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Beware Of Police


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Dear Mr. M.J.

You know me, I was also present by this lawsuit in the meeting-room of the "Holy Redeemer's School north-eastern region Khon Kaen" school in Khon Kaen on the Chata Phadung Road. I was this day witness by this prosecution of a 14-years old boy from The Netherlands. The accusers in this stupidity-affair are cowardly.,corrupt.,discriminate.,heartless and brutal.

But Mr. M.J. I make a complete report about this injustice affair on my own space and also with photo's.

It's in the Dutch-language... http://spaces.msn.com/inpermpoon/

(placingdate about 12-04-2008)

a single parent and volunteer teacher from The Netherlands.

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You know what, if you do not have the back bone to stand up to someone over an absolute pathetic situation as this one, then you will be walked over all your life.

If you are gullible enough to think you would be dragged kicking and screaming to court over 40 baht, especially when one party has already been caught lying over the 500baht/40baht difference, then you deserve to run away with your tail between your legs.

Take your child out of school, move house, get into a witness protection program even.

A bit harshly put but I have to agree. But then there are many visitors over here who hear and believe the urban legends such as "you have no chance against the police", "if you go to court, as a farang you automatically lose", et al..

I have found the Thai court system to be fairly reasonable - my wife and I twice took a Thai man to court and kicked his butt both times. No prosecutor in his right mind would even consider a case for 40 baht, I don't care how many stories have been told to the contrary, and especially when the plaintiff already admitted to lying! Utter nonsense.

And to move a kid out of a school because the school did not handle the minor bickering of two kids and their parents, seems a bit more 'principal of the thing' (pun intended) than common sense or interest in the child's education.

And why is this thread even on these forums? This could hardly be seen as a reasonable warning to us all to "Beware Of Police" just because of some obscure parent/parent positioning over a childish issue.

A waste of space IMHO, and somewhat of an invitation to confrontation...

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You know what, if you do not have the back bone to stand up to someone over an absolute pathetic situation as this one, then you will be walked over all your life.

If you are gullible enough to think you would be dragged kicking and screaming to court over 40 baht, especially when one party has already been caught lying over the 500baht/40baht difference, then you deserve to run away with your tail between your legs.

Take your child out of school, move house, get into a witness protection program even.

A bit harshly put but I have to agree. But then there are many visitors over here who hear and believe the urban legends such as "you have no chance against the police", "if you go to court, as a farang you automatically lose", et al..

I have found the Thai court system to be fairly reasonable - my wife and I twice took a Thai man to court and kicked his butt both times. No prosecutor in his right mind would even consider a case for 40 baht, I don't care how many stories have been told to the contrary, and especially when the plaintiff already admitted to lying! Utter nonsense.

And to move a kid out of a school because the school did not handle the minor bickering of two kids and their parents, seems a bit more 'principal of the thing' (pun intended) than common sense or interest in the child's education.

And why is this thread even on these forums? This could hardly be seen as a reasonable warning to us all to "Beware Of Police" just because of some obscure parent/parent positioning over a childish issue.

A waste of space IMHO, and somewhat of an invitation to confrontation...

You find that the Thai Justice system is rather fair.

You even won two cases.

Obviously those were civilian cases, and NOT criminal cases.

And besides that, you said it yourself, your wife AND you.

So I guess your wife won, not you!

The warning in this thread is rather obvious, if you want, or are able to see it.

See also my earlier answer.

But it is definitely NOT about bickering between parents!

Why was the child taken out of school?

Because the school gave the choice, you take him out or we will send him out.


Why did the school send him away?


Maybe someone wanted it?

By giving in in the school to the wishes of the off-duty policeman, a hearing in the police station and a eventual hearing by the court/public prosecutor of the boy did not happen.

I think that was a good thing too.

You are right in thinking that the boy would probably not be condemned, or maybe not brought to court at all.

However, what about his visa?

Like I said, I received some advise from a public prosecutor.

