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Pvc Pump Tubes, High Pressure Waterguns Banned For Songkran


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Didn't we hear the same last year? :o

And the year before that, and the year before that! Goes well with the no-burning laws, helmet laws, no swimming in the moat laws, and, and, and,.......

Good people don't need laws; bad people will disregard laws, and the local police won't bother to enforce them anyway.

Songkran can be fun.... if you want to participate. A stone drag if you don't. You really aren't given a choice in Chiang Mai. If you are outside during the day, you are a fair target.

For Photographers:

Songkran can be a delight for great photos, but remember, most cameras are NOT waterproof.

Most Thais, if they see you have a camera, will NOT throw water at you, but you will probably get some collateral damage from water being thrown at others. Most Farangs, seeing you have a camera, will aim for you....

If you have a small point and shoot you can pick up a vinyl dry bag with an optically clear front and get some great photos while keeping your camera dry. These bags only cost a couple of hundred baht. For the SLR user, we need to have some sort of SCUBA housing to protect our gear, and that tends to run into some money. It might be cheaper for you to purchase a couple of small disposable waterproof cameras just for the holiday. The photos you'll get will be worth it. I welcome water throwers to throw directly at me while I shoot the on-coming water. Makes some wonderful shots. To keep the water droplets from blocking up the lens covers, I rub them with a slice of apple after every few dousings. This seems to break the water tension and the drops don't remain on the lens, keeping them clear for the next shot.

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Your dead wrong 'newby' louissmith...the insanity started when you tourist started comming over to throw water in a rude way. before that songkran was a polite holiday to honor the elders in a gentle way and the Thais saw it as an opportunity to milk your tourist $$$ and make fools of you....5555, the laugh is on you stupid falang who will be a primary target in the free for all. better stock up on your antibiotics!!!!

Uuum, nope - you're wrong! I live in a town that only has a handful of non-Thais...the tourists aren't the one's throwing water in a rude way! In fact, I was so disgusted by how non- 'polite' the Thais were last year that I am staying in for Songkran. Never Again! Insanity! Let the Thais have their fun - I'll see them on the other side of Songkran. Please don't blame tourists....that's just silly.

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Your dead wrong 'newby' louissmith...the insanity started when you tourist started comming over to throw water in a rude way. before that songkran was a polite holiday to honor the elders in a gentle way and the Thais saw it as an opportunity to milk your tourist $$$ and make fools of you....5555, the laugh is on you stupid falang who will be a primary target in the free for all. better stock up on your antibiotics!!!!

Jaideeguy, maybe you should check out songkran at a non-touristy town this year, to learn that in places with none or few farang the 'festivities' are similar and water is thrown as ''rude'' as in your farang area where you got traumatized

To blame the evolution of songkran from a 'polite ritual' to its current state on farang is short sighted

And I dont think you need to stock up antibiotics either, there's plenty available at your nearest 'pharmacy'

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ahhh..... I really prefer and miss the annual Colorado vs Texas tomato war! Water is for wussies!!

And I really miss the snowball fights in Holland in winter.

I always tried to press my snowballs into iceballs, with the help of a few drops of water.

If the snow was really too soft you could always lace the projectiles with pebbles,

Very funny.

No, hilarious.

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all this, just to amuse the tourist and bring them up to CM

It's not just Chiang Mai. I will as usual stock up with food and drink and let the poor unfortunates who have to go on the streets get colds, flu, eye infections, ear infections and - for some - dead. Happy New Year. RIP.

Thanks for your best wishes, since I belong to the group of 'poor unfortunates who have to go on the streets' every day, to reach my work- place!!

Hmmm, fines for manufactures and sellers? Great, let me guess, everybody already has their weapons ready to go and no fines for users? Good luck to us all and let's count the losses after it's over! In Pattaya that will be the 21st of April and not sooner!

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mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm? actually in my last 2 neighbour-hoods not a farang (other than newbie me) stupid enough to be in the are during this holiday, and it was very much a thai festivity of water throwing , and no sublte guns big dirty buckets were more in use.! so is all the water throwing and the farang$$$ responsible for the 200plus road deaths?

