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Firstly 3 episodes is hardly serious. In the west 5 per hour is considered normal and just be careful they not trying to make a few bucks out of you. 60-100+ per hour is serious!!

I live here and have been on Cpap for 2 years with a resmed machine. Its very complicated without a language barrier. PM me or anyone else if you need detailed instructions on how to work your machine. This forum is the best there is for the apnea community http://www.cpaptalk.com/CPAP-Sleep-Apnea-Forum.html


Firstly 3 episodes is hardly serious. In the west 5 per hour is considered normal and just be careful they not trying to make a few bucks out of you. 60-100+ per hour is serious!!

I live here and have been on Cpap for 2 years with a resmed machine. Its very complicated without a language barrier. PM me or anyone else if you need detailed instructions on how to work your machine. This forum is the best there is for the apnea community http://www.cpaptalk.com/CPAP-Sleep-Apnea-Forum.html

I think I might have misled you.

The 3 episodes I mentioned were the worst. The doctor brought these to my attention as being quite dangerous.

The report summary states that I had total sleep time of 5.4 hours and I had 20 apneas and 34 hypopneas (54 incidents in total) during what seems to be about a 2 hour sleep period. After I wore the mask there were no further incidents.

I think we need to be sure we are comparing apples with apples.

I have the handbook on the machine, and have read it carefully. As I have already stated it is pretty much automatic.

Thanks for the link and the offer, I will take it up. :o


Oh that's different and yes you got it good but more importantly you have been diagnosed. That link you have is very informative so make sure you register and list your equipment and say HI. Click on the yellow light bulb top of front page for useful tips. Is your machine an S8 auto set II ? What was your Titration pressure in other words the constant pressure applied to keep your airway open? When you switch it to Auto mode make sure the range isn't wide open 4-20. That's to wide, best to have it a just a few points below your titration

Oh that's different and yes you got it good but more importantly you have been diagnosed. That link you have is very informative so make sure you register and list your equipment and say HI. Click on the yellow light bulb top of front page for useful tips. Is your machine an S8 auto set II ? What was your Titration pressure in other words the constant pressure applied to keep your airway open? When you switch it to Auto mode make sure the range isn't wide open 4-20. That's to wide, best to have it a just a few points below your titration

Hi Zorro.,

Sorry for the delay in replying.

Yes, it is an S8 - on loan at present and the one they want to sell me is slightly different - an S8 AutoSet Spirit. L

I'm not sure about the pressure, and I'll try to get back to you, but it was programmed by the lady who delivered it, so I assume it is OK, but in any case it is not that aspect that bothers me. It is the masks that are uncomfortable.

Yesterday they sent me another kind of mask. This one is much better as it only fits over my nostrils and not my whole face like the previous one. I went to sleep OK, but woke up 2 hours later and one of my nostrils and the skin above my upper lip were hurting and most uncomfortable, so I took it off.

I will try again tonight and try to make it a bit looser, but am not optimistic. I can't seem to get on with contraptions on my face.


went to bangkok pattaya hospital last night for the sleep test. 14,000 baht. diagnosis was moderate sleep aphnea. when i went into a good sleep i was breathing 20 on and 20 seconds stopped for long periods of time. during this time of not breathing my blood oxygen went from an average 94-97 down to an average 91-92 and my pulse went from an average 50 to 45. I had 51 apnea moments and stopped breathing a max of 41.5 seconds. I had 95 leg movements [restless leg syndrome] and my snoring threshold was 56 power [whatever that means] for max 6 seconds. Reading this chart the best i can along with what the doctor told me. This is why i am always tired during the day and have to push myself. [no i am not overweight and exercise daily] i am going to do research on Google.

the doctors suggested the Cpap mask and even though the mask might help i am 100% sure i cannot wear it. i have a very bad case of claustrophobia and cannot even wear a sleep mask. please dont suggest i will get used to it, this is not an option for me

she said the alternative was surgery and suggested two thins done at the same time. pillar implants and UPPP [cutting out some of the tissue and protrusions, something like tonsils I believe] said the surgery will take about an hour, will most likely spend 2 nights at hospital and have bad paid 2 days. after that discomfort and should get better. cost with 1 night in hospital 130,000 if two days 150,000 baht.

