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From A Thai Woman’s Curiosity, How Can You Know “what’s His/her Nationality When He/she Just Pass By?”


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as you know most Thai people are low-educated... they can easily be deluded.

No I didn't know that but Thank you for being so informative. You don't think you are superior than other Thai people because you are more educated do you? :o

As far as I'm concern, more education, more money, more cars, more houses...etc doesn't make you better person that the next. Other people may not have had the same opportunity as you and I so give them a break and stop making that type of statement.

Typical PC crap!!

Midori apple is right!!

I cannot see where she said she feels she is superior or that it has anything to do with being poor!!!

Most Thais are poorly educated (compared to Falang) and there is blindingly obvious evidence that they are easily deluded!!

You got 1 thing right " typical PC crap". Everyone has an opinion, yours may be a bit skewd, but nevertheless, its you opinion. I know many people who feels differ than you but you have the right to yours. I just want to know how you arrived with your conclusion? Did you do a survey of the farang are more educated than Thai surveys, or is it another one of your "pc crap"? Do enlighten me please.

Do you seriously believe that the majority of Thais have a better education than most Westerners!

Thailand has an education system in which in most instances failure is not an option and everyone passes regardless of ability! Most Thais do not go to international school!

I have checked my nieces and nephews English homework many times and flicked through the textbooks to find many incorrect answers ticked correct and good answers scored out!

If a supposedly well educated Thai like Ms Pavena believes that an aphrodisiac is turning women into raging nymphos then I call that deluded!

Are you one of these people that think that everything in Thailand is wonderful and they are beyond reproach?

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I see that this thread, beginning in a innocuous manner, is turning sour.

So, for me, I have to state some things, that always scratch me ...

This reference to "Caucasian" after talking of "nationalities" is totally irrational.

Only small, isolated places of this world can have a physical stereotype in a given nationality, and there are no such places in Europe for quite some time now.

If someone hopes to tell of one'nationality not by looking at one's passport, then it is a foolish hope.

More than that, I personally expect the world to mix more and more to make assumptions like that more and more foolish.

My wife is Thaï (from the south, i.e. "unfair" (sic) skin) and was acknowledged as a national in Malaysia, Indonesia, The Philippines.

She was somewhat thought to be Tahitian and Indian (in the US, she was asked if she could speak Navajo).

I just tried to show something here, not to hurt ...

Edited by MengWan
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If a Farang walks past you and is muttering under his breath about how everything in Thailand is useless and so much better where he comes from, you may not have any idea of his Nationality.............

.......but, he's probably a member of a Thai related Internet Forum. :o

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Do you seriously believe that the majority of Thais have a better education than most Westerners!

Thailand has an education system in which in most instances failure is not an option and everyone passes regardless of ability! Most Thais do not go to international school!

I have checked my nieces and nephews English homework many times and flicked through the textbooks to find many incorrect answers ticked correct and good answers scored out!

If a supposedly well educated Thai like Ms Pavena believes that an aphrodisiac is turning women into raging nymphos then I call that deluded!

Are you one of these people that think that everything in Thailand is wonderful and they are beyond reproach?

Absolutely. Every so often, my Thai wife, who teaches at the local vocational college, brings home a new english textbook which they are proposing to buy for the new term. I don't know if Thai publishers know what proofreaders are, but you can bet your life that every page will have at least one basic mistake; sometimes as many as ten. And no, I'm not exagerrating. When you combine that with a typical (and I've witnessed this at her college; not my wife, I'm glad to say) approach of "Open your books at page fourteen and answer the questions" and then the "teacher" sits down and starts texting her BF, it's amazing that anyone learns anything here at all.

This same teacher, BTW, came to one of our BBQs a few months ago and I attempted to get her talking. She's not a shy person by any means but I soon discovered that her english was practically zero. I mean, she couldn't even construct a basic sentence and she's an english teacher. How do these people gain their degrees? Oh, and all her students passed their most recent exam, apparently.

