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Vulgar T - Shirts


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My wife was watching a karaoke DVD, the kind with the Thai mini-soap operas.

Rural girl and boy meet. Fall in love. Boy gets shipped off to the military. Sends letters to girl. Boy gets shipped off to front lines and steps on a landmine. Girl waits for the postal carrier to deliver a letter, but no letters arrive. Girl is pregnant and sad, thinking boyfriend has forgotten her. Boy finally returns on crutches and a leg missing. They live happily ever after.

In one brief scene where the girl is doing chores or something, she's wearing a tee-shirt with the word FU_K in large bold letters. Considering the video, it struck me as very unexpected.

I also think that kids and a lot of older Thais have little to no idea what the meanings are on most of the vulgar or obscene tee-shirts. We see a few people out in the sticks who don't know a single word of English but wear such tee-shirts. I have to guess they just see it as something foreign and stylish but don't have a clue what it means. Shirts with graphic images certainly have to be pretty self-explanatory though.

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I once saw a Thai guy walking along with a short with HUGE letters saying


..IS A


Which is quite an opinion to wear on your shirt..

I have seen this one too, except the wearer was on the back of a motorbike :o

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I once saw a Thai guy walking along with a short with HUGE letters saying


..IS A


Which is quite an opinion to wear on your shirt..

I have seen this one too, except the wearer was on the back of a motorbike :D

Which reminds me of a shirt seen on (some) bikers "If you can read this, then the bitch fell off" :o

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30 years back I remember several girls turning up at college on a monday morning wearing a T shirt with a cute pink furred kitten

picture and the slogan, I've got a pink pussy. Then some idiot explained what it mean't, no more T shirts and a week later a story in the local paper about a market trader being cautioned about selling obscene T shirts!!!! I love England!!!

Also recently seen this worn by a very large woman.....I'm a cadburys fruit and <deleted> case. then in small print underneath. If you find this offensive. <deleted> U get your eyes fixed.

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If Americans can wear army/navy/airforce regalia, then others can wear Osama shirts IMHO.

To come out with such a stupid comment you have to be one of them brainless fools who wears a Che Guevara t shirt, the murdering communist terrorist.

People can wear what they like but if it is blatantly offensive then they cannot cry and plead innocence when they get into trouble.

If i'd seen someone wearing that in England i would have said something in LOS you just let it go.

Typical American attitude. Believe in freedom of expression, as long as it's something they agree with.

For the sake of accuracy, the late Mr. Guevara aka the butcher of La Cabaña aka chancho (so dubbed by his classmates because he did not bathe),the darling of the avant garde, espoused views that are the direct opposite of the "cool" people that sport his image. It's a bit odd to see people of colour or gays wearing his tshirt when it is accepted now that he held discriminatory views of Cubans with dark brown pigmentation and gays. Humberto Fontova, the author of "Exposing the Real Che Guevara and the Useful Idiots Who Idolize Him," provided documentation from Che's diaries and friends that revealed good ole Che. Now some might protest his organized book burnings (who doesn't like a good book burning, it worked for the nazis and does wonders for morale in Iran) or are offended by his constant beating of his female partners, but he was one heck of a great community leader as he personally took care of over 700 "parasites of society' when he killed them. Sure many of them were kids and women, but I can see how some people wearing his portrait would sympathize with his views especially during high season on Bangla Rd. in Phuket. Mind you, he didn't like Elvis and said rock & roll was western poison, so I'm surprised alot of the old western fogies in the LOS don't sport his tshirt as a sign of solidarity with a champion of their views.

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