Can anyone with both these procedures tell me how they worked out. if i have it done i will probably go to bangkok to have it done as my chances of a better surgen are higher. i have never had a problem yet at bangkok pattaya yet but i don't want to take any chances on this surgery.

Mobi, what will you do if the mask doesn't work out?



Hi Jimmy, your results sound very similar to mine.

Following encouragement from Zorro, I am going to persevere with the mask for another week. I tried a different mask that just fits on the nostrils, but that was even worse, so I will try the face mask again. I have not succeeded in keeping it on for more than 2 hours so I'm not very hopeful.

I am awaiting a response from my specialist, and will let you know what she says.

Hi Jimmy, your results sound very similar to mine.

Following encouragement from Zorro, I am going to persevere with the mask for another week. I tried a different mask that just fits on the nostrils, but that was even worse, so I will try the face mask again. I have not succeeded in keeping it on for more than 2 hours so I'm not very hopeful.

I am awaiting a response from my specialist, and will let you know what she says.

that would be great to hear what she says. after researching it on the internet, the two procedures i want don't sound too bad and the seem to work. the problem with them is the good effects seem to fade in a couple of years for a good percentage of the people that did it. I would love to hear from some people that had it don't successfully over time. i would go through the misery but maybe not if there is a good chance it will come back

waiting to hear what happened


  • 4 weeks later...

In case anyoine is interested (particularly Jimmy) I finally received a reply from my specialist who had been on a trip to the USA.

She told me to keep trying with the breathing machine as it was by far the best solution (especially with my cardiac problems) and she did not recommend any kind of surgery which has dubious benefits. She suggested that I take a mild sleeping pill for a while until I get used to it.

So I have persevered, and while not completely comfortable, I am now managing a reasonable night's sleep, although there have been occasions when I have woken up in the morning and find I have taken the mask off during the night, but have no memory of doing so.

Anyway, I have taken the plunge, and bought the machine and mask for a whopping 75,000 Baht. It is supposed to be "state of the Art" and very good for apnea. It has a memory card which I have to download and send off every month and the company interprets the data and sends me a report. They will also come and provide annual maintenance.

For those, who like me, have problems with a mask over your face, there is an alternative which is a small device that fits on your nostrils. I tried it, but decided the mask was better. I'm getting used to it now.

So that's that as far as I'm concerned. :o

I have a problem with sleep apnea too, but if I lose about 25 lbs, it goes away. The problem is that losing the weight and keeping it off ain't easy. :o

No rice, no potatoes, no fry-ups, no sweet drinks, at the most 2 alcoholic drinks per day. You'll be svelte in no time at all.

In case anyoine is interested (particularly Jimmy) I finally received a reply from my specialist who had been on a trip to the USA.

She told me to keep trying with the breathing machine as it was by far the best solution (especially with my cardiac problems) and she did not recommend any kind of surgery which has dubious benefits. She suggested that I take a mild sleeping pill for a while until I get used to it.

So I have persevered, and while not completely comfortable, I am now managing a reasonable night's sleep, although there have been occasions when I have woken up in the morning and find I have taken the mask off during the night, but have no memory of doing so.

Anyway, I have taken the plunge, and bought the machine and mask for a whopping 75,000 Baht. It is supposed to be "state of the Art" and very good for apnea. It has a memory card which I have to download and send off every month and the company interprets the data and sends me a report. They will also come and provide annual maintenance.

For those, who like me, have problems with a mask over your face, there is an alternative which is a small device that fits on your nostrils. I tried it, but decided the mask was better. I'm getting used to it now.

So that's that as far as I'm concerned. :o

Hi Mobi, how is the mask working out? i probably could make due with the nostril one [if it works] but 99% cant do the mask. please let me know your results since i have to do something Jimmy

Hi Mobi, how is the mask working out? i probably could make due with the nostril one [if it works] but 99% cant do the mask. please let me know your results since i have to do something Jimmy

I'm slowly getting used to it, and sleep quite well. The nostril gadget may well be Ok for you.

The company in Bangkok who sold me the mnachine will let you borrow one, and the masks, on a trial basis for a week or so.

If you want to know the contact number, PM me.


I have just had a quick read of this thread.

