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My doctor in Korea told me this is no problem as long as you schedule

regular breaks in the injections..like a week or so(depends on dosage and delivery).

You doctor in Korea is leading you astray. If a person's natural testosterone production is suppressed or has stopped due to testorsterone injections, it will take a long time to get it back again once discontinuing injections.

If you are using injections for HRT, then you would really have no need to stop anyway. If you did stop, a course of HCG injections should be given to kick start your own production.

I'm only suggesting Andriol as a minimal way to supplement dwindling testosterone levels - kind of a safe first step to HRT.

Can you at last give us a direction as to where in thailand andriol is " readily available over the counter".Don't talk about the past but at current time.As far as I know is that andriol is a steroid and that these are illegal in thailand,in contrary to what is so often mentioned on this forum as that steroids are legal and readily available in thailand.

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Isn't there a risk of cancer of the gland up your arse? or has this been mentioned???

The gland up your arse, is actually the prostate which is actually located on the output of the bladder to the urethra and it can be felt by a doctor through the rectum wall, especially if it has become enlarged either through a tumour or by another condition called Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia which is a benign enlarging of the prostate that occurs in most men as they age.

Out of date studies linked Testosterone replacement therapy with prostate cancer onset but these have since been discredited and it has been found not to increase the risk of prostate cancer but it has been found to speed up postate cancer growth where prostate cancer is already evident.

In this case before considering taking Testosterone supplements you should have a blood test to check for raised levels of PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) to rule out the possibility of Prostate Cancer, your doctor may want to perform a DRE (Digital Rectum Examination) at the same time (Smile boys) and if in doubt a TRUS (Trans Rectal Ultrasound Examination) which is the same as an ultrasound examination but the ultrasound probe is placed in the rectum to image the prostate gland.

The long and short of it is Don't buy Testosterone supplements OTC until you have completely ruled out the chance of you having Prostate Cancer or you could be inadvertantly speeding up your own death.

Be careful; In November 2006 an Irishman named Denis Anthony Leahy stabbed a bar girl to death in Jomtien. He stabbed her 15 times in the body, 3 times in the face, then slit her throat from ear to ear and fled on a motorcycle.

He later admitted to the crime citing; quote: "that muscle enhancing drugs made him crazy".

How must the 24 year old girl's family feel? He was deported back to the Republic of Ireland after just a few months in Thai prison.

May be due to some other anabolic steroid (there are many) but highly unlikely to be due to Testosterone or the guy was a nutcase anyway and was trying to find a way to account for his actions.

Contrary to what has been postulated in outdated studies and by certain sections of the media, aggressive behaviour is not typically seen in hypogonadal men who have their testosterone replaced adequately to the eugonadal/normal range. In fact aggressive behaviour has associated with hypogonadism and low testosterone levels and it would seem as though supraphysiological and low levels of testosterone and hypogonadism cause mood disorders and aggressive behaviour, with eugondal/normal testosterone levels being important for mental well-being. Testosterone depletion is a normal consequence of aging in men. One consequence of this is an increased risk for the development of Alzheimer’s Disease (Pike et al, 2006, Rosario 2004).

Dr Oliver's clinic offers...

WHO and WHERE the EFF is Dr. Oliver? :D

On third road ...there is a thread about him here with directions..do a search

there's a swiss doctor on third road but his name is Olivier :o

Can you at last give us a direction as to where in thailand andriol is " readily available over the counter".Don't talk about the past but at current time.As far as I know is that andriol is a steroid and that these are illegal in thailand,in contrary to what is so often mentioned on this forum as that steroids are legal and readily available in thailand.

For example at Fascino, one of the biggest pharmacy chains in Thailand.

Can you at last give us a direction as to where in thailand andriol is " readily available over the counter".Don't talk about the past but at current time.As far as I know is that andriol is a steroid and that these are illegal in thailand,in contrary to what is so often mentioned on this forum as that steroids are legal and readily available in thailand.

