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Thai Honesty


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I've had several incidents where I have been surprised and shocked. Not because they were Thai returning the lost items but in general I'm just very pessimistic about getting lost things returned.

1. About 2 months ago I was on Silom at Soi 17 doing some banking business. About 2 hours after arriving back at my condo on Satorn I received a call from my office. Apparently some tailor (Tommy's Tailor) had found my wallet in front of the store. My airline ID was inside so they called the office which in turn called me. Credit cards, crew ID, and about 7000 baht all in the wallet. I did not even know it was missing! Quickly ran over to Silom and tried to give the shop keeper a tip but he refused. He made me promise that I would recommend his shop to passengers. No problem at least I know they are honest!

2. After coming back from a particularly horrendous 12 day multi city hop I jumped in a taxi at the airport. Dumped my bags in the front and the back. After arriving back in my condo about 1 hour later the door was knocked on and it was the security from downstairs with the taxi driver. I had left my flight bag in the trunk which also had my passport! I tipped him very generously.

Both times I was not even aware I had lost the items untill they were returned!

Now I won't go into detail about the rip off's I've had living here which also has been a few! I'd like to just think about the positives at the moment!

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It is special because if you read this forum you mainly read complaints and this is kind of nice.

Had a transaction with an honest cashier in Thailand. Definitly worth posting about.

I knew it wouldn't be long before one of Thailand's two most miserable expat inhabitants came on this thread, with a bullshit comment like that. The only thing I couldnt decide is whether it would be PadThaiGuy or emperor tud.

Congratulations . . . .you win the prize for the most miserable *** on thaivisa.

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It is special because if you read this forum you mainly read complaints and this is kind of nice.

Had a transaction with an honest cashier in Thailand. Definitly worth posting about.

I knew it wouldn't be long before one of Thailand's two most miserable expat inhabitants came on this thread, with a bullshit comment like that. The only thing I couldnt decide is whether it would be PadThaiGuy or emperor tud.

Congratulations . . . .you win the prize for the most miserable *** on thaivisa.

Surely PadThaiGuy is not a real person Bendix, I always thought it was you winding us up???

no one could be that miserable, and still live here!

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It is special because if you read this forum you mainly read complaints and this is kind of nice.

Had a transaction with an honest cashier in Thailand. Definitly worth posting about.

I knew it wouldn't be long before one of Thailand's two most miserable expat inhabitants came on this thread, with a bullshit comment like that. The only thing I couldnt decide is whether it would be PadThaiGuy or emperor tud.

Congratulations . . . .you win the prize for the most miserable *** on thaivisa.

Mr. Bentdick, Why are you calling these guys SOB's. No need to be rude just because you can (like me). Get my meaning. They are entitled to their view without a crude remark from anyone. You of course can disagree and say so with some respect (yes I know you may say you were only joking). Otherwise this site may degenerate and be worthless to anyone.

Back to the topic. I personally have had positive and negative experiences with Thai honesty in equal measure. I can thank them or forgive them and move on. The main gripe I usually ever have is the lack of courtesy and respect from some Thais. But that is another story.

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Mr. Bentdick, Why are you calling these guys SOB's. No need to be rude just because you can (like me). Get my meaning. They are entitled to their view without a crude remark from anyone. You of course can disagree and say so with some respect (yes I know you may say you were only joking). Otherwise this site may degenerate and be worthless to anyone.

Back to the topic. I personally have had positive and negative experiences with Thai honesty in equal measure. I can thank them or forgive them and move on. The main gripe I usually ever have is the lack of courtesy and respect from some Thais. But that is another story.

Thank you for your invaluable feedback, all of which I will completely disregard. No, really, it was very helpful.

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Surely PadThaiGuy is not a real person Bendix, I always thought it was you winding us up???

no one could be that miserable, and still live here!

Close, but no cigar steve

I am, in fact, responsible for only emperor tud's posts. To get myself in the mood for them, i whip myself into a frenzy of righteous indignation over several hundred perceived (and completely imagined) injustices that have happened to me since I came here, put on an old-egg stained cardigan and slippers, turn down the tv blaring out reruns of Coronation Street, and get on here to have a lovely old whinge.

Sadly, I think I went too far when I made up the story of being sexually harassed at the airport. Until then I was half believable; now I'm afraid I've taken the joke too far . . .

Edited by bendix
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Not really about honesty but whenever a Thai got to give me money back is when they

calculate the total amount wrong , they always need a calculator and still got it wrong .

I am always happy to prove they are wrong once again .

Sometimes they charge me too small , and then the honest farang who I am give them

the extra dosh , wonder how much income they loose with it ......

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See how hard it is to keep this up, guys?

Can you imagine the energy it takes to post a reply to my own post, and yet pretend that I'm ignoring myself, while all the time keeping an eye out for what I'm saying about . ummm . . myself?

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Bangkokrick, don't get too used to that. You were just lucky, so don't get too excited. They were probably puzzled because most of the customer in Thonglor are thais and they usually check the bill with great attention before paying. She was just probably feeling suspicious or guilty.

