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Strange Gmail Problem on TRUE


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Hi! :-)

I have a private internet line through True......and also wireless internet through my apartment building. So, two different ways to connect. When I use the wireless connection I can open all websites....including Gmail. But, when using my True internet connection (connected via ethernet cable), all internet sites open just fine except for Gmail, which won't open. All other Google websites open just fine.....calendar, the main Google site, all of them......but no Gmail.

My question......is anyone else here with a True internet line experiencing the inability to access Gmail?



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For the last two days i have been unable to log into my Gmail from my home computer. I have tried Firefox and IE, i can get to my igoogle home page and see how many emails i have, but when i try to log in it just hangs and then fails to load.

I can get to gmail on my iPhone, i can get to gmail on my works computer. I'm on True at home and cannot get to it there. Nothing new has been installed on my machine at home and i can still access my hotmail.

Anyone else having problems accessing Gmail on True, or does anyone have any suggestions on what i could do to fix this?

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Agree no problem using POP access on True. There was a post this morning of another person having the same problem with web based access but can not find it in the computer section. In that case it was OK if using building wireless access but was unable to get gmail on phone line circuit (although all other Google sites worked normally).

Edit: have combined posts.

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I too have the same problem with gmail.

Actually I woke up a few days ago, my wireless was not working, so I unhooked it, put the modem into the ethernet and got internet.

Then about two days ago, I tried for gmail.com and it says server busy (true adsl). I tried a few different combinations and sneeking up on it, ie through a search engine and still did not work....


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Thank you so much for the feedback, folks!

I was able to access Gmail via an "https" url....and now even the regular "http" version is working. That said, I can't see any other reason for the 24 hours of downtime during which only Gmail was affected......other than the fact that True was filtering / blocking the site.

Sound way off....or right?



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