Got tested in 2003 with 29% obstruction with sleep apnoea/snoring. Over the last 2 years this has got a lot worse. I have also gone onto insulin which has put some 15 kilo on and have developed further sleep problems. I can fall asleep in a meeting at work, just a few minutes of being comfortable and not being mentally stimulated I can catch the zzzz's.

Just didn't comprehend how serious this disease can get.

I have booked in for a fitting of a machine but still apprehensive as I also suffer badly with sinus problems. But what I have been reading is very positive as to how the machines will help. They will help with the loss of weight; good sleep will give more energy via a good nights sleep and the feeling that you have slept.

Any way all I can suggest is have a go with the fitting of masks but find out as much as u can. Try this site


There are some other forums on the net; have a look for them and see what people have got to say.



One of the many causes of my snoring and apnea was that my sinuses are invariably blocked when I go to sleep, which means I breathe through my open mouth.

However I find the action of the breathing machine - which blows air into my nostrils has the effect of clearing my sinuses after a few minutes and I can sleep quite comfortably breathing through my nose.

One of the many causes of my snoring and apnea was that my sinuses are invariably blocked when I go to sleep, which means I breathe through my open mouth.

However I find the action of the breathing machine - which blows air into my nostrils has the effect of clearing my sinuses after a few minutes and I can sleep quite comfortably breathing through my nose.

Mobi, is the machine you are talking about here the complete mask with the large hose?

One of the many causes of my snoring and apnea was that my sinuses are invariably blocked when I go to sleep, which means I breathe through my open mouth.

However I find the action of the breathing machine - which blows air into my nostrils has the effect of clearing my sinuses after a few minutes and I can sleep quite comfortably breathing through my nose.

Mobi, is the machine you are talking about here the complete mask with the large hose?

Jimmy, there are a variety of masks that fit the machine. I opted for the full face mask, but there is also one that "attaches" to your nostrils.

You can see them HERE.

The company I P.M'd to you will let you try both and then choose the one that suits you.


i had the Pillar Procedure done at Bumrungrad in Sept 2007.

i didnt seek this out because i was having any trouble with snoring or breathing, but because the person who sleeps next to me couldnt sleep at night. apparently my snoring is similar to operating a jack hammer, while riding a freight train, and the train is passing an airport where a 747 is landing. or something like that. :-)

i got referred to a doctor in the eye ear nose throat dept that specialized in snoring.

after examining me, he presented several options of which pillar seemed the most reasonable as far as cost, recovery time, pain etc.

well, the results have been quite disappointing. from several roommates, ive been told that the procedure has made zero to unnoticeable difference in my snoring.

in any event, i plan to go back to bumrungrad in a week or so and say "hey, it didnt work, so now what?"

i had the Pillar Procedure done at Bumrungrad in Sept 2007.

i didnt seek this out because i was having any trouble with snoring or breathing, but because the person who sleeps next to me couldnt sleep at night. apparently my snoring is similar to operating a jack hammer, while riding a freight train, and the train is passing an airport where a 747 is landing. or something like that. :-)

i got referred to a doctor in the eye ear nose throat dept that specialized in snoring.

after examining me, he presented several options of which pillar seemed the most reasonable as far as cost, recovery time, pain etc.

well, the results have been quite disappointing. from several roommates, ive been told that the procedure has made zero to unnoticeable difference in my snoring.

in any event, i plan to go back to bumrungrad in a week or so and say "hey, it didnt work, so now what?"

Thanks for your post, I cant imagine being hooked up to a machine all night. Bad enough for some sweet young thing waking up to an old fart like me anyway and with looking like i am on my death bed with this machine, thats scary. i would love to do the surgery but i see that it only works sometimes and in many cases comes back in a couple of years. i will probably give the machine mobi is suggesting a try but i really am fighting it. I dont want to be hooked up to a machine the rest of my life

  • Like 1
i had the Pillar Procedure done at Bumrungrad in Sept 2007.

i didnt seek this out because i was having any trouble with snoring or breathing, but because the person who sleeps next to me couldnt sleep at night. apparently my snoring is similar to operating a jack hammer, while riding a freight train, and the train is passing an airport where a 747 is landing. or something like that. :-)

i got referred to a doctor in the eye ear nose throat dept that specialized in snoring.

after examining me, he presented several options of which pillar seemed the most reasonable as far as cost, recovery time, pain etc.

well, the results have been quite disappointing. from several roommates, ive been told that the procedure has made zero to unnoticeable difference in my snoring.

in any event, i plan to go back to bumrungrad in a week or so and say "hey, it didnt work, so now what?"