As for the OP's question; yes, I believe some people can do that. I remember being in Crete in 1989 and we were walking up to a small square in Heraklion and we were approached by a waiter who wanted us to dine at his restaurant. Anyone who knows the Med will be familiar with this. We were pretty hungry and needed a beer so we agreed and sat down. After he'd taken our order and departed, we realised that he'd spoken english to us from the outset. And no, I don't now and didn't then have a shaven head, wear a football shirt or sport numerous, lurid tattoos. :o Our curiosity was aroused by this so we watched him in action whilst we had our lunch. He would walk up to couples and families and speak their language to them before they hed a chance to speak. We heard English, German and French and he was right every time. None of the people, to our eyes, gave themselves away too easily but he just knew straight away. It was a virtuoso performance.

E: Typo

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Put this down to sheer curiosity on part of the Thai poster.

I can tell different nationalities by their accents 99% of the time.

Will probably not be obvious to most Thai's, which is probably why she asked for visually distinguishable characteristics.

If purely based on that, I probably wouldn't be able to guess a nationality.

Maybe by the way they dress perhaps?

However, still not accurate.

Different accents are fun though. :o

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I think this is actually a really interesting question and one that I think can be, not only fun, but informative. I always enjoy sitting in a bar and guessing peoples nationalities. In fact in England an ex girlfriend, who was an aspiring actress, and me would play a game. We would choose someone and think of ten things about them based on their looks, clothing, body language etc. We would then go up and ask them (she had done a short film about this so used it as an excuse ie we were researching). Almost everyone was happy to tell us whether we had got things right or wrong. And we could usually get 50% or more accurate.

Over here my wife will ask where someone is from and I guess. There are many tell tales (and yes some are stereotypes and it is not an exact science) such as clothing, tattoo's, shoes, moustaches, which usually indicate non english, body language, accents (obviously), hair, skin and facial characteristics. Northern Europeans generally like a deep tan (and some even wear speedo's and thongs :o ). The french can usually be spotted by their eyes and mouths. And the list goes on.

I can usually place french, italian, Isreali, russians, Scandanavians, germans, Brits, Yanks, Canucks and australians.

Is it offensive? No. Is it politically correct? Who cares? Do I enjoy it? Yes. Is it helpful? Yes. As I would not go up to a Russian and start banging on in English just because they are white.

So for any of you out there who I have offended PM me for my details and sue me!! :D

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Shaven head and tattoos - Brits

Dress shoes and socks with shorts - Swiss.

Hear before you see them - Americans or Australians

Baked sun tan and dirty toenails - Germans

No dress sense and smoking roll up cigarettes - Dutch

Angry/dower expression - air of false superiority - French

LOL! :o

Shirtless or just a tank top in BKK: British

Came for two week holiday with money for one week: British

Looking around in wonder/confusion: American (like me)

Dressed for golf all the time: Japanese

So drunk they can't stand or talk: Irish or British

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I see that this thread, beginning in a innocuous manner, is turning sour.

So, for me, I have to state some things, that always scratch me ...

This reference to "Caucasian" after talking of "nationalities" is totally irrational.

Only small, isolated places of this world can have a physical stereotype in a given nationality, and there are no such places in Europe for quite some time now.

If someone hopes to tell of one'nationality not by looking at one's passport, then it is a foolish hope.

More than that, I personally expect the world to mix more and more to make assumptions like that more and more foolish.

My wife is Thaï (from the south, i.e. "unfair" (sic) skin) and was acknowledged as a national in Malaysia, Indonesia, The Philippines.

She was somewhat thought to be Tahitian and Indian (in the US, she was asked if she could speak Navajo).

I just tried to show something here, not to hurt ...

It's very difficult to tell ones nationality.

Also some thing people don't seem to notice but recentl;y there is a rather large inscrease of people with Multiple nationalities.

Being one f them when i get the question.

Where are you from. It kinda puts me off, because my childhood was spent in multiple countires.

Ether 'm giving an incomplete answer or I feel like a git for jsut spouting out 3-4 different countires with a timeline where and when.

If you check my passport... pick one.

So I guess that since according to a prvious posters answer, I'm not worth meeting since the question where are you from frustrates me.

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fa-rang-mang-kha ฝรั่งมังค่า (I don't know the meaning)

I am told by my friends that this is an adjective and means "like/similar" to a farang................. a thai would say that someone who isn't a farang but acts like one

not sure if its right or not but am sure it will spark some debate.

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I know sometimes things can be frustrating but being asked where you are from????? Boy you must be one busy fellow wuffy.

Given that we are in Thailand and obviously not Thai, one would think this a perfectly natural step in any conversation.