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OK, bendix, enough is enough. Thanks for your valuable insights, and please be sure to let admin know about your multiple nicks and the egg-stained cardigan :o

I agree with Mark Lamai, there are honest people everywhere but.... since so many threads on this forum focus on the negative, it is a refreshing change to hear good things.

I could tell you all about the time I accidentally put our bank book in the mailbox in front of the post office (on a Sunday no less) and how the lady across the street from the Post Office went in, got the manager and got my bankbook back for me. Or about the time I forgot all my housekeys in a shop in town and how the next day I went back looking for them, with no idea where they were, to get them returned.

But those stories might make me look like a bit of a dingbat, so perhaps not :D

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See how hard it is to keep this up, guys?

Can you imagine the energy it takes to post a reply to my own post, and yet pretend that I'm ignoring myself, while all the time keeping an eye out for what I'm saying about . ummm . . myself?


Bendix, you need to take some higher doses of your medicine. :D Otherwise you are going to become very ill.

I think this is refered to as dissociative identity disorder , which is also sometimes known as multiple personality disorder. :D

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Let's see, I have lost two mobile phones in taxis – never to be seen again.

I dropped a mobile in a naughty bar, only to have the staff chase me down the street and return the mobile.

I dropped my mobile phone (or had it lifted) in a high end Thai bar, and after a day of sending SMSs pleading for its return, finally sent one that said I would pay 4,000 baht to get the phone back, the bar floor manager returned it then next day – I will admit, I stiffed on the payment.

I have had change not returned on many, many occasions – once was told it was already placed in the tip jar and too late to get it back. <deleted>?

I have, on many occasions, told the staff they forgot to charge for an item – 50% of the time I was thanked for doing so, the other 50% I wish I had just kept the money.

I have been overcharged on many, many occasions – how many of those were intentional, I don't know.

My maid has never stolen from me, and I have seen many a crumpled up thousand baht note on the kitchen table after she fished it out of a pocket in my dirty laundry.

My best friend's maid stole from him - twice!

My first landlord swindled me out of 4,000 baht. My second land lord tracked me down to return 2,000 baht I was simply going to write off. My third landlord took me for 6,000 baht.

An accountant at my last company was fired for embezzlement. Our current accountant it too honest, holding up reports because of 100 baht discrepancies.

All in all, looks pretty much like other places I have been.

This is all on money honesty. However, when it comes to white lies - Thais lie a lot more than Westerners.

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However, when it comes to white lies - Thais lie a lot more than Westerners.

I hope you don't count the Farangs living in Thailand, I have never before heard so much BS and lies as when I came to Thailand and met some of the honourable Farangs that resided here.

The ammount of eccentric millionaires, Special Services, Navy Seals, SAS, Green Berets, Karate Black Belts etc etc propping up the bars in Pattaya is quite staggering. I can even remember an supposed Astronaut...lol, No Kidding, the Old Pattaya hands may remember Astronaut Dave. :o

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However, when it comes to white lies - Thais lie a lot more than Westerners.

I hope you don't count the Farangs living in Thailand, I have never before heard so much BS and lies as when I came to Thailand and met some of the honourable Farangs that resided here.

The ammount of eccentric millionaires, Special Services, Navy Seals, SAS, Green Berets, Karate Black Belts etc etc propping up the bars in Pattaya is quite staggering. I can even remember an supposed Astronaut...lol, No Kidding, the Old Pattaya hands may remember Astronaut Dave. :o

Best post yet on this thread,

I have came across some right characters, as Andy McNab said "I once met myself in a bar, jeez I look different in the mirror"

I was in the Navy, now work offshore. Never knew the Navy was so overmanned down the Falklands by the amount of guys with a sigh "You have no idea" or the amount of guys searching for oil inland in West africa while carrying M16, SLR or ???AK47. Pattaya is full of special forces...........................................

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Pattaya is full of special forces...........................................

Yes, and they are all in the Volunteer police. Haven't you seen them at roll call on Saturday night at the entrance to Walking Street? :o

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In my experience, the poor Thais are very honest...when it comes to small things, like sunglasses, small change, over charging etc, but tempt them with big baht and watch them turn into sharks.

With falangs, just watch out....they will rob you blind!!

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Sometimes predictability can be a bit depressing.

When I began reading this thread, I found it gloriously refreshing but could not help waiting for the hammer to fall.

Then Bendix showed up...

As experienced as most of us are on these forums, why do we allow the 'beasts under the bed' to alter the flow of any working, reasonable thread? If all it takes is one crude poster to alter the flow, what does that say about us?

I have had more positive honesty-related experiences in Thailand than otherwise but that has been my experience over my 50+ years of traveling the world. UG posted earlier about simply being aware of where you are which is true in any country - hang around the tourist traps and you are sure to be baited, while 'country folks' will treat you better than they treat themselves with no thought of reward.

We just finished a 2.5yr battle (including twice in the courts) with the previous owner of this house we just bought - an egregious thief who rips literally everyone off daily, but I see him not as a 'Thai' gangster but simply a jerk who belongs in jail.