Thanks for your post, I cant imagine being hooked up to a machine all night. Bad enough for some sweet young thing waking up to an old fart like me anyway and with looking like i am on my death bed with this machine, thats scary. i would love to do the surgery but i see that it only works sometimes and in many cases comes back in a couple of years. i will probably give the machine mobi is suggesting a try but i really am fighting it. I dont want to be hooked up to a machine the rest of my life

Well the specialist That I saw at Bumrungrad is against any form of surgery. She just doesn't think it will give you permanent relief.

With all due respect, if you are suffering from sleep apnea, this is potentially a very dangerous condition. It can lead to organ failures, brain damage and heart attacks, to name but a few. If you stop breathing for more than 20 seconds (as I do) you are starving your brain of oxygen.

I completely understand your concern about how you look to the young ladies - indeed my wife burst out laughing the first time she saw me in the mask - but at the end of the day what would you rather be? Dead with your dignity intact, or alive and lose a bit of dignity? You don't have to put the mask on until the very last moment before you drop off to sleep, and as soon as you wake up you take it off.

Anyone know where you can buy one of these CCAP breathing mask in Thailand???

The ResMed masks are available fromSaint Medical Group Co. Ltd,Tel: 02 527 8075-8

Oh that's different and yes you got it good but more importantly you have been diagnosed. That link you have is very informative so make sure you register and list your equipment and say HI. Click on the yellow light bulb top of front page for useful tips. Is your machine an S8 auto set II ? What was your Titration pressure in other words the constant pressure applied to keep your airway open? When you switch it to Auto mode make sure the range isn't wide open 4-20. That's to wide, best to have it a just a few points below your titration

Hi Zorro.,

Sorry for the delay in replying.

Yes, it is an S8 - on loan at present and the one they want to sell me is slightly different - an S8 AutoSet Spirit. L

I'm not sure about the pressure, and I'll try to get back to you, but it was programmed by the lady who delivered it, so I assume it is OK, but in any case it is not that aspect that bothers me. It is the masks that are uncomfortable.

Yesterday they sent me another kind of mask. This one is much better as it only fits over my nostrils and not my whole face like the previous one. I went to sleep OK, but woke up 2 hours later and one of my nostrils and the skin above my upper lip were hurting and most uncomfortable, so I took it off.

Mobi, I will try again tonight and try to make it a bit looser, but am not optimistic. I can't seem to get on with contraptions on my face.

Im going to give it a try. I see which machine you got, you like that one? I would just go and buy it but which mask did you wind up with, there are many on the web site. i will try the one you have and the nostirl one and give it a shot. after i see which one you have i will give them a call and try it out

Oh that's different and yes you got it good but more importantly you have been diagnosed. That link you have is very informative so make sure you register and list your equipment and say HI. Click on the yellow light bulb top of front page for useful tips. Is your machine an S8 auto set II ? What was your Titration pressure in other words the constant pressure applied to keep your airway open? When you switch it to Auto mode make sure the range isn't wide open 4-20. That's to wide, best to have it a just a few points below your titration

Hi Zorro.,

Sorry for the delay in replying.

Yes, it is an S8 - on loan at present and the one they want to sell me is slightly different - an S8 AutoSet Spirit. L

I'm not sure about the pressure, and I'll try to get back to you, but it was programmed by the lady who delivered it, so I assume it is OK, but in any case it is not that aspect that bothers me. It is the masks that are uncomfortable.

Yesterday they sent me another kind of mask. This one is much better as it only fits over my nostrils and not my whole face like the previous one. I went to sleep OK, but woke up 2 hours later and one of my nostrils and the skin above my upper lip were hurting and most uncomfortable, so I took it off.

Mobi, I will try again tonight and try to make it a bit looser, but am not optimistic. I can't seem to get on with contraptions on my face.

