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Conscription Time Again


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Two days ago all the local young men were herded together to draw straws(or so I am informed) to see who would be conscripted into the army for 2 years

The 2 lads in my village were lucky. They avoided the draft. Now whilst the draft was abolished in my country many years ago, I would imagine that any Western young man having avoided the draft would be out on the town with his friends, drinking and having a good time. But not here. The 2 lads in question have signrd up to be monks for the next 10 days. Merit making they call it - giving thanks to Buddha for their good luck!

Any further comment would be superfluous!

But as an aside, I wonder why there could not be automatic conscription for men between 18 and say 30/35 who have committed misdemeanours, such as theft, assault, drug offences, or carrying offensive weapons. these people clearly need the re-education and discipline that 2 years in the army would give them.

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Criminals in general don't make very good soldiers. It might work out OK if you don't mind them raping, killing and stealing from the locals--some of which goes on anyway.

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Yeah, and peopole like Mu Ham would just buy there way out of it, or claim they are sick. :o You certainly wouldn't want someone like Mu Ham in charge of a tank though.

Edited by mrtoad
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Criminals in general don't make very good soldiers. It might work out OK if you don't mind them raping, killing and stealing from the locals--some of which goes on anyway.

I would imagine that those conscripted against their wishes, and who would rather be elsewhere also don't make very good soldiers.

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Thanks to the corruption in the military, just about anyone can buy their way out of it--if they have the 30K to 50K baht, that is. Rich boys seldom go. The bulk of the low-level military is made up of the poor masses of Isaan and northern lads who can't ante-up the bribe.

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There are also programs in the wealthier private schools where students do military training during school hours once a week in M4, M5, and M6. There are also two, week-long intensive training camps that they must attend. The do the military training in lieu of the Boy Scout business. By the time they finish high school they have satisfied the conscription requirements and don't participate in the lottery.

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But as an aside, I wonder why there could not be automatic conscription for men between 18 and say 30/35 who have committed misdemeanours, such as theft, assault, drug offences, or carrying offensive weapons. these people clearly need the re-education and discipline that 2 years in the army would give them.

It's probably not done for the same reasons that most countries throughout the world prohibit those with criminal records from serving in the military.... even those countries who have all-volunteer forces.

They are more trouble than they are worth.

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Criminals in general don't make very good soldiers. It might work out OK if you don't mind them raping, killing and stealing from the locals--some of which goes on anyway.

I've got to agree. While it might have worked to a degree in the 18th Century, there's no place for these types in any modern force.

My friends son left for Korat this week as a volunteer. He saw joining the army as the best way to get a grounding in engineering.

While it might have been unpleasant and inconvenient at the time, most British conscripts were able to look back and view National Service as a positive experience. I can't say many professional soldiers felt the same way and were happy to see it go.

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My boyfriend just returned from Sawan Nakorn from his draft-board lottery ball picking. He was scared to death of picking a red ball. Anyways, when he showed up and the "boss army" say that he was gay, the boss said he didn't have to draw :o Lucky for him, this "boss" was homophobic...as in some localities, gays and even LDBs have to draw! The Boss also asked him why he didn't have his breasts yet...seems like most Thais still don't have a clue as to what homosesuality is :D

The BF reported that out of 8 that had to report, only 1 drew a red ball...not his lucky day :D

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The other half's just back from the daily gossip session and tells me a her friend, a local policeman's wife, has just donated 10k to the draft board boss's "welfare" fund to ensure her boy stays at home. I wonder if that's an average price to pay? Must be a useful perk heading up a board just before Songkran.

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A bad time to do the conscription. A lot of these lads will party-hardy during Songkhran and get themselves killed in a motorcycle accident before they get their free trip to South.

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The other half's just back from the daily gossip session and tells me a her friend, a local policeman's wife, has just donated 10k to the draft board boss's "welfare" fund to ensure her boy stays at home. I wonder if that's an average price to pay? Must be a useful perk heading up a board just before Songkran.

I'd say she got a 50%-80% discount--due to the added leverage of her position.

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"There are also programs in the wealthier private schools where students do military training during school hours..."

This is not limited to private schools, wealthy or not. Most government schools do this as well. This isn't something new.

A lot of the schools even open it up for female students, even though they wouldn't face conscription. Some of the females i've talked to about it want to join the military, mostly to become nurses.

I suppose that if an actual emergency came up it would give the government a lot of young men with some basic training.

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