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I've heard in the grape vine (Thai/Farang community) that my ex-Thai-wife is in custody and being deported back to Thailand.

Is there any way I can confirm this?

Any suggestions

Many Thanks



An Internet troll, or simply troll in Internet slang, is someone who posts controversial and usually irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community ...

I am asking a very simple question Mr ClaytonSeymour Senior Member Group: Advanced Membersicon7.gif

There is absolutely nothing controversial about my inquiry nor irrelevant or off-topic.icon9.gif

All I want to know is how do I find out if the information I have heard is hear say or the truth.icon5.gif

There is nothing troll about what I am asking.


You go on a net forum to ask how you might go about finding out if your ex wife is being held by one of the finest police/immigration forces in the world and you aint a troll?

OK so you must be mildly retarded, simply put pick up the phone and errr dial your local police force who will provide you with numbers of the immigra, hombre


Agreed there is nothing trollish about the op so lets not start making trouble. op I suggest calling the home office.

An Internet troll, or simply troll in Internet slang, is someone who posts controversial and usually irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community ...

I am asking a very simple question Mr ClaytonSeymour Senior Member Group: Advanced Membersicon7.gif

There is absolutely nothing controversial about my inquiry nor irrelevant or off-topic.icon9.gif

All I want to know is how do I find out if the information I have heard is hear say or the truth.icon5.gif

There is nothing troll about what I am asking.

I've read your other posts & if not a troll, you're certainly a bitter man.

Sorry, I've only your side of the story & I wouldn't help you if my life depended on it.

I've read your other posts & if not a troll, you're certainly a bitter man.

Sorry, I've only your side of the story & I wouldn't help you if my life depended on it.

Sounds like a guy that was screwed over by his ex. Not too unusual there. Now he hears that maybe she might have been picked up to be deported and after everything he has been through he wants to see if it is really true.

Is he bitter, probably, but I would be also if I went through what he says he went through.

Divorces can get real ugly at times. Had a friend that got a divorce who's wife was claiming that he always beat her. I never in all the years I knew them saw her ever treated badly in any way. The guy is the most gentle person I know and I have never seen him lose his temper in the 35 years that I have known him. She was getting some advice from some feminazi womans group and lawyer during her divorce and just came up with this abuse claim to make it better for her and to get custody of the kids. She would come and break windows at the house that he moved into after separating. Would throw trash all around the lot. He had it all on video. She came to the house and when inside started yelling for him to quit hitting her. She was yelling and screaming pretending like she was being beaten so the neighbors would hear. He was standing there with a video camera filming the entire thing. I have seen the video and she looks CRAZY in the video. That shows you just how far gone she was. Sad thing is even with all the video evidence, he still got taken to the cleaners and lost custody to the wife. Was making $4500/month and after child support (5 kids) he was down to around $1500 for him to live on after he paid child support. After about 2 years he got custody of the kids because they refused to return to their mother's trailer (yes she moved out of their large house into a single wide trailer) and would run away when returned because they did not like all the new boyfriends that would come over all the time and the lack of care and everything.

Since you have not heard his ex's side of the story, you would not help him if your life depended on it? Why can't you just take him at his word that what he says happened? It is not like he is asking you how to kill her or something. I a woman came to you claiming that her husband beat her all the time and she has heard that he was picked up by the police and she wanted to know how to find out if it was true, would you tell her that you will not help her and tell her until you have the chance to hear the husbands side of the story, and then make your decision?


It amazes me sometimes, the sheer biterness on this forum. So many people are so quick to slag off posters..... i wonder if a percentage of this community are made up from retired slouches who having nothing to do all day in nakhon knowhere aside from engaging in fights on a forum.

A guy posts a simple question. One guy replies with troll. Another refers to OP's previous posts. The latter guy states 'wouldnt help you if my life depended on it'..... for christs sake, if you suspect him of being a troll, or would prefer not to answer his question out of personal distaste for the guy, dont reply!!! Go and do something more interesting!!!!

Yes, the UK has one of the finest police forces in the world..... that is precisely why the guy cant just phone up, out of the blue, and say 'hmmm, hello, is my ex wife in prison?'.


Ok I phone the Home office and ask if ******************** has been deported then? I think they will not answer that question as I think it comes under the Data protection act.

If one notice only the women who have been involved in prostitution or working illegally are mentioned in newspapers not over-slayers yet their names are not mentioned.

You guys are great in giving info on how to bring in foreign people to a country but when things go bad you guys have not got a clue.

It just goes to show you Mr ClaytonSeymour what an unhelpful person you really are for an Advanced Members and as a Senior Member Group you really show your true self.