Other than that, I have been long gifted by wonderfully honest and gracious people in this country (my home of choice) and even yesterday as I closed up my apartment downtown and the lady office manager handed me back money that she had unintentionally overcharged me for electricity last month. Another experience was a mini-mart owner who closed down her shop while she searched for my house for hours because she had short-changed me by fifty Baht. I didn't have a clue and she earned not only my total respect but as much business as I can give her.

Granny and Grandpa, and my Mom, had this thing about honesty. "The one thing that will bring you the most disappointments, and the greatest rewards, is honesty. If you tell a lie, even a seemingly trivial one, the loss of your credibility with others is absolutely nothing compared to the loss of your own self-respect."

It became, and remains, my cardinal rule...

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Sometimes predictability can be a bit depressing.

When I began reading this thread, I found it gloriously refreshing but could not help waiting for the hammer to fall.

Then Bendix showed up...

As experienced as most of us are on these forums, why do we allow the 'beasts under the bed' to alter the flow of any working, reasonable thread? If all it takes is one crude poster to alter the flow, what does that say about us?

It seems you started reading the thread at post #30.

If anything was predictable, it was post #29.

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Sometimes predictability can be a bit depressing.

When I began reading this thread, I found it gloriously refreshing but could not help waiting for the hammer to fall.

Then Bendix showed up...

As experienced as most of us are on these forums, why do we allow the 'beasts under the bed' to alter the flow of any working, reasonable thread? If all it takes is one crude poster to alter the flow, what does that say about us?

It seems you started reading the thread at post #30.

If anything was predictable, it was post #29.

Oops, lemme check...


Had a transaction with an honest cashier in Thailand. Definitly worth posting about.

Wow, how could I have possibly missed that?!?

After reading it I had to go wash my eyes out with soap! Lye soap!

Okay, back on topic - and be honest - are you expressing some personal prejudice that really has nothing whatsoever to do with this particular thread?

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Sometimes predictability can be a bit depressing.

When I began reading this thread, I found it gloriously refreshing but could not help waiting for the hammer to fall.

Then Bendix showed up...

As experienced as most of us are on these forums, why do we allow the 'beasts under the bed' to alter the flow of any working, reasonable thread? If all it takes is one crude poster to alter the flow, what does that say about us?

It seems you started reading the thread at post #30.

If anything was predictable, it was post #29.

It's not worth explaining it to him, jackspratt. Some people just don't get it.

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However, when it comes to white lies - Thais lie a lot more than Westerners.

I hope you don't count the Farangs living in Thailand, I have never before heard so much BS and lies as when I came to Thailand and met some of the honourable Farangs that resided here.

The ammount of eccentric millionaires, Special Services, Navy Seals, SAS, Green Berets, Karate Black Belts etc etc propping up the bars in Pattaya is quite staggering. I can even remember an supposed Astronaut...lol, No Kidding, the Old Pattaya hands may remember Astronaut Dave. :o

Not sure if you just wanted to take a smack at Westerners in Thailand - some are nuts, some are thieves, but there are a lot of us who are good, hard working people fed up with Western ways or here because our company sent us - but I think it is safe to say I am speaking of Westerners in general you handsome man.

Edited by Furbie
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Sometimes predictability can be a bit depressing.

When I began reading this thread, I found it gloriously refreshing but could not help waiting for the hammer to fall.

Then Bendix showed up...

Haven't you realized yet? He is paid by Admin to keep it interesting. :o

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It is special because if you read this forum you mainly read complaints and this is kind of nice.

Had a transaction with an honest cashier in Thailand. Definitly worth posting about.

I knew it wouldn't be long before one of Thailand's two most miserable expat inhabitants came on this thread, with a bullshit comment like that. The only thing I couldnt decide is whether it would be PadThaiGuy or emperor tud.

Congratulations . . . .you win the prize for the most miserable *** on thaivisa.

Why don't you add somthing to the conversation instead of derailing it into the gutter.

Typical English Hooligan with nothing better to do than throw around the insults.

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It is so dangerous to generalise.

There are good and honest people everywhere.

In my recent car accident, in which I was almost certainly at fault, the Thai man whose car I hit, came with his family to visit me in hospital to see if was O.K and he was very concerned and kind to me. My insurance covered all the damage, but my wife offered him some cash to cover his out of pocket, uninsured expenses, and he asked her if she was sure she could afford it. :D

The police Captain who came to the accident site and handled the case was also extremely polite and helpful. Although I was supposed to sign the witness statement before the cars were released, it was all done without me, and when I was well enough I went to the station and signed my name. He was very polite to me and no 'under table' payments were made.

It sort of goes against the stereotypical situation in Pattaya whereby any farang involved in an accident is screwed royally by the cops and anyone else who happens to be involved. :o

Ive been stopped 3 times by the Police in the last 8 weeks all times they have been polite and joked a bit about my car covered in Liverpool stickers (borrowed it) no problems just showed my licence and go.

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