For example at Fascino, one of the biggest pharmacy chains in Thailand.

have you ever tried to order steroids at fascino?I don't think so.


I'm glad I stumbled on this thread. A few weeks ago a friend of mine told me that he was geting an increase in libedo from Sustanon and I decided to try it after checking it out on the web. (there is tons of information out there) it appeared to me that it was worth a try. I was able to buy it at a pharmicy on second road near the white house. It appears that the price ranges between 150 and 250 per box of three vials. The injection was 50 baht and the clinic where I went for the injection had it also for 150 baht per injection. I've had a couple of injections and haven't noticed any change in energy or libedo.

I'm taking advantage of the special medical check promotion at Bangkok-Pattaya and will ask for the testostorone level test. I did read about the side effects mentioned here in this thread and I agree with the importance of checking natural levels and taking the minimilist approach.

I too would be interested to know if anyone believes that it is effective at increasing libedo or energy. Otherwise what's the point.

I'm glad I stumbled on this thread. A few weeks ago a friend of mine told me that he was geting an increase in libedo from Sustanon and I decided to try it after checking it out on the web. (there is tons of information out there) it appeared to me that it was worth a try. I was able to buy it at a pharmicy on second road near the white house. It appears that the price ranges between 150 and 250 per box of three vials. The injection was 50 baht and the clinic where I went for the injection had it also for 150 baht per injection. I've had a couple of injections and haven't noticed any change in energy or libedo.

I'm taking advantage of the special medical check promotion at Bangkok-Pattaya and will ask for the testostorone level test. I did read about the side effects mentioned here in this thread and I agree with the importance of checking natural levels and taking the minimilist approach.

I too would be interested to know if anyone believes that it is effective at increasing libedo or energy. Otherwise what's the point.

Unfortunately you should have had the levels checked before starting the therapy so you had a baseline level to compare too. The best way forward for you know IMO is to get your levels checked ASAP to see if they are low or normal, then after some time get your levels checked again to see if they become higher, try to acheive levels neare the top end of the normal range and then try to compare your energy and libido levels before and after and that should give you the answer of if it's working for you or not.

I'd be interseted to know the cost of the testosterone test at BPH and how long you have to wait for the results ?

Can you at last give us a direction as to where in thailand andriol is " readily available over the counter".Don't talk about the past but at current time.As far as I know is that andriol is a steroid and that these are illegal in thailand,in contrary to what is so often mentioned on this forum as that steroids are legal and readily available in thailand.

What a load of nonsense!

Steroids are legal in Thailand as long as they are not black market steroids.

Sustanon is a black market import (produced in Pakistan), which is the reason that doctors don't prescribe it as part of HRT.

Andriol is readily available at every pharmacy I've ever been to. Try Fascino for the best price.

Can you at last give us a direction as to where in thailand andriol is " readily available over the counter".Don't talk about the past but at current time.As far as I know is that andriol is a steroid and that these are illegal in thailand,in contrary to what is so often mentioned on this forum as that steroids are legal and readily available in thailand.

For example at Fascino, one of the biggest pharmacy chains in Thailand.

have you ever tried to order steroids at fascino?I don't think so.

Andriol is available everywhere without a doctor's script because it is VERY safe to use.

Other steroids (injectables) can be bought from Fascino with a doctor's script.

You're talking about black market steroids which aren't legally sold in Thailand, and definitely not at Fascino. Having said that, they can still be purchased around town if you shop around. TIT

Can you at last give us a direction as to where in thailand andriol is " readily available over the counter".Don't talk about the past but at current time.As far as I know is that andriol is a steroid and that these are illegal in thailand,in contrary to what is so often mentioned on this forum as that steroids are legal and readily available in thailand.

What a load of nonsense!

Steroids are legal in Thailand as long as they are not black market steroids.

Sustanon is a black market import (produced in Pakistan), which is the reason that doctors don't prescribe it as part of HRT.