It is true I had DV thrown at me and also my ex made claims that I bought her in the UK to be used as a sex slave. I’m pretty sure she mentioned all of my male friends and male relatives in her claims of sexual abuse. I am exceedingly angry that a woman who I shown kindness and affection used lies after lies and insults about me and my family just in order to gain a British Passport through the claims of DV and rape.


On page 8 of this form it actually encourages the applicant to name people.

You guys are so quick at making out that the White British Man is the evil monster and that Thai woman are angels of purity. Well I have no criminal record and my conscience is very clear and so are my friends and family. You have to think a little harder to what this nasty Thai woman has done. She has not just made me hate Thais but also hundreds of people whom I know now hate Thais as well. I lost a lot of money, my pride and my faith in people for when I come to Forums like this who just balderdash crap at me well I think what a lot of horrible people there are out there in the world.

Many thanks again Mr ClaytonSeymour


Can sombody please answer my question

I've heard in the grape vine (Thai/Farang community) that my ex-Thai-wife is in custody and being deported back to Thailand.

Is there any way I can confirm this?

Any suggestions

Many Thanks


unless you even try to call the home office then you wont know what they will or wont tell you but if she has been deported then they are the only ones who will know for sure or else try asking some of her thai cronies

I have deleted a bunch of stupid posts & unless you can all be civil I will close this topic.


There are very strict rules about the detention of someone before removal, and I have to say that very few Thai Nationals are actually detained.

You need to call the Immigration Removal Centres that hold females, ask for the Immigration Team, tell them that you are the husband of ******* and they will tell you if she is there.

The IRC's that hold females are Yarls Wood - 01234 821300, Tinsley House - 01293 434963 and Dungavel - 01698 395063.

Good luck


Even if the OP wasn't referring to his own situation then why cannot members here offer some advice if they happen to have something pertinent to say ? Then the topic would remain available for searches should anyone in the future need to access this information quickly.

We get trolls sure, but not all questions that are too far outside some people's thinking boxes come from trolls.

I for one think it is an interesting topic. Brings to mind some posts from yesteryear about a guy who was advised to go to the police station and tell them that he was no longer responsible for his Thai wife, well short of her ILR and that whatever she got up to in the UK, he would not be responsible for. She could just as easily have headed down the deportation route.


Dear poster, if you are divorced as you say, what do you care if she is deported or not . What's the difference? I guess you are worried she might try to track you down and pester you or worse. If that is so I can understand why you are a little concered. Do you need to go into deep hide? I mean what's the worst thing that can happen to an estranged westener in Thailand at the hands of his ex?? OMG..run! save yourself!


The Governor has suggested contacting the Immigration Removal centres, but even if they are prepared to divulge the information, you may well not discover anything, for 2 reasons:

a) She may not be in an Immigration Removal Centre, she may be removed direct from whichever police station to the airport.

b She may have concealed her true identity.

Thailand is a lot more relaxed about taking its nationals back than many other countries, so when Thai illegals or overstayers are picked up by the police or Immigration, if their passport is not recovered they can be removed on an emergency paper issued by UK Immigration staff. This means that removal can take place in a matter of a day or so, and often the offender is picked up from the police station and put on the flight. If the offender chooses to conceal their true identity, it doesn't make a great deal of difference, presumably they sort themselves out with Thai Immigration when they get back to Bangkok. If UK Immigration take their fingerprints before they are removed, then the deception may show up if they succeed in getting back here and are caught again. It does happen. In the future, fingerprinting of visa applicants will weed out such people.

I would suggest that if the OP knows when and where the lady was arrested he tries asking the Custody Desk at the relevant Police Station. He will have difficulties, though, getting the info out of them, particularly if she has given a false name.


I phoned up the Home Office and after going through a new answering service which is like doing a multiple-choice exam I came to no conclusion as I was informed that the information I wanted was protected by the Data Protection Act.

I phoned a few detention centres and they did look and said that the person I was looking for has not been to these places.

I then phoned Border and Immigration Agency in the region I live and they said too through data protection they cannot help me. They also said what ‘Eff1n2ret’ has just posted that the person might have gone through a Police Station and used a false name. And if you ask why would she do that? So the bitch can come back to the UK again with another one of her victims doing the same marriage scam.

Maybe these situations might highlight what a peculiar scenario immigration, marriage, spouse visa the Law and divorce can create when concocted with lies and deceit.

I was and have been very much against ID cards, now my mind has changed I want to see ID cards introduced ASAP especially for immigrants and spouse visa because of the type of people that there are out there.

I am now none the wiser and I’ll forget about the whole thing. But I will support the bringing in of ID cards.

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