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Samui's A Great Place

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Just returned from Samui on Saturday it had been eighteen months since I was last there. Even in that short time the amount of changes that had taken place was scary. I have been going to Samui since 2000 (three times a year) but I have to admit that this trip will be the last, I much prefer other areas of Thailand. Don't get me wrong there are some beutiful areas of Samui that you can stay but........... nothing that other posters have not said.

Great memories time to move on.

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...edit........ However the west side of Samui (between Lamai and Nathon) is still relatively untouched and unpopulated, whereby many areas still have the charm and beauty which make living/visiting here a pleasurable experience. There is a fine balance between "progress" vs quality of life...and hopefully this can be achieved before all the islands unique natural beauty disappear into a cement mixer.

Fully agree, well, then is still time to take the ticket... for a ride... but till then enjoy!

I see all the development also partly as an advantage!

At the earlier times there was one Dentist, one Surgeon, 3 "super"markets (in Nathon), by far not as much choice as of today... so what!?

If I want to be alone, I know where to go... and won't tell! :o

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Having spent 6 days in Samui last week, i can safely say that Samui is a DUMP !! roads, traffic, construction and the general dirtyness of the place !! how do you people live there?? what is so great about Samui?? I have lived in Nakhon Si Thammarat for 5 years and i thought it was a shit-hole of a place UNTIL my trip to Samui!! I first went to Samui 12 years ago and it was still nice, but nowadays its a mess......... :o:D

This is a thread about how great Samui is. Maybe you should start your own 'Samui is a dump' thread!

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Having spent 6 days in Samui last week, i can safely say that Samui is a DUMP !! roads, traffic, construction and the general dirtyness of the place !! how do you people live there?? what is so great about Samui?? I have lived in Nakhon Si Thammarat for 5 years and i thought it was a shit-hole of a place UNTIL my trip to Samui!! I first went to Samui 12 years ago and it was still nice, but nowadays its a mess......... :o:D

This is a thread about how great Samui is. Maybe you should start your own 'Samui is a dump' thread!

By the way he is talking Suegha nothing is good enough for him in Thailand.

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Having spent 6 days in Samui last week, i can safely say that Samui is a DUMP !! roads, traffic, construction and the general dirtyness of the place !! how do you people live there?? what is so great about Samui?? I have lived in Nakhon Si Thammarat for 5 years and i thought it was a shit-hole of a place UNTIL my trip to Samui!! I first went to Samui 12 years ago and it was still nice, but nowadays its a mess......... :o:D

This is a thread about how great Samui is. Maybe you should start your own 'Samui is a dump' thread!

By the way he is talking Suegha nothing is good enough for him in Thailand.

Well spotted rooo!

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As stated in the Phangan thread as well, either you like it or you don't but I don't see the need for aggressive and trollish posts that seem designed to inflame rather than contribute to any kind of discussion.

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Having spent 6 days in Samui last week, i can safely say that Samui is a DUMP !! roads, traffic, construction and the general dirtyness of the place !! how do you people live there?? what is so great about Samui?? I have lived in Nakhon Si Thammarat for 5 years and i thought it was a shit-hole of a place UNTIL my trip to Samui!! I first went to Samui 12 years ago and it was still nice, but nowadays its a mess......... :o:D

This is a thread about how great Samui is. Maybe you should start your own 'Samui is a dump' thread!

Great idea!! will do that :D:D

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As stated in the Phangan thread as well, either you like it or you don't but I don't see the need for aggressive and trollish posts that seem designed to inflame rather than contribute to any kind of discussion.

I have a feeling we won't see you post a similar opinion on the Phangan thread. Three pages of defending it and now that its Samui's turn to be bashed you are very open minded. :o

Edited by koheesti
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I think the trick here now is to find a place to live that you feel will not be encroached upon by development too much.

I live in the best place in Samui. This is not an exaggeration as far as location goes. Part of this, aside from the stunning view from the front overlooking the water, which is about 50 meters away, is that although there are two new resorts nearby (one not finished), and the landowner is building three more smaller units behind me about 30 meters away, there is no way anything can be shoehorned into the place where I am, in front or to the sides. At night I can see the whole sweep of Lamai and the foliage is so dense that I can't see much of the other dwellings (three, basically in the line of sight).

Of course I am not so naive to think that one day, in spite of the fact that the landlord is sinking money into new units, that the whole place won't be sold to some conglomerate and razed.