Andriol is readily available at every pharmacy I've ever been to. Try Fascino for the best price.

can you please explain to me about black market steroids..............are steroids illegal to buy or not in thailand then as you seem to know.........or are you saying some steroid products are legal to buy over the counter and some are not.is it because some are on a banned to import list or something like that or is there some other reason why you call some black market and some ok??

there are other manufacturers of sustanon other than karachi produced stuff so are they banned....how do you know what is black market and which arent...is there an official list of what is ok.thanks in advance


I want to start by saying I am no expert and in fact have alot to learn about HRT. Also would like to add, you really need to do your own research ! One of the BEST sources to do this is www.lef.org They have alot of information on HRT. In fact they offer a very comprehensive blood test to determine where your levels are. (HAVING YOUR BLOOD TESTED TO DETERMINE YOUR BASELINE IS VERY IMPORTANT ! ) Unfortunately you can only avail of this if you live in the USA. What I did was to take there list of tests they do and try to find someone who could do the same. As I live in Pattaya I went to PIC and BPH. When I showed them the list they were not prepared and if they could do it it would be very costly. The closest I could find was at the Wellness Center at BKK Bumrungrad and it wasn't cheap, but they could preform 90% of the tests needed.

Once I had the results as a member of LEF.org I was able to call them up and speak to a U.S. doctor to go through one by one my levels. First we spoke about supplements and other options. Have to admit I didn't bring up steroids, but I did bring up HGH and he was more than willing to discuss this with me.


Hope this helps.

can you please explain to me about black market steroids..............are steroids illegal to buy or not in thailand then as you seem to know.........or are you saying some steroid products are legal to buy over the counter and some are not.is it because some are on a banned to import list or something like that or is there some other reason why you call some black market and some ok??

there are other manufacturers of sustanon other than karachi produced stuff so are they banned....how do you know what is black market and which arent...is there an official list of what is ok.thanks in advance

It's quite simple really. If you can't buy what you're looking for at a major pharmacy then it's black market. You will never know with 100% certainty if a black market product is the real deal or not.

As far as I know, the only legally sold OTC product is Andriol. All other legal products require doctor's scripts.

Most of the stuff that the bodybuilders use here is black market.

It's not a big deal buying and using black market products for personal use. It's a big deal if you get caught selling it or importing/exporting it.

Any Sustanon that you find is black market.


Several years ago, on a routinue blood screening, my doctor noticed a low testostorone level. He prescribed a gel that I had to rub on my shoulders and chest. I was able to fill the prescription in the US, but have not been able to find this "testostorone gel" in Thailand. I like to stay away from injections and would rather do a gel rather than a pill. Any ideas where I might find a transdermal form of testostorone? Is Fascino's a good place to start?

Several years ago, on a routinue blood screening, my doctor noticed a low testostorone level. He prescribed a gel that I had to rub on my shoulders and chest. I was able to fill the prescription in the US, but have not been able to find this "testostorone gel" in Thailand. I like to stay away from injections and would rather do a gel rather than a pill. Any ideas where I might find a transdermal form of testostorone? Is Fascino's a good place to start?

Without asking Bumrungrad offered it to me. Can't remember exactly, but believe it was 2000+ baht. Really not sure if that is expensive for gel ??? Knowing Bumrungrad it probably is.


Don't waste your money on overpriced, potentially dangerous injections. Go the natural way with tried and true supplements, some of which are ancient Indian Ayurvedic remedies themselves, in use for thousands of years.

The main one for boosting testosterone naturally is Tribulus Terrestris, which is of Indian/Sri Lankan origin, and can be found at Indian health foods stores or (more conveniently) over the 'Net. I take it every day along with some other stuff and I feel great. If I workout, I can put muscle on like I did in my twenties. You won't feel like you're 19 again, but it's a definite improvement.

Refer to this recent topic for more info.

Stay away from doctors and needles in foreign countries, if at all possible...