I am half English and half Estonian (and also a jew) but when asked I say British as I was born there and have a UK passport. If the conversation dictates I would give my antecedents. Maybe that is an English thing asking where someone is from (part of our island heritage or our xenophobia from the days of Perfidious Albion) just like we can talk about the weather alot. Even here.

I don't get frustrated when people mention the heat but thats just me.

Does it matter where someone is from?? Absolutely not. Is it interesting??? I think so. Will I continue you to ask everyone I converse with even at the risk of frustrating them?? YES I WILL!!! Sorry Wuffy. (By the way where are you from? :o:D )

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as you know most Thai people are low-educated... they can easily be deluded.

No I didn't know that but Thank you for being so informative. You don't think you are superior than other Thai people because you are more educated do you? :o

As far as I'm concern, more education, more money, more cars, more houses...etc doesn't make you better person that the next. Other people may not have had the same opportunity as you and I so give them a break and stop making that type of statement.

Yes, I don't think I am superior than any other Thai whatever it is caused....

I will tell you my secret, hopefully you will promise me, read it here and forget about it in a min later... (out of record, ok?) :D

My secret: I got two "F"scores for my Macro Economics & Maths Class during my freshy year in Uni.

See.....how can I claim myself as an superwoman?.... Nah...not even close. :D

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as you know most Thai people are low-educated... they can easily be deluded.

No I didn't know that but Thank you for being so informative. You don't think you are superior than other Thai people because you are more educated do you? :o

As far as I'm concern, more education, more money, more cars, more houses...etc doesn't make you better person that the next. Other people may not have had the same opportunity as you and I so give them a break and stop making that type of statement.

Typical PC crap!!

Midori apple is right!!

I cannot see where she said she feels she is superior or that it has anything to do with being poor!!!

Most Thais are poorly educated (compared to Falang) and there is blindingly obvious evidence that they are easily deluded!!

You got 1 thing right " typical PC crap". Everyone has an opinion, yours may be a bit skewd, but nevertheless, its you opinion. I know many people who feels differ than you but you have the right to yours. I just want to know how you arrived with your conclusion? Did you do a survey of the farang are more educated than Thai surveys, or is it another one of your "pc crap"? Do enlighten me please.

Do you seriously believe that the majority of Thais have a better education than most Westerners!

Thailand has an education system in which in most instances failure is not an option and everyone passes regardless of ability! Most Thais do not go to international school!

I have checked my nieces and nephews English homework many times and flicked through the textbooks to find many incorrect answers ticked correct and good answers scored out!

If a supposedly well educated Thai like Ms Pavena believes that an aphrodisiac is turning women into raging nymphos then I call that deluded!

Are you one of these people that think that everything in Thailand is wonderful and they are beyond reproach?

Hey..hey.. gentlemen... Jai yen yen sii kha.. :D

To be honest, I do respect all the different opinions if you did it with your good heart.

People can think different by their background, experience, everyday's living

Maybe Misplaced has experienced something that I had never before.....

I will think about your opinion..... also mine might be wrong.....who's know?


Btw, what if I am your both teacher na.... :D

I will give you two, score "F" as you not totally ans my Q.

And also you may be kicked out if you not yet behaved... :D

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Do you seriously believe that the majority of Thais have a better education than most Westerners!

Thailand has an education system in which in most instances failure is not an option and everyone passes regardless of ability! Most Thais do not go to international school!

I have checked my nieces and nephews English homework many times and flicked through the textbooks to find many incorrect answers ticked correct and good answers scored out!

If a supposedly well educated Thai like Ms Pavena believes that an aphrodisiac is turning women into raging nymphos then I call that deluded!

Are you one of these people that think that everything in Thailand is wonderful and they are beyond reproach?

Absolutely. Every so often, my Thai wife, who teaches at the local vocational college, brings home a new english textbook which they are proposing to buy for the new term. I don't know if Thai publishers know what proofreaders are, but you can bet your life that every page will have at least one basic mistake; sometimes as many as ten. And no, I'm not exagerrating. When you combine that with a typical (and I've witnessed this at her college; not my wife, I'm glad to say) approach of "Open your books at page fourteen and answer the questions" and then the "teacher" sits down and starts texting her BF, it's amazing that anyone learns anything here at all.

