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Hi all, I am in need of advice. I have a digital camera and have stored the pics to my documents. But when I attach them to an e-mail everyone I have sent them to say they come threw huge. Is there a way in which I can crop them before sending, as it is also taking a long time to attach them to my e-mails. Thanks in advance bangbuathongben

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To reduce the file size of your photos you basically have a choice of either resizing them to make them smaller (ie. reducing the dimensions in pixels) which nearly any image program will let you do (including M$ Paint), or saving them in a format that allows compression (for photos, jpeg is usually the most efficient), or both.

If you save a photo as jpeg many image editors will allow you to choose the 'quality'. The lower the quality the smaller the file size (and the harder the compression and the worse your photo will look !). How much to compress is a matter of personal taste. Personally I can't see any difference in on-screen photos with a compression of 7/12 but that's just me.

Photoshop has a nice 'save for web' feature that allows you to resize and set compression levels for your photos at the same time. It lets you preview what the image will look like at varying compresson levels, which is handy.

Most cameras will also let you set a 'quality' setting on your photos as you take them. The thing about the quality setting is that while you can discard data, you can never get it back. So I suggest setting your camera to maximum quality and saving nice master copies of images in case you want to print them out some time in future. If you want to email a photo, make a compressed or resized copy from the master. The most horrible thing people do with digital cameras is to set it on a small size and low quality setting and then later try and print their photos out later. Doesn't work very well ! One of the guys I work with just spent 60,00 baht on a 6 mega pixel Nikon D70. So what's the first thing he does ? Set it on 3 megapixel because 'the photos are 'too big' ! Might as well have saved himself 45,000 baht and bought a cheaper camera.

Anyway, I suggest just playing with resizing your photos and also saving jpegs under different quality settings until you get a feel for what you like, and just go with whatever that is.

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Hai bangbuathongben

as a fellow namesman (almost)

I have a program for you which is small enough to download(800KB) and its free, there are quit a number of fuctions this little program can handle.

use the rezise/resample option to make your images smaller and save them under a new name, so the original stays untouched.

you can dowload it from one of the following links

click here

click here

click here

good luck............

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Yeah, I learned it, and had to teach myself, since a friend sent me some years ago season greetings, 2 pix totally 8 MB :o which at that time I downloaded

with 32-modem.

Not sure if I do the right way, but I store them on memory sticks or CD in full quality size. Those I want to send by e-mail-attachment I copy to the desktop and downsize by a photo-editor, usually to around 35%.

Works ok but I am sure there are more professional ways.

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irfanview is the best... www.irfanview.com and a nice small program.

you can play with the resize ( percentage or pixels ) and crop ( you just drag a box in the pic to select )

with my digital pics I take them at a high res and save the originals. even if I use something like photoshop to adjust them to print I still keep the original photo. ( the best thing to complement a new digital camera is a new 80+ gig hard drive :o )

what you must remeber when you are sending pics via email is most people will just be viewing the pics on their computer monitor, they don t intend to print them out.

I take the original pic, open it with irfanview ( I have it set to view-->display options--> fit only big images to desktop ) , then choose image-->resize/resample

select percentage and choose something like 40% and see what it looks like on your screen. if you want to change it again select undo then resize again.

after that go file--> save as , and save the pic say to your docs ( I usually put email at the end of the filename ) and select jpg as the file extension with maybe 80% compression. you want your emaiable pics to come out < 100k in size.

irfanview...its free and excellent www.irfanview.com

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to post a pic on this site, or another forum you have to have the pic accessable by the internet, usually I just upload a pic to a free picture host like www.imageshack.us and it will provide you with a html link to the pic which you can copy and paste to the box when you press the image button above your reply.

just remember make it as small as you can ( filesize ) so it displays quicker and chews less bandwidth.


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