Don't waste your money on overpriced, potentially dangerous injections. Go the natural way with tried and true supplements, some of which are ancient Indian Ayurvedic remedies themselves, in use for thousands of years.

The main one for boosting testosterone naturally is Tribulus Terrestris, which is of Indian/Sri Lankan origin, and can be found at Indian health foods stores or (more conveniently) over the 'Net. I take it every day along with some other stuff and I feel great. If I workout, I can put muscle on like I did in my twenties. You won't feel like you're 19 again, but it's a definite improvement.

Refer to this recent topic for more info.

Stay away from doctors and needles in foreign countries, if at all possible...

Great, I'll try anything...Where can it be found in Thailnad. I haven't seen any Indian health food stores in Pattaya..otherwise I'll trust Dr Olivier...

The main one for boosting testosterone naturally is Tribulus Terrestris, which is of Indian/Sri Lankan origin, and can be found at Indian health foods stores or (more conveniently) over the 'Net. I take it every day along with some other stuff and I feel great. If I workout, I can put muscle on like I did in my twenties. You won't feel like you're 19 again, but it's a definite improvement.


"T. terrestris has consistently failed to increase testosterone levels in controlled studies.[1][2][3] It has also failed to demonstrate strength-enhancing properties.[4]"


...and read this also !


Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma Longifolia) is also one of those products many companies make a lot of money with.... :o


The main one for boosting testosterone naturally is Tribulus Terrestris, which is of Indian/Sri Lankan origin, and can be found at Indian health foods stores or (more conveniently) over the 'Net. I take it every day along with some other stuff and I feel great. If I workout, I can put muscle on like I did in my twenties. You won't feel like you're 19 again, but it's a definite improvement.

You could also try some potions from the local snake-oil sales ladies and save yourself the postage.


CNN is reporting today that testosterone makes one much more rash/take more risks and traders on Wall Street, etc. are advised to hire more old men and women. So do watch yourself and your money if/when you go to the girlie bars.


Gee, I try to post something helpful and out come the "budding comedians"...

BTW, the FDA has announced that taking Viagra and other popular impotence drugs can cause you to suddenly lose your hearing. Great. I'm sure lotsa guys are just thrilled to hear that (that is, if they can still hear...)

Personally, I've never had to resort to taking Viagra or these other "Franken-pharma" chemicals simply because my regimen works just fine. It's also tried and true as well as totally natural.

It's also amazing to me how so many people these days uphold the publicly-edited Wikipedia as the ultimate source of the truth. I would expand my research horizons a little if I were you...

To each his own...

Gee, I try to post something helpful and out come the "budding comedians"...

BTW, the FDA has announced that taking Viagra and other popular impotence drugs can cause you to suddenly lose your hearing. Great. I'm sure lotsa guys are just thrilled to hear that (that is, if they can still hear...)

Personally, I've never had to resort to taking Viagra or these other "Franken-pharma" chemicals simply because my regimen works just fine. It's also tried and true as well as totally natural.

It's also amazing to me how so many people these days uphold the publicly-edited Wikipedia as the ultimate source of the truth. I would expand my research horizons a little if I were you...

To each his own...

...and the real truth but nothing than the truth, about sexual enhancement articles is .....where, Ballzafire ? :o

It's OK with me if you ridicule other posters and sources but tell us WHERE the truth is beyond your horizon....... :D

Most curious.


It's also amazing to me how so many people these days uphold the publicly-edited Wikipedia as the ultimate source of the truth. I would expand my research horizons a little if I were you...

To each his own...

There's a lot of information available regarding the non-effectiveness of Tribulus Terrestris. Your saying it works for you is not much to go on. .

  • 1 year later...
It's also amazing to me how so many people these days uphold the publicly-edited Wikipedia as the ultimate source of the truth. I would expand my research horizons a little if I were you...