Samui's progress is unstoppable, but unfortunately done willy-nilly. Everywhere on earth will be developed that is worth the effort, but some places use common sense planning strategies to embark on this. Not in Thailand.

That's the real rub.

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As stated in the Phangan thread as well, either you like it or you don't but I don't see the need for aggressive and trollish posts that seem designed to inflame rather than contribute to any kind of discussion.

I have a feeling we won't see you post a similar opinion on the Phangan thread. Three pages of defending it and now that its Samui's turn to be bashed you are very open minded. :o

???Sorry, I guess you fail to understand my post. As a moderator I am suggesting that people tone down the aggressive tone and trollish nature of some posts. The fact that you feel the need to respond in this way merely underlines my point.

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As stated in the Phangan thread as well, either you like it or you don't but I don't see the need for aggressive and trollish posts that seem designed to inflame rather than contribute to any kind of discussion.

I have a feeling we won't see you post a similar opinion on the Phangan thread. Three pages of defending it and now that its Samui's turn to be bashed you are very open minded. :o

???Sorry, I guess you fail to understand my post. As a moderator I am suggesting that people tone down the aggressive tone and trollish nature of some posts. The fact that you feel the need to respond in this way merely underlines my point.

Topic boys and girls, we are only on page 2, its to early for the "piss-contest".

Samui is a great place. Thats the topic. Please give us more examples of whats great. There is another thread about "samui is a dump" for the posters that. And maybe we open a thread about "bach me verbaly and i bach you back and we try to see who can last the longest". :D

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As stated in the Phangan thread as well, either you like it or you don't but I don't see the need for aggressive and trollish posts that seem designed to inflame rather than contribute to any kind of discussion.

I have a feeling we won't see you post a similar opinion on the Phangan thread. Three pages of defending it and now that its Samui's turn to be bashed you are very open minded. :o

???Sorry, I guess you fail to understand my post. As a moderator I am suggesting that people tone down the aggressive tone and trollish nature of some posts. The fact that you feel the need to respond in this way merely underlines my point.

Actually, you're right. I did misunderstand your post. It's not always clear when a mod is posting as a mod, and when they are posting an opinion as a regular poster. In other words, which hat you were wearing at the time you made the post. I never would have commented if I thought it were a moderating comment.

BTW - I was wrong because I looked back at the KPG thread and your last post was a similar call.

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Guess a couple of pictures will answer it all..

... a reminder for all those who may have forgotten and to the critics who may have made holidays on the main road, in Tesco's...or got stuck at the bar in their hotel...

somewhere near Lamai




Tong Nai Pan


looking north from Chaweng Noi


Mae Nam loking north towards Ko Phangan


Beach at northern End of Nathon


Wat Laem Plai at sunset - before the Construction of the Disney like Deity..


more Mae Nam Beach


Vista from Chaweng Cove across Chaweng Bay..


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Interesting to read the 2 threads.

Should they be merged ?......... :D

Koh Samui it's a Dump

this thread is the counter balance thread, why should they be merged escapes my brain capacity!

its like the story with the Optimist and the Pessimist both looking at the same Glass..... :o

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A lot of the knocks Samui is taking on the other thread are regarding the amount of construction, particularly roads, that is going on. I wonder if these critics are the same that have posted on other threads that Samui is a dump because of the crap dirt track roads, no storm drainage and lack of general infrastructure?

I haven't been to Samui since sometime mid '90's when I liked it. I'd guess if I were to return now there would be things I don't like and things I do. I'd also guess that the good points would tend to outweigh the bad. Two threads one says it's great, the other a dump. The reality is it is somewhere in between, exactly where depends on the observer.

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.... The reality is it is somewhere in between, exactly where depends on the observer.

Certainly, but everyone has a choice!

There are the Cook Islands, Bora Bora, Hayman Island, Turk & Caicos....plenty... if Samui (for some) isn't good enough, it isn't good enough.... that is why I have posted those pic's... :o

as I wrote it's about the half full or half empty glass.... to observers, 2 opinions.. :D

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Guess a couple of pictures will answer it all..

... a reminder for all those who may have forgotten and to the critics who may have made holidays on the main road, in Tesco's...or got stuck at the bar in their hotel...

somewhere near Lamai




Tong Nai Pan


looking north from Chaweng Noi


Mae Nam loking north towards Ko Phangan


Beach at northern End of Nathon


Wat Laem Plai at sunset - before the Construction of the Disney like Deity..


more Mae Nam Beach


Vista from Chaweng Cove across Chaweng Bay..