Your dead wrong 'newby' louissmith...the insanity started when you tourist started comming over to throw water in a rude way. before that songkran was a polite holiday to honor the elders in a gentle way and the Thais saw it as an opportunity to milk your tourist $$$ and make fools of you....5555, the laugh is on you stupid falang who will be a primary target in the free for all. better stock up on your antibiotics!!!!
Edited by benw10
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with all due respect the madness of songkram like the truly hideous and dangerous full moon party , maybe be exasberated by over enthusiastic holiday makers, but both are heavily sold and promoted by the local thais, who then complain afterwards while counting their $$$, cant have it both ways, farang and thai friends will join in some areas and have a blast, others will fall foul of foul water and bad drug deals. i will shore my self up with tens of illegal dvds cheap booze and use my umbrella as a sturdy shied if forced to buy antibiotics.

all this, just to amuse the tourist and bring them up to CM

It's not just Chiang Mai. I will as usual stock up with food and drink and let the poor unfortunates who have to go on the streets get colds, flu, eye infections, ear infections and - for some - dead. Happy New Year. RIP.

Yeah same insanity,stay safe chok dee,to those who go out,and sorry to say this,but farangs on holiday worst offenders at causing mayhem :o

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Your dead wrong 'newby' louissmith...the insanity started when you tourist started comming over to throw water in a rude way. before that songkran was a polite holiday to honor the elders in a gentle way and the Thais saw it as an opportunity to milk your tourist $$$ and make fools of you....5555, the laugh is on you stupid falang who will be a primary target in the free for all. better stock up on your antibiotics!!!!

Jaideeguy, maybe you should check out songkran at a non-touristy town this year, to learn that in places with none or few farang the 'festivities' are similar and water is thrown as ''rude'' as in your farang area where you got traumatized

To blame the evolution of songkran from a 'polite ritual' to its current state on farang is short sighted

And I dont think you need to stock up antibiotics either, there's plenty available at your nearest 'pharmacy'

Clearly, we Falang didn't turn Songkrahn into what it is nowadays in many places around Thailand! Overestimating our overall Falang influence on Thai culture is as much wrong as Falang beeting up Falang on those issues. We are all in the same boat dear Falangs, some are just too short here to understand.

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I hate Songkran celebrations with a passion I make sure I am never in Thailand for the month of April.

The whole experience is a stupid affair sometimes water is so short and then they go and fill up their oil drums and like terrorists ride around town on the back of wagons soaking everyone in sight no matter what they are wearing. With the 'celebrations' lasting 2-3 weeks in Pattaya it clearly is a no-go zone.

I recall 4 years back it was the first week in April I was riding a baht bus up second road with my 4 year old daughter and the girls on Soi nine (who time this to perfection) threw a whole bucket of water and it hit her 'full on' she screamed as she didn't have a clue what was happening and it took me ten minutes to console her as she was soaked from head to foot in her favourite t-shirt and jeans. The driver felt so bad he gave us a lift all the way home and didn't even charge. She doesn't remember much about being 4 years old but she hasn't forgotten that experience.

Edited by Mr_Pedantic
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Your dead wrong 'newby' louissmith...the insanity started when you tourist started comming over to throw water in a rude way. before that songkran was a polite holiday to honor the elders in a gentle way and the Thais saw it as an opportunity to milk your tourist $$$ and make fools of you....5555, the laugh is on you stupid falang who will be a primary target in the free for all. better stock up on your antibiotics!!!!

Jaideeguy, maybe you should check out songkran at a non-touristy town this year, to learn that in places with none or few farang the 'festivities' are similar and water is thrown as ''rude'' as in your farang area where you got traumatized

To blame the evolution of songkran from a 'polite ritual' to its current state on farang is short sighted

And I dont think you need to stock up antibiotics either, there's plenty available at your nearest 'pharmacy'

Clearly, we Falang didn't turn Songkrahn into what it is nowadays in many places around Thailand! Overestimating our overall Falang influence on Thai culture is as much wrong as Falang beeting up Falang on those issues. We are all in the same boat dear Falangs, some are just too short here to understand.

Surely, my fellow gents and ladies, we can find records about the true meaning of songkhran.

It is not what we see today in many towns. Usually I prefer to stay home during this period of time.

Home, at least, for the Thais it means family.

My first songkhran was in the northen Shan state. Got soaked at dusk again when it was about 15 C. That left traumas I still haven't recovered from. That being my last piece of dry garment.

Now I tread carefully outside if needed.

Did the westerners bring the crazy songran here?

Well, basicly yes. Lashio has a huge chinese population and didn't see any heavy watergun fights there.

Thais buy anything of what they think is western. So here we go again.

