone shaving a scrotum should know to get the best results.

1) A shaved scrotum should not even be attempted unless you're totally awake, alert and straight. The skin of the scrotum is extremely thin and soft, which means it will be much easier to hurt yourself while shaving.

2) Trim any long pubic hairs down to a stubble before you shave your scrotum. And don't dull your razor's blade, use a pair of sharp scissors or a hair trimmer instead.

3) Wet, soft hairs will pull less and be much easier to cut cleanly with your razor's blade, so soak in a hot tub for a while before you begin shaving. You'll see - Your shaved scrotum will thank you by not becoming irritated.

4) Some males prefer to shave their scrotum outside of the tub:

For a well shaved scrotum, you'll need an easy and clear view. Set up some comfortable seating, with a clean towel, in front of a mirror. Make sure there's plenty of light. You need to be able to see the individual hairs.

Have a table or something on the side where you can place another clean, dry towel and a container of warm water to rinse your razor. And allow your razor to soak in the warm water for a few minutes before you start shaving.

A shaving cream or gel will initially feel cold and this will cause your scrotum to become tense, shrink to a much smaller size and create a harder skin surface. These males say it makes it much easier to get a smoothly shaved scrotum.

But - If you've had ANY kind of a reaction to shaving creams or gels when shaving other parts of your body, you definitely don't want to use them for scrotum shaving. Remember, this skin is unlike any other part of your body and very sensitive.

5) Some males prefer to shave their scrotum while they're in the tub:

Use an oil such as Tea Tree, Mink or plain mineral oil for the smoothest shaved scrotum possible. These oils will create a super slick surface for your razor's blade to glide across. Just be sure not to allow your blade to slip ... Even just a small nick to the scrotal skin will bleed profusely.

6) Regardless whether you choose to obtain a shaved scrotum in or out of the tub, ALWAYS use a new blade in your razor EVERY TIME you shave your scrotum. A dull blade will pull on the hairs and agitate the hair follicles so that your scrotum will end up looking more like a pin cushion. No one wants to feel or see that.

7) Gently stretch and flatten the skin of the scrotum with your free hand and start slowly shaving towards the inner thigh with the other.

8) Don't press down on your razor or repeat strokes in any one area or your shaved scrotum will get that pin cushion effect.

9) Once you're sure your shaved scrotum is completely smooth, rinse well with warm water to remove any lingering lubricant.

10) Now - it may not sound at all appealing, but the after effects will be well worth it - Rinse your shaved scrotum with cold water. Doing so will close and calm the jangled hair follicles, which will limit any bacteria from entering them, thus preventing irritations.

11) Don't rub your shaved scrotum dry, pat it gently with a clean, soft towel.

12) Lightly dust your shaved scrotum with a talc free powder or just regular cornstarch to absorb moisture and oils. In fact, it's a good idea to do this after you wash your shaved scrotum on a daily basis. It will go a long way towards limiting itching.

13) If at all possible, shave last thing at night so you can just climb into bed without anything on. If not, at least wear some loose fitting boxer shorts to limit friction against your newly shaved scrotum.

If you follow these steps, you'll find that you'll have that shaved scrotum that is simply scrumptious!

NOTE: Most electric shavers are not suitable for shaving the scrotum. They will only pull the hairs and anyone, even females, can imagine how much that will hurt.

However, Kelly Danvers of Indianapolis, Indiana says he's found the perfect tool to get a perfectly shaved scrotum every time, without all the hassles and heartache other hair removal methods produce.


Forget the jocks/boxers and get some ''Bepanthen" ointment...it contains lanolin and almond oil....and is used for babies and sensitive skin. Ive spent most of my life in the tropics and this has saved me from the dreaded ''tropical rot'' an many occasions.


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