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Urgent Last Minute Advice For Gf Visa

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One for scouser!!!

Just about to send off all the info for GF/s visitors visa, i am sponsor. Its the third attempt as 1st time was told had not known her long enough, 2nd time they thought she was coming here to work.

I am sending all the stuff, passport copies, reciepts, bank statements, wage slips, emails, photos, phone bills etc.

Could you please read my letter of sponsorship and give any hints tips or suggestions that could make this the time she gets her visa. My GF/s name is XXXXX.


Dear ECO,

I am writing in support of xxxxxxxxx visitors visa application. I am acting as sponsor.

XXXXXXXXXX and I have been boyfriend/girlfriend for 10 months. I support XXXXXX financially. I have provided some emails, letters, photos etc as proof of our relationship.

I have been to Thailand twice to see XXXXX, and met her brother and sister. I try to travel to Thailand to see XXXXXX at least three times a year. My family wish to meet XXXXXX and vice versa. We all agree that Christmas would be a nice time to meet my family and friends.

XXXXXXX has never been to the UK before or been refused.

I wish to travel to Thailand in December to stay for one week then to return to England with XXXXXX. We plan to stay in England for 2 months. Where I will return with XXXXXXX to Thailand in February, and stay for three weeks.

The duration of two months, is due to the fact I work as a courier and the two weeks up to Christmas and the month after are very busy and my company does not allow me to take holidays within this time.

When in England we shall stay with my mother and father. Please find enclosed a letter confirming their willingness and ability to accommodate us. Furthermore, should my funds be deemed to be insufficient to provide for my girlfriends stay in the UK, my parents are willing to financially support us too, again please refer to the letter from my parents.

XXXXXX currently is unemployed. I send her money every month. She previously worked in a small shop. Her mother fell sick, so she returned home to take care of her mother along with her sisters. She now goes to school to study English five days a week. And takes it in turns with her sisters on taking care of her mother who is unable to walk. She as agreed with her sisters that it is ok to go to England for two months, her sisters will take care of XXXXX mother while she is away.

XXXXXX has no intentions of working in the UK or staying away from Thailand any longer than two months as she has to return to care for her mother, and to continue her studies.

The reason for her visit is to meet my family, visit England and discuss, plan my wishes to live in Thailand. To marry and live with XXXXXX.

I will be supporting XXXXXXX Fully in all expenses, flight, accommodation, meals etc.

We plan to travel on the 16th of December and return the 16th of February.

We have transport to and from the airport, accommodation, sufficient funds etc.

We plan to meet family and friends, I will take XXXXX around the UK showing her sights and landmarks.

Thank you for the consideration of this matter, should you have any further questions then please contact me.

Tel Number –

Yours sincerely

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XXXXXXX has never been to the UK before or been refused.

If this is your third attempt, hasn't she been refused twice? Thye might check up on previous applications....

I think refused visa and refused entry are different, might be best to put "refused entry"...but I'm no expert..

totster :o

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just a thought if you mention your work schedule they might say what is your gf going to do while you work so much,maybe say you think 2 months is enough time to see the sights of england.

a tourist visa is a 6 month multi entry so they are looking at you to see if you can support her for 6 months if needed.

good luck

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If I recall correctly from Big Spuds' previous postings his g/f was not refused a visa but, rather, advised by the visa officer not to pursue the application because it would probably result in refusal.

Big Spuds, the letter is fine; it lets them know that you exist and are supporting the application.

Best of luck and fingers crossed.


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you remember right scouser. If Gf is advised not to pursue it anymore (for one reason or another) do you think it would be worth just paying the money and having a go at the interview?

Do you think the reasons for return are ok. i know they are not the best, but could i say more to make them seem better?

Do you think i could do or say anymore scouser?

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Hi BS,

Short of lying outright you just have to put the best possible "spin" on the facts, which I think you've done in your letter. Now it's just down to the questions the visa officer asks and the answers your g/f gives. When interviewed she should overemphasise the fact that she must return to Thailand; i.e. get it in at every opportunity without it necessarily being an answer to the question asked. For example:-

"What do you want to do in the UK?"

"I'd like to visit my b/f's family before I have to go back to Thailand to assist my sisters in taking care of my sick mother.", etc.

With regard to whether your g/f should insist upon lodging the application if the visa officer tries to dissuade her from applying, I think she should. If she doesn't go ahead with it she definitely won't get the visa and if it's refused then there is nothing preventing her from applying again if her circumstances change.

If the visa is refused there is no right of appeal. However, depending upon how far you want to take the matter you can go to your MP, or instruct a solicitor to seek a judicial review of the visa officer's decision, although the latter will potentially cost a lot in legal fees.



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As this letter is to someone living in Thailand and aware of employment restrictions here I would try to include any future employment information you might be able to offer, such as degree, experience in a job that you could use here etc. It may not be required but believe it would help avoid the feeling I get that with no job, sisters to take care of mother, lover in UK, supporter in UK that she is not likely to return. You have tried to cover this with detail of why 2 months needed and plans to 'bring her back' but I would still wonder if I were the reader.

At any rate good luck and hope things work out for you. They should be getting the message you are not going away by now and hopefully try to rule in your favor.

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