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Since this year will be my first experience with Songkran, will the bars and clubs be open as usual?

Also, does anyone else find dumball's reply a bit much?

In case you are referring to Pattaya? Those bars and clubs will be open who are hoping for more profit than the cost of damage repair, caused by the festival! The rest will start their yearly holidays pretty soon!

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Enjoy !

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Surely, my fellow gents and ladies, we can find records about the true meaning of songkhran.

It is not what we see today in many towns.

Yes, and we can also find records about the true meaning of Christmas -- a pagan celebration of winter solstice, which the Catholic church morphed to celebrate the birth of a man who is widely believed to have been born in the spring.

Given that Songkran and Christmas celebrations today have no resemblance to the holidays' "true meaning," I'm not sure what point there is to researching the true meaning.

My first songkhran was in the northen Shan state. Got soaked at dusk again when it was about 15 C. That left traumas I still haven't recovered from. That being my last piece of dry


Did the westerners bring the crazy songran here?

Well, basicly yes. Lashio has a huge chinese population and didn't see any heavy watergun fights there.

As noted by many here, including myself, the Thais play just as wildly in areas where there are few or no non-Thais. The incorrect premise of your conclusion is the reason that your conclusion is wrong.

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Jaidees reply just cements how most Thais view us so called farangs, its blatanly obvious most Thais dont want us there.

but they still dont realise without western investment they'd still be in the dark ages when will they ever learn?.

I kinda feel sorry for them when will they realise we are all the same and untill we learn to get on and respect and love oneanother other we will never move on.

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PVC pump tubes, high pressure waterguns banned for Songkran

BANGKOK: -- Excessive and intrusive waterspray attacking has become popular among some and hated by many during Thailand's annual Songkran Festival, the sale of high-pressure waterguns or PVC pumpguns has been prohibited for Songkran, according to the Office of the Consumer Protection Board (OCPB).

OCPB Secretary General Rasamee Vistaveth warned that the companies who produced or imported such equipment as well as shops offered such toys should be aware that waterguns have been banned under OCPB regulations.

Using modified waterguns such as the PVC pump tube which produces high water pressure, or other high pressure equipment, could cause serious injury to others, she said, adding that spraying water with such toys at people driving moving vehicles such as motorcycles and cars may cause serious accidents.

Manufacturers in violation of the ban can be fined no more than Bt500,000, or face a maximum five year jail term, while sellers face a maximum fine of 50,000 baht or six months imprisonment, she said.

Members of the public can call the 1166 hotline if they see vendors illegally selling the banned water guns, Mrs. Rasame said.

The Songkran New Year water festival is regarded as one of Thailand's the most important traditions and the OCPB encouraged the public to stick to the more polite Thai traditions of splashing water respectfully when celebrating Songkran.

Songkran is the traditional Thai New Year's festival. It falls on the 13th, 14th, and 15th of every April. The government has declared the festival as an extended public holiday, to enable people to return to their hometowns for family reunions, merit-making and reuniting with others in their community.

--TNA 2008-04-04

Same same every year....bla bla bla

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Speaking of Songkran,it appears that I will celebrate SOngkran for the first time.As I plan to take pictures with my SLR, what are the chance that they will also fire me with those water guns, or should I will just leave it home.

it is such a pity that the traditional form of Songkran has all but gone except from the traditional village life - the present form is now just one huge water fight and another reason to get really pissed -- which most tourists do and the local boys the excuse stop young ladies and smother them in a mix of powder and water all over there faces and amazing how the hands find their way down to the breasts -- they guys love it but not sure about the ladies --- so my advice is - rent a few good dvd movies - stock up the fridge and sit back and watch the news on tv for a safer view of the whole crazy festival - dryer and safer ---

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Speaking of Songkran,it appears that I will celebrate SOngkran for the first time.As I plan to take pictures with my SLR, what are the chance that they will also fire me with those water guns, or should I will just leave it home.

it is such a pity that the traditional form of Songkran has all but gone except from the traditional village life - the present form is now just one huge water fight and another reason to get really pissed -- which most tourists do and the local boys the excuse stop young ladies and smother them in a mix of powder and water all over there faces and amazing how the hands find their way down to the breasts -- they guys love it but not sure about the ladies --- so my advice is - rent a few good dvd movies - stock up the fridge and sit back and watch the news on tv for a safer view of the whole crazy festival - dryer and safer ---

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Heh heh- no water guns eh?