Like I also said, there are people in Thailand condemned for even less!

It is definitely not the amount but the deed that makes the case, as it should be.

I rest my case, your honour!

Anyway, greetings to all.

And maybe there are some people who see some light in this thread.

Who knows?

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You find that the Thai Justice system is rather fair.

You even won two cases.

Obviously those were civilian cases, and NOT criminal cases.

And besides that, you said it yourself, your wife AND you.

So I guess your wife won, not you!

The warning in this thread is rather obvious, if you want, or are able to see it.

See also my earlier answer.

But it is definitely NOT about bickering between parents!

Why was the child taken out of school?

Because the school gave the choice, you take him out or we will send him out.


Why did the school send him away?


Maybe someone wanted it?

By giving in in the school to the wishes of the off-duty policeman, a hearing in the police station and a eventual hearing by the court/public prosecutor of the boy did not happen.

I think that was a good thing too.

You are right in thinking that the boy would probably not be condemned, or maybe not brought to court at all.

However, what about his visa?

Like I said, I received some advise from a public prosecutor.

Like I also said, there are people in Thailand condemned for even less!

It is definitely not the amount but the deed that makes the case, as it should be.

I rest my case, your honour!

Anyway, greetings to all.

And maybe there are some people who see some light in this thread.

Who knows?

My goodness, you do get on a rant, don't you? For someone who is shining a light, I think your credibility just lost its glow.

One of my duties during my many years as a mediator in the States was working with the Dept of Education and parents, mostly about assuring that special needs children were getting a proper education and lots of cases where children were removed from a school and parents were demanding answers. It was not uncommon at all for a child to be removed, not solely for his/her actions, but because the school simply could not deal with the parent/parents any more.

This all boils down to a squabble between children over 40 Baht and you are hollering about 'criminal cases' and other such nonsense. We have only your word about the behavior of the other parent but given your behavior in this thread, it would not surprise me in the least if the school wanted your child removed from their institution because of you.

But then, only my view and perhaps I was blinded by the light... :o

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For me, this was a bit hard to follow. Three people claiming to have first hand knowledge, I think.

A few inconsistencies in the story, but maybe not relevant, but didn't I read that the parent was the one who decided to take the boy out of school? And then it was the school who told him to?

I'm almost curious enough to go ask the Director of the school what the story really is.

Someone I know goes to that school and knows the boy, but not well. They told me that some of the story is true, but they didn't know any real details. They told me the boy seemed nice enough, and they don't think he'd steal any money. That of course is just their opinion.

Single53parent said

"The accusers in this stupidity-affair are cowardly.,corrupt.,discriminate.,heartless and brutal."

You do realize, don't you, that the accuser in this case is a 7 year old boy?

BTW, this school has a decent reputation in the community.

For info. Single53parent does not volunteer at this Mahathai school.

Edited by TerryLH
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Everybody knows that if a farang have to go to court, he will lose his case.


Whoever believes this also believes the moon is made from cheese.

This - that the court is always unjust to foreigners - is absolutely UNTRUE and makes me doubt everything else that you have to say. :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Thanks for your reply

I understand that it is bit confusing :D

Me as father have decided that my son not could stay on the school.

(After he was told he have to go from school if he not told the true”)

My son was happy on the school ( many friends) and there is nothing against Mahathai school or to the Principal.

It is only the behavior of this policeman and his treat. :o

Like Hansh said nobody want his son for a hearing ( for something he has not done) on a police station or court, and all problems he can get with his Visa

I was not there the whole meeting because of the distance

Anyhow thanks for your sympathy

Wayan and father

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TLH, I read that also, story ducking and weaving now, trying to dodge the bullets.

Thank god Single53Parent does not teach at that school, did you see his mugshot on the website ? It is no wonder Thai kids cannot speak english if less than perfect english speakers themselves are teaching these kids.