I know this is an old topic, but had to comment on this attack on Wikipedia - yes, publicly edited and not itself a reliable source, BUT, the quote he gave you from there is backed up with CITATIONs from reliable sources - LOOK at the references before you comment please. These are peer reviewed journals. Maybe they do not support the conclusion given, but read them first before attacking something with good references.

  1. Brown GA, Vukovich MD, Reifenrath TA, Uhl NL, Parsons KA, Sharp RL, King DS (2000). "Effects of anabolic precursors on serum testosterone concentrations and adaptations to resistance training in young men". Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab 10 (3): 340–59.
  2. Brown GA, Vukovich MD, Martini ER, Kohut ML, Franke WD, Jackson DA, King DS (2001). "Endocrine and lipid responses to chronic androstenediol-herbal supplementation in 30 to 58 year old men". J Am Coll Nutr 20 (5): 520–8.
  3. Neychev VK, & Mitev VI. (2005). "The aphrodisiac herb Tribulus terrestris does not influence the androgen production in young men". J Ethnopharmacol 101 (1-3): 319–23.

Just out of interest, does anyone know where blood tests can be done - other than the main hospitals. Are there any known clinics? If so, where?

Hey dudes... Dr Oliver will do them. And he assures me that feminization(and other probs)

only occurs in overdose..

Two days after taking the injection(and some vitamins he gave me)

I have noticed an improvement in digestion and energy levels...and

my scrotum hasn't shrunk either :)

but does the new dress fit? :D

Before you start, you need to get your normal base blood hormone levels measured: testosterone, oestrogen, and FSH. Once done, check on internet and find out if they are in normal range. It may be that your testosterone levels are at the lower end of the normal range, or just outside it. In which case try the treatment. But if your blood hormone levels are already well within normal normal range, don't bother. You are wasting your money and, medically, it could cause some serious medical problems, whatever anyone else may tell you.

If you decide to go ahead, after about three months, have your blood hormone levels measured again. You should find that the testosterone levels have gone up - but also the oestrogen. Ther FSH level should do go down. It is very important to regularly measure hormone blood levels, if you are going to start hormone treatment to ensure they stay within range. They will do it for you at Pattaya International hospital, or Bumrunggrad in Bangkok.

The problem is that there is an aromatising enzyme that converts testosterone to oestrogen, and in some men it is more prominent. You could start developing some female characteristics. It will also speed up balding, unless yo are taking proscar, and there are other possible problems.

1. Get your own Testosterone levels checked. They fluctuate massivley, depending on many factors: Normal Range: 250ng/dl to 850 ng/dl.

2. Then check your PSA to make absolutely sure you have no Prostate Cancer, since Testosterone is the "Food" that makes the cancer grow!!! I am sure any responsible Doctor will tell you this point first & immediately!

3. You might still wanna try to influence your energy levels (testosterone levels) with sports and healthy lifestyle, drinking is one of the worst factors!

4. Regular Testosterone injections will have side-effects and can be dangerous, they require constant follow up and monitoring. You will get moody and aggressive, as well as tired and depressed, depending on the point of cycle you are in.

5. Off course most of the Doctors in Thailand will happily inject you. They get a dose (good for 14-30 days...) of Depot Testosterone for about 150 baht and will sell it to you from 8---1200!!! You wanna save buy it yourself in the known pharmacies in Pattaya/Bangkok!

You are playing with your health/life! Few Doctors will be able to explain you all the possible dangers!

Good luck! JL.

If it is well controlled, it's worth trying.

Just adding to what Jessy mentioned...

:) Yes it could cause some serious medical problems, such as Long-term-Mental-Disorder, types of Cancer. That's why it's a control medicine... You should not have it injected unless the testosterone level is too low, and with doctor recommendation!

Seriously Though, my grandpa get it injected, and he has to take extra treatment coz he's got too much of it... :D It doesnt look too good at all, weeks in hospital...

:D Good Luck too all!



Can anyone tell me how long it takes for Andriol to take effect?

It would also be interesting to hear from the original poster? How did your treatment go? How are you now?

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