This same teacher, BTW, came to one of our BBQs a few months ago and I attempted to get her talking. She's not a shy person by any means but I soon discovered that her english was practically zero. I mean, she couldn't even construct a basic sentence and she's an english teacher. How do these people gain their degrees? Oh, and all her students passed their most recent exam, apparently.

E: Typo


This is also my experience, I had interviewed all my workers before the hiring. All of them are from up-country.

Seen in the Educational Certificate, as they finished Mathayom 6 and got grade "A" in English...

Very interesting for me... so I did the testing, just took a shopping mall's commercial paper..

They hardly be able to read it like "quailty", "regular", "counter" ---these.., they couldn't read it all.

I was confusing... how come they could get grade A in their education?

and also, very oftens hear... "I is a boy".... See... this is Thai education...!!! :o

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I see that this thread, beginning in a innocuous manner, is turning sour.

So, for me, I have to state some things, that always scratch me ...

This reference to "Caucasian" after talking of "nationalities" is totally irrational.

Right... :o I do agree with you..

I am starting to feel really tense.....

Surrounding me now, there are loads of Dictionary Books:-

Thai/English, English/Thai, English/English, Thesaurus, Idiom and Prep.Book, Dict.of American Slang..

Tired.... :D

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Ok..Let's get back to the topic..

My turns, I did observation as well... but this is just my 2 cents, based on my homorous feeling and humbleness...

British: Their accent is quite special.....umm..I can't help to say I like this accent...it kinda sexy tone.. :D . They are not quite tall and lady quite a little chubby. Actually, for me - Rooney is a very good representative of british man...exactly.

Scottish: I just know their accent is very hard for me to understand, but I will know if they say "aye"

Americans: Seen in Thailand, always in Polo-shirts style with short and sneaker with socks... look casually, lots of sense of humour. I have an American friend, as talking, he made me think Americans are more conservative than I ever thought..

(Some here said Americans are romantic.... Are you sure?).... Nah....don't think so.. :o

German: Hardly smile, very big and strong figure, stable and not sensitive (at all).. I think of them this way because we used a lot of equipments made in Germany and they are pretty good qualilty...

French: Very flirty and romantic...but hardly talk or initiate in new relationship their dressing is....I don't know..I just feel like sometimes just easy dress, they can mix and match very well.

Italian: Also very flirty, especially their eyes can say something, often wink... Sometimes too dramatic...IHMO. The figure, just average, not so tall.... Sorry to tell, I had bad experience once from my Italian ex-boss, he is so arrogant and talk to people like yelling... but this is just his personality, right?

Swiss: Very white skin, strong figure, discipline and reliable.

Dutch: Artistic and Peaceful.... hehe... I said it from their country view.

Belgiun: I have no idea, but all i know now is their chocolate and waffle are extremely delicious.

Russian: Less talk, very white skin. Look un-emotional and look like they are concentrated with some thinking all the time... Btw, Russian women are very beautiful, and I have my ideal man, he is Russian...hehe. :D

Aussie: Looks sporty and beautiful tanned skin, very lively.

Canadian: Never had Can.clients, but as some here say... I feel... "jing-ror-nia (จริงเหรอเนี่ย) ...a bit hesitation. :D .. Let's me check!!!

Irish: Let's me proof based on Garro & rick75's saying, OK?



Happy Songkarn's Holidays, guys..

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Swiss: Very white skin, strong figure, discipline and reliable

Of course, if they still have their total-shield cream that's needed on Alps summits ... especially on the lips !

Belgium: I have no idea, but all i know now is their chocolate and waffle are extremely delicious

So, if one have some chocolate spots on one's T-shirt, one have to be belgian ?

About (native) french-speaking people (French, Swiss, Belgian, Canadian), if you crush their fingers in a door, they usually shout MERDE ! (sorry, it is not enough to discern nationalities)

French romantism is nothing but a myth, maybe 100 years ago ...

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Shaven head and tattoos - Brits

Dress shoes and socks with shorts - Swiss.

Hear before you see them - Americans or Australians

Baked sun tan and dirty toenails - Germans

No dress sense and smoking roll up cigarettes - Dutch

Angry/dower expression - air of false superiority - French

LOL! :o

Shirtless or just a tank top in BKK: British

Came for two week holiday with money for one week: British

Looking around in wonder/confusion: American (like me)

Dressed for golf all the time: Japanese

So drunk they can't stand or talk: Irish or British

Italians - waving their hands around to talk passionatley, usually about the beauty of a tomatoe!

