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I put a application in for a visa for my Thai friend to visit Australia for 2 weeks.

It has come back refused.

It said they dont believe he has the adequate funds to support himself,even though i provided them with a letter of support plus my bank account balance and evidence of my home ownership.

They stated they believe i was genuine and in a genuine friendship and believe that i could support the applicant however they stated they do not believe the applicant may fit the health and character criteria,nor the financial capability.

Theyy also stated that he has no relative in Australia and they believe he may overstay.

i included a intenary,a proposed budget and how he will stay with me but still no visa.

They stated that he provided no evidence of funds and that played a big part as well as health and character,whatever that means.

Well he was upset as really he was genuine,he was only staying 10 days and i followed everything you all said on this forum,including my bank account copy,a letter of invitation a letter of support etc.

Thanks to all those that helped me and those that provide the information,i could not have done it without you,i still believe i done my best to help the applicant,but there was factors there that let him down.

They still want to see the applicants financial details it seems.,regardless if i said i will support him.

They also phoned his employer and it seems they done a check on taxation records to verify his employment which he had only been employed a month.

I will post a copy of the leter when i can,im not sure if they are generic letters.

How many others have had their tourist visa application refused?

Is it worth trying again?

We will now go to Singapore instead for a holiday which could be a help to his next application i hope.


ah yes, Singapore, the refuge of us casualties of modern immigration law (I'm going there too). I wonder what the actual statistics are of applicants like this individual and others, of actually overstaying their visas ...or if it's just some vague amorphous fear these bureaucrats have in Western embassies... Sorry I can't be of any concrete help, i can just commiserate


He was NEVER going to overstay his visa,he was only going to Australia for 10 days.

He is of good character compared to some of the people I see in my country.

He only wanted to go for 10 days .

Anyway he is very upset now so i have told him its best to forget it.

What made me happy is that Ironically they the immigration Dept wrote back in the letter about me that they believe our friendship to be genuine and I the sponser was of good character which made me feel good but that "outweighs" the applicants risk of overstaying and he didnt pass some clause as being "genuine" and they think he could apply for a temporary visa whilst in Australia and they are worried about this.

Not only did they phone his employer who isnt nice but they phoned my employer back in Australia.

They are scared of him applying for a temp visa whilst in Australia.

I didnt know there was a temporary visa and he wouldnt be applying for it anyway.

They also phoned his stepfather ,but i think what let him down was his employer who didnt want him to go.

I think what let him down was the fact he had only been fully employed for one month,and didnt have a stable employment history.

I also think there was some jealousy by his current employer in relation to him taking leave as he had refused to write a leave permission letter so that maybe a factor.

Also he had 15,000 baht in his account,this wasnt a good amount according to immigration.

Anyway he is very upset,i cant do anything about it,except tell him to work longer,save more money.

He owns several rai of land however this did not seem to matter.

I think next time ,there probaly wont be but we will obtain a letter from his work head office detailing his right to leave and the leave dates,plus we will have translated his land titles into english but where he failed was being a "genuine tourist" so i dont know how you can prove that.

I dont know how you can prove you wont apply for a temporary visa whilst in Australia but this is one of their answers that he may apply for a temporary visa whilst in Australia and they are concerned about this.

But truthfully he was only staying with me 10 days and he was going back because he had to go back to work,anyway thats life.

Its not easy,i dont know how those criminals you see get into Australia,i have no idea,but i do myself wonder what the statistics are in visa refusals.

I think they will always find something if they dont want you to go.

In fact the letter stated he did not fit the health and character requirements,yet i didnt think you needed a check up before you went.

I dont know,i think there was something they knew that he isnt telling me?

Even if we had used a migration agent,i doubt we would have succeeded.


I doubt he would of run off,not with his mother in Thailand who he is close to and his family,also he knows no one in Australia.

They took 9 working days to decide on his application for some reason,nearly 2 weeks,i dont know why.


Well take a step back and look at it from their point of view.

People get visas and run off every day.

He has no strong support to convince the authorities. He has no savings, he has no job worthy of mentioning. He has no record of tax payments of a regular job.

He has a mum and family that he is very close to, close enough to run off to another wealthy country for a few years to get work and support them maybe.


Yes you are right MrPaddy.

I have told him now to stay with his job,regardless if the boss is bad as this is a big Company ,big supermarket,and show savings and work hard to get some stability and maybe in 6 months we can apply again.,

He lost his other job as he had too many sick days and he was very lucky to get this job which he is not grateful for as he says its boring so i think his boss gave a bad reference to immigration when they called,he may and i dont know but i get this feeling he may have told the immigration Dept that he would perhaps terminate his employment if he were to take 10 days leave because the immigration Dept wrote that "your current general circumstances are in conflict with your travel plans",so what can that mean?

I think if he had had a stable employment history and a letter from his boss he would of made it perhaps.

I told him to go to work everyday even if the work is as he describes as boring and get to work on time,work hard ,dont take anymore sick days and if he can do that and get a refrence from his boss then he as a good chance but he is lazy and cant stick to one job for too long.

He likes to sleep in ,he likes to spend all his pay on whisky,girls anbd dancing in one night and i told him now he is 32yo he should be grown up.

Hopefully this is a wake up call for him.

I do not like to see someone getting upset and in tears but i have told him to get it over,work hard and we will try again.

I think next time we will get a Police clearance and a health check too.

Anyway thats life,he needs to learn to take knockbacks.

I was grateful that they the immigration wrote in the letter that they believe our "friendship to be genuine and my support to be truthful and myself of "truly good character." and i had to laugh at that one.

I think this application may have been a hard decision for them.


Did you fill out the additonal funds section of the application ?

Did you supply payslips or taxation receipt....they dont care about savings but that you are employed and how much you earn.

You mentioned he takes a lot of sick days off....does this mean that he has an ongoing health problem ??

If his attitude to life is as you say then it is likely the boss gave a bad reference and it is likely that he wont stay employed for long.

To me it sounds like the health and character reasons are the main ones that resulted in refusal...usually the financial ones can be worked around. I dont think that you will find that these can be easily addressed.

I have noticed that you are looking at other ways of getting a visa....forget it...even if there was another way, both names would come up on the file and he would be refused again.

You may have something....it sounds like there is something that he hasnt told you.

Even if you had been granted a visa it most certainly would have had a "no further stay" on it....he cant get a temp res visa while he has that condition on a visa.


Yes thankyou gburns,he doesnt have tax receipts but does have money from his grandparents.

I wonder if you could tell me if i shoulds include form 1153,which i didnt know existed,its a DIMA Form which is for "no further stay".

i will try again,because he is genuine.

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