You showed it all, proving Samui is a dump and not a place for the bashers.... :D The more leave the better it will be.

It's like the old days somewhere in Europe. People said: "we've been to Spain....... what a <deleted> place". When asked, they told me they had been staying 14 days in front of their hotel, in the pool of the hotel, eating miserable hotel food and sleeping in a hot non-airconditioned hotel room, paying low bucks and had a 24 hour delay with the air-carrier...

That was not Spain....it was a lousy place on earth like there are so many in the world, including Thailand or Samui for that matter.

There will always be complainers no matter where you go.

I like the tranquility so I stay tranquil (even on Samui...) but there are loads of people who just love Walking Street in Pattaya with thousands of bars and their 'workers'.

Tourists love to walk up and down in the bluddy heat on Chaweng, kilometer after kilometer.... :o ...not me.

City people (from the West) have problems adjusting to quiet places.....people from quiet places have problems, adjusting to cities..

All in the game.


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Guess a couple of pictures will answer it all..

or got stuck at the bar in their hotel...

Beach at northern End of Nathon


more Mae Nam Beach


Vista from Chaweng Cove across Chaweng Bay..


May be too much in the Bar.

Sorry "Samuian" but, I also take photos that are lob-sided like your :D

Nice Photos BTW :D

Join us in our Photo Section on this Forum :o. They give me that treatment in there also.

Yours truly,

Kan Win :D

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Sorry "Samuian" but, I also take photos that are lob-sided like your :D

Nice Photos BTW :D

Join us in our Photo Section on this Forum :o. They give me that treatment in there also.

Yours truly,

Kan Win :D

One Pic can tell more than a thousand words, isn't it?

i'll give your invitation a thought or 2 - thanxz!

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Well, I don't spend much time on Samui, going to another island for a holiday isn't really my idea of a holiday :o

But, I do go over on the odd occasion to visit Immigration, do some shopping, go to the occasional funeral (my husband has relatives over there). So, in the past 19 years I have picked up some perspectives on Samui; just not the beaches, the resorts, the construction etc etc that everyone else talks about.

I like going to Samui, its nice to have the variety of goods on offer, your Makro is terrific, way better than the Surat Thani Makro. Its fun to go along the ring road and see all the different shops, garden nurseries and variety of restaurants and goods. I prefer to go to Samui to see a doctor (any doctor, tbh) as the quality of medical care there is much higher than here. It is much easier to get around Samui than Koh Phangan if one does not have one's own transportation.

And you have some terrific places to eat there. :D

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Well, I don't spend much time on Samui, going to another island for a holiday isn't really my idea of a holiday :o

But, I do go over on the odd occasion to visit Immigration, do some shopping, go to the occasional funeral (my husband has relatives over there). So, in the past 19 years I have picked up some perspectives on Samui; just not the beaches, the resorts, the construction etc etc that everyone else talks about.

I like going to Samui, its nice to have the variety of goods on offer, your Makro is terrific, way better than the Surat Thani Makro. Its fun to go along the ring road and see all the different shops, garden nurseries and variety of restaurants and goods. I prefer to go to Samui to see a doctor (any doctor, tbh) as the quality of medical care there is much higher than here. It is much easier to get around Samui than Koh Phangan if one does not have one's own transportation.

And you have some terrific places to eat there. :D

Thanks sbk.... Yes, we are up and coming... with time a nice little gem in the gulf...

Love Samui!

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Well, I don't spend much time on Samui, going to another island for a holiday isn't really my idea of a holiday :o

But, I do go over on the odd occasion to visit Immigration, do some shopping, go to the occasional funeral (my husband has relatives over there). So, in the past 19 years I have picked up some perspectives on Samui; just not the beaches, the resorts, the construction etc etc that everyone else talks about.

I like going to Samui, its nice to have the variety of goods on offer, your Makro is terrific, way better than the Surat Thani Makro. Its fun to go along the ring road and see all the different shops, garden nurseries and variety of restaurants and goods. I prefer to go to Samui to see a doctor (any doctor, tbh) as the quality of medical care there is much higher than here. It is much easier to get around Samui than Koh Phangan if one does not have one's own transportation.

And you have some terrific places to eat there. :D

Oooh, the food! Some great reataurants of all sorts of shapes, sizes, types and costs - I love it!

a classic cigar is correct - a gem in the gulf!

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