Arabs - just being Arabs (least said the better)

Chinese - spitting everywhere and shouting at each othere

Japanese - photographing anything and everything

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I see that this thread, beginning in a innocuous manner, is turning sour.

So, for me, I have to state some things, that always scratch me ...

This reference to "Caucasian" after talking of "nationalities" is totally irrational.

Right... :o I do agree with you..

I am starting to feel really tense.....

Surrounding me now, there are loads of Dictionary Books:-

Thai/English, English/Thai, English/English, Thesaurus, Idiom and Prep.Book, Dict.of American Slang..

Tired.... :D

Don't worry too much about dictionaries etc, if you see something you don't understand here on TV either ask the question in the thread or PM the poster.

There are too many versions of English to hope to cover them all.

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Shirtless or just a tank top in BKK: British

Came for two week holiday with money for one week: British

Looking around in wonder/confusion: American (like me)

Dressed for golf all the time: Japanese

So drunk they can't stand or talk: Irish or British

Sory Grantbkk, I couldn't resist, you missed this one out.....

Complaining about the price of ice cream, and calling for a boycott of the product.: American :o

Edited by mrtoad
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"German: Hardly smile, very big and strong figure, stable and not sensitive (at all).. I think of them this way because we used a lot of equipments made in Germany and they are pretty good qualilty..."

Some of my best friends are German and they have such a great sense of humour, they think my jokes are hilarious. Some of the world's leading artists, writers, philosophers and composers were German. Beethoven, Bach and Handel were all German. When people say Germans are not sensitive or have no imagination, I just cannot understand what they mean.

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When people say Germans are not sensitive or have no imagination, I just cannot understand what they mean.

I think you did not understand that this thread is about clichés ...

A cliché does not even need to have a statistical basis, it is just ... pure nothingness.

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Ok..Let's get back to the topic..

My turns, I did observation as well... but this is just my 2 cents, based on my homorous feeling and humbleness...

British: Their accent is quite special.....umm..I can't help to say I like this accent...it kinda sexy tone.. :D . They are not quite tall and lady quite a little chubby. Actually, for me - Rooney is a very good representative of british man...exactly.

Got me laughing at this one Midori. God help the British men if they all look like Wayne Rooney. The only way they'll ever get lucky is if they have his money :o


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People the world over will always use the differences in people to make others aware who you are talking about!

It it not rude to do so, only efficient!!

It all depends on the setting. If you are in a bar and you are refering to a farang at another table, then it is fine to say farang. If you are sitting there with your friends and your farang boyfriend and you want to tell your friend that your boyfriend just bought you a present, then you should not say that the farang just bought you a present, you should say that your "boyfriend" did, or better yet, use his name. It is ok to collectively call caucasion people farang when refering to them all. But when you refer to a single person that you know or are interacting with, you should used their name.

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It is easy to tell the nationalities of Farangs living in Thailand.

Americans always have a I've done it all confident expression on their faces, English people have an aggressive squint with the flared left nostril, tight lips and whatever you do, don't approach me type of look, Germans have no expression at all, Canadians have stern features with a I don't really like the look of you appearance but you can approach me if you dare, Australians have a I'm not very keen but will tolerate and I am approachable expression, Irish people have a I will be your friend but wind me up and you'll dead look and Scandinavians have a cultured appearance with a I am friendly but don't try any of your stupid sense of humour out on me expression.

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It is easy to tell the nationalities of Farangs living in Thailand.

Americans always have a I've done it all confident expression on their faces, English people have an aggressive squint with the flared left nostril, tight lips and whatever you do, don't approach me type of look, Germans have no expression at all, Canadians have stern features with a I don't really like the look of you appearance but you can approach me if you dare, Australians have a I'm not very keen but will tolerate and I am approachable expression, Irish people have a I will be your friend but wind me up and you'll dead look and Scandinavians have a cultured appearance with a I am friendly but don't try any of your stupid sense of humour out on me expression.

What is up with the 50+ yr old fat falang women walking around with no Bra? I have not bothered to talk to them... smelled their husbands though!! I wonder where they are from, but you can spot them out miles away... (swining free that is)

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