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Bottom line : always stand by your kids if you are convinced that they are right. Do not let them accuse themselves for something they did not do. And if this kind of situation happens, and you are threatened to go to court over 40 baht, well, stand the trial. Truth will come out anyway. But who can really believe that you will be brought to court for stealing 40 baht ???? And yes, as a poster mentioned, make a 50 baht donation, and walk away with your son, who will be so proud of his father ....

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I don't blame the guy.....he decided that he was outnumbered by idiots (power wielding idiots)

Starting a feud with a cop can be literally life threatening.

Pay off the moron, and explain to your son that ......shit happens, and that policemen in Thailand are all corrupt criminals.

Screw going to court, or standing up for your rights.

As my wife says "All the heroes are dead"

That being said.....If it were me in the same situation...I would probably have lost my temper and choked the prick. :o

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Beware of Police :o

This story is about false accusation and threat :D

All fathers and mothers who has a child on a school read this

The facts

My son 14 year/ farang/ Dutch nationality/ looks like Thai because his roots are in Indonesia.

Thai language poor/ English excellent.

Study on a school in Khonkaen “ Boyschool Mahathai”

I ( father) lives about 100 km away

Good friends ( countryman) take care of his son

In the week stay’s in a dormitory at the school to improve his Thai language.

Story ( 3th of April 2008)

During the test for the new school-year a boy of 7 years accuse him of stealing 500 bath.

2 "friends" of the 7 years old boy have seen that.

The teacher told him to go police station, ( I told my son not to do this)

It turns out that the father of the boy is a police man.

It looks to me a not very important matter, my son not steel and not need the money , also my friend told me he was willing to go with my son the next morning to the school.

It turns out there was a meeting.

Principal of the school/teacher/my son/ parents of the boy/ the boy himself and his 2 friends/ my friend and his son who did the translation.

After a moment the boy of 7 was not aloud to stay at the meeting

Then ….some things changed, it was not anymore 500 bath, it was 40 bath

(a boy of 7 years can not have 500 bath of pocket money)

After some time the Police man insist that my son son say’s........ “ yes I have done it” also he insist .......to tell why.

My son refused to do that, “ I have not done it . it is a lie”.

The police man threat him, telling him that he will be send out of the country if he not tell the true.

To put more pressure a other officer arrived.

(In this time I was on my way to Khonkaen.)

The 2 friends of the boy (witness) tell different story’s, the teacher has seen nothing.

My friend becomes a bit angry about so many lies.

After more then 3 hours talking, the police man not wanted to lose his face and was threatening again saying

If you not confess I will go to court.

In this time I was also at the school.

To me it was clear my son can not stay on this school.

Everybody knows that if a farang have to go to court, he will lose his case.

In lunch time we ( my friends and son) where talking what to do, the situation was going out of hand, because of the behavior from the father “police man”, ( A shame for the force)

We decided that my son should say “ yes I have done it” :D:D :D

So he did.... under our pressure, because we not wanted to have this case for court.

The Police man ask him “ why you do” my son answered . “ I don’t know”

Police man again “ why you not tell that in the beginning?”

Answer ( we told him) Language problem and I am afraid.

My son like the school, has many friends, but for me it was impossible that he stay’s on this school,

So I told that Principal of the school, that I was taking my son back home and not was coming back to the school.

All this is only a part of the story, the meeting was over 5 hours, with many talk about nothing.

And all this because a boy of 7 years lie about everything and 40 bath !!!!!! a father who not wanted to lose his face.

I’m very disappointed and :D about the way some people go around with farang, very unpolited no since of reality.And to many lie’s

Well all we know, maybe it is time that all the farang going to Laos or Philippine, maybe that they will understand how much money we bring in to the country.

Please give you reactions, united we can do something this are things who not can happened, to nobody who loves his children.

I will try to send a picture ( we took some picture at the meeting)


The Thai legal system may be up the creek, but it certainly does not take the time to prosecute kids over 40 baht. Why on earth did you sit there for 5 hours???

I hope you are a troll, because this is the most ridiculous story I have ever heard.

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