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Chili Sauce.


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Has anyone found a sugar free chili sauce in Thailand?

The reason I ask is that I like sugar free marinades for BBQ as the sugar burns and the pork goes black.

Tabasco is perfect but it seems a waste to use it for marinade at that price.

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Why don't you make your own? You just need some chillies, lime, garlic and maybe some coriander root and a few of the basic Thai ingredients (or similar ingredients to suit your tastes).

Just a little warning from my experience. If you are using a liquidiser to blend fresh chilies, don't lift the lid and breathe in the fumes. :o:D

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Why don't you make your own? You just need some chillies, lime, garlic and maybe some coriander root and a few of the basic Thai ingredients (or similar ingredients to suit your tastes).

I thought about that but I'd need a recipe for something that would keep a while. I'd like to make about half a pint at a time which would possibly last a couple of months.

I'll do a google anyway.

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Without sugar or too many preservatives it is hard to make something that will last more than a few days. It only takes a few minutes to make up a very tasty marinade so I reckon it is best to make a fresh batch every time. I don't really use recipes so I can't really post one for you to try. It is more a case of putting a few things together and giving it a bash. Then if you find it a bit peppery, too salty or maybe a too spicy you make a mental note to use a bit less of the specific ingredient.

Sorry to be so vague. Please let us know if you find something that suits your needs :o

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