That's ok- we've already got the 50 gallon drum that we'll put in the back of the pick-up. How will the poor pedestrians fight back if the powers that be take away they're little squirt guns?! It's gonna be a massacre! Ha ha ha!!! :o

Ya good thinking -- and while your filling up the 50gal drum dont forget to fill up on a few 6 packs of Leo -- good to see that some are keeping up the image of the kee nok farang -- and hey - dont forget the ice in the drum - has a good effect when the icy water hits --- happy songkran -

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Your dead wrong 'newby' louissmith...the insanity started when you tourist started comming over to throw water in a rude way. before that songkran was a polite holiday to honor the elders in a gentle way and the Thais saw it as an opportunity to milk your tourist $$$ and make fools of you....5555, the laugh is on you stupid falang who will be a primary target in the free for all. better stock up on your antibiotics!!!!

beautifully put Jaideeguy -- could not have put it better myself --- reminds me of the soccer mentality ---- fill up on beer - go out and make a total dick head of yourself = better this sort of tourist stays home -- go to a football match and bash a cop -- they way they behave here would result in a decent sojon on jail back where they come from and they just give us long term working farangs who are trying to make a life here an even worse bad name - I could go on but whats the point --- I will be home - save sound and happy, hope some of them have medical insurance - haha

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I will see for myself. This is my first Songkran. There aren't enough farangs up here to influence this water festival one way or the other. I really love the wanna be Thais blaming everything evil in Thailand on foreigners.

well goodluck ArjBill --your first songkran na -- well come back and post a reply == and what do u wanna be -- and i would love to hear what u mean by the wanna be thai blaming -- 100% the comments about the ugly farang are true - but then again - your new here -- Boy will u learn !!!!!!--- happy songkran

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Hi All

Those who dont like it can stay at home but don't ruin it for those that do, let them have fun.

I'm a member of the latter, and no I dont celebrate it in Pattaya or other main tourist place, but in Korat (only seen 3 westerners last year) and it's always a great time whether its having water fights with all the local kids around home or driving into town.

You can't blame the way thais celebrate it now to the tourist, just the same way u cant blame westerners for them having mobile phones, time equals change, and they would still be celebrating it the way they do now whether we were here or not.

If your in an area where there are hundreds of bars, you will get drunken fools there spoiling it, but the drunks are there all the time anyway.

Have fun, dont get too wet 55555


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Hi All

Those who dont like it can stay at home but don't ruin it for those that do, let them have fun.

I'm a member of the latter, and no I dont celebrate it in Pattaya or other main tourist place, but in Korat (only seen 3 westerners last year) and it's always a great time whether its having water fights with all the local kids around home or driving into town.

You can't blame the way thais celebrate it now to the tourist, just the same way u cant blame westerners for them having mobile phones, time equals change, and they would still be celebrating it the way they do now whether we were here or not.

If your in an area where there are hundreds of bars, you will get drunken fools there spoiling it, but the drunks are there all the time anyway.

Have fun, dont get too wet 55555

I agree! Of all the Thai holidays, Songkran is my favorite. I like to enjoy it with my son and watch him laugh and squirt people and get squirted back. He laughs more on this day than any other i think and watching him laugh makes me happy.

For all you expats and tourists who hate it so much. Simply stay indoors, or on your porch or in your sala. Most Thais will respect that you are showing them you don't intend to participate and besides perhaps rubbing some of the white (prickly heat powder) paste on your face, will most likely NOT douse you with water.

ENJOY the day(s) (in Issan it goes on for about a week)

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Speaking of Songkran,it appears that I will celebrate SOngkran for the first time.As I plan to take pictures with my SLR, what are the chance that they will also fire me with those water guns, or should I will just leave it home.
If you don't have underwater housing forget it, I also wear swim goggles, as of one year, I almost lost one eye, don't bring any thing that you don/t want under water, unless u at least use double zip-loc-bags, smile and don't get angry, bring 10s, 20s and 100s,

Not 1000 baht bills, no body has change, And a spare water gun, they always brake before you do, In most areas they stop in around 3 days, Jomtien, Pattaya ride it to the dirt and keep you wet for at least a week, wash off when ever you can, most of the toxic water can cause ear or eye infection, It used to be fun, now it is fun and dangerous, beware of pick pockets, batten down the hatch, have a great time, remember your A B Cs, Always Be Cool, May health and happiness be with us all.

Koto, Keeper of the ocean

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