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Is There Any Counseling For Depression In Chiang Mai

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  • 3 months later...
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has any one heard of a counselor /therapist named David Foster? im comeing to phukett cahlong bay soon and am seeking relationship counselig for me and my girlfriend . if anyone has heard of him or know of any other doc please contact me or leave a mesage on the board.

Thank you


Hi Chris, I am also looking for information about David Foster. Did you get any feed back from your

post. If so please let me know as I would like to hear about his work in hypnotheripy.

Many thanks


Their websites both claim to be Christian. I don't think that they are trying to hide that fact.

However; their staff are expats and ican be easier to talk with someone from the same cultural background as you even if religious affiliation is not the same.

In any case, they do seem to offer a lot of services. I have no direct contact with these groups (only through friends) so you'll have to make your own decision on whether they are useful or not.

The people (counsellors) might be caucasion but that's not really going to help if half the couple in question is a Thai "as I imagine that they are"

If that is the case (that the wife is Thai) I would have to go with the Thai guy who was recommended early on.

Gestalt Therapy as in or developed and popularized by Fritz Perls also had quite outstanding results. But the likelihood of it ever having surfaced in Thailand would be slight to nothing.

I have to admit that I failed to see the date when this thread was opened and thought it was a recent / new one, consequently it might be all done and dusted by now. Hopefully so.

I would still lean towards a Thai counsellor / psychoanalyst / psychotherapist as being the one to consult if a Thai is involved.

  • 1 month later...

I have received counseling at the Cornerstone clinic. While there was no overt christian proselytizing there was a subtle push. Like you need a support group, maybe a church - but after I gave my opinion of churches then no more push.

But now I am asking for couples therapy for me and my Thai boyfriend and was refused - they will not council gay couples - it's a private clinic but that seemed unprofessional to me.

Every counselor is different of course - you know the bias and can make your decision.


Its sad that there is not more help out there. Its needed here. Suanprung Mental Hospital is not as bad as I first thought. It does offer counseling, group counseling and anti depressants. The skill set is not stunning but truly its better than nothing. Most Thais I have spoken to would never go there as they feel that if they went to seek help this would label them insane. With the suicide rate the highest in Thailand you would think Chiang Mai would have more help available.

The north has the highest rate of suicide in the country according to the seminar ā€˜Update on Suicide Prevention: National and International Experienceā€™ held at the Chiang Mai Orchid Hotel on the 11th 12th October. The seminar was attended by 150 psychiatrists and medical officers working related to this.

The suicide rate in the north is over 15 per 100,000 people, doubling that of other parts of the country. Somchai Chakaphant, director of the Mental Health Department stated that suicide is connected to other severe diseases such as HIV and depression. The number of patients with depression in Saun Prung Psychiatric Hospital has increased from 3,721 10 years ago to 4,755 only 4 years later, which is only expected to increase in this region.

  • 6 months later...


Does anyone have any experiences of which place was beneficial?

From other threads these main doctors names seem to pop up:

Professor Dr. Chamlong Disayavanish


Dr Phairat Pruksachatkunakorn

Any experience of these docs or other recommendations?

Its for a Westerner, not a Thai.




Does anyone have any experiences of which place was beneficial?

From other threads these main doctors names seem to pop up:

Professor Dr. Chamlong Disayavanish


Dr Phairat Pruksachatkunakorn

Any experience of these docs or other recommendations?

Its for a Westerner, not a Thai.



I know that my parents go to a female couples therapist in Spokane, Washington USA, who sometimes volunteers at this place called "The Well." True, it is a Christian organization and the therapist is Christian. My parents are staunch atheists, however, and find no problem working this therapist, and vice versa. I don't believe the therapist is in CM now, but I am sure someone else there could help you in the same way. If you would like, you can PM me and I can ask my folks to she if she can recommend someone who is currently working in CM. Let me know. Good luck :)


Insensitive and off-topic comments deleted (and, sorry, that include those posts quoting the insensitive and off-topic posts).

This is a thread for those looking for mental health help. If you have prejudices regarding this, keep them off this thread. This is not the place to air inconsiderate unhelpful viewpoints.

Thank you.

  • 2 weeks later...

I would give a high rec to the well. I know a few people who have gone there. The counselor was a man named Roger. No religion was pushed. If you want to have a Christian based session they will, if not they don't. I have heard of people getting marriage counseling as well as teens. They normally do it on a donation basis, what you can afford. Hope this helps.

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