Im going to give it a try. I see which machine you got, you like that one? I would just go and buy it but which mask did you wind up with, there are many on the web site. i will try the one you have and the nostirl one and give it a shot. after i see which one you have i will give them a call and try it out

It's Mirage Activa Nasal Mask or "Active Cell".

Although I said it was a full face mask, it doesn't go over your mouth.

You must try them first before buying.

Good luck



I am curious how your system is working. i am about to order the trial equiptment you suggested but i am sure they are not going to bring lots of masks. How is this mask working for you, i think we have mostly the same problems and wonder if this mask is a good choice.

Are you sleeping better?

do you still wake up with headaches in the morning?

Are you tired during the day?

Do you think this mask is the best when considering claustrophobia?

thanks Jimmy

I may only have one shot at the trial run and want to make it the best one I can

Oh that's different and yes you got it good but more importantly you have been diagnosed. That link you have is very informative so make sure you register and list your equipment and say HI. Click on the yellow light bulb top of front page for useful tips. Is your machine an S8 auto set II ? What was your Titration pressure in other words the constant pressure applied to keep your airway open? When you switch it to Auto mode make sure the range isn't wide open 4-20. That's to wide, best to have it a just a few points below your titration

Hi Zorro.,

Sorry for the delay in replying.

Yes, it is an S8 - on loan at present and the one they want to sell me is slightly different - an S8 AutoSet Spirit. L

I'm not sure about the pressure, and I'll try to get back to you, but it was programmed by the lady who delivered it, so I assume it is OK, but in any case it is not that aspect that bothers me. It is the masks that are uncomfortable.

Yesterday they sent me another kind of mask. This one is much better as it only fits over my nostrils and not my whole face like the previous one. I went to sleep OK, but woke up 2 hours later and one of my nostrils and the skin above my upper lip were hurting and most uncomfortable, so I took it off.

Mobi, I will try again tonight and try to make it a bit looser, but am not optimistic. I can't seem to get on with contraptions on my face.

Im going to give it a try. I see which machine you got, you like that one? I would just go and buy it but which mask did you wind up with, there are many on the web site. i will try the one you have and the nostirl one and give it a shot. after i see which one you have i will give them a call and try it out

It's Mirage Activa Nasal Mask or "Active Cell".

Although I said it was a full face mask, it doesn't go over your mouth.

You must try them first before buying.

Good luck


Play the digereedoo, (sp?) or some similar wind instrument because the circular breathing techniques strengthen the muscles along your airways and help to stop snoring.

  • 6 months later...

Mobi, Whats the latest on your sleep apnea? Have you adapted to the mask?

Does anyone know of more sources for CPAP machines in Thailand? There are now some available in America for around 300 Bucks such as the Everest 2 which is a lightweight travel module that can even be operated by battery in order to use on long haul flights.


It's going pretty well.

I took me a long time to get used to it but I just persevered - after all at that price I wasn't about to give up in a hurry. My biggest problem was that the mask seemed to give me discomfort on the area above my upper lip. However it seems to be fine now.

I rarely take it with me when I travel, although it does come in a handy, light traveling bag.

It may be my imagination as I have yet to get a definitive reaction, but I believe that using the mask has also led me to sleep better even when I don't use it. I don't seem to sleep with my mouth open any more, which helps with the snoring and apnea. I've not read anything about this, so maybe others will have some comments on this notion?


I talked to the female Sleep Clinic Doctor a couple days ago, was referenced to her by the local clinic. She travels up to Isarn one day a month but the clinic up here does not have any way of actually testing anything as they have some old outdated equipment in a brand new hospital. The typical Thai response to sleep problems is drugs, sleeping pills and such. From what I gathered through investigation is you can see the Doctor here for free and she will tell you to come to Bangkok for 25,000 Baht. After a test you will be handed over to whoever it is selling the CPAP, sold the highest priced machine and then left alone to sort out how to adjust and use the thing.

I'm very negative of the Standards here, having been infected with Staph, and other negative experiences. I think it says much when Samak chose to go to America for treatment. I had a echo cardiogram done and the Doctor answered and took three phone calls while he watched the monitor, I would have raised helll about it but I figured it would do more harm than good. I have a appointment for next week but I may just go back to the States to get checked out.

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