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Customs Forms No Longer Necessary

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They did away with them before Oct 1st, though exactly when I don't know. But I flew to BKK from Paris on Sep 24th, and since Emirates Airlines didn't give me a customs form while handing out immigration forms, I asked for one. The flight attendant said you didn't need them for Thailand. Of course I thought it was an excuse, so after passing through immigration at Don Muang, I went straight to a customs officer at the green lane and asked for one to fill out, hoping to get ahead of the other passengers on the plane, all of whom would presumably need them as well. Mai mee laew, mai jam pen laew, was the response.

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You just gotta love this country. Telling my mates to bring me 10 bottles of wine next trip for sure.

It is no more legal now to bring in undeclared 10 bottles of wine than it was previously. They've just done away with the form, that's all. If you go through the green line, you are assumed to have "nothing to declare". If they happen to pull you aside for a spot check and find that you DID in fact have taxable items on you, you're still in the same trouble as before.

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I even say, you run a higher chance to be asked to put your bag in the x-ray machine or to open it.

Before you kept one officer busy with glancing at your declaration, now he will be glancing at YOU.

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You just gotta love this country. Telling my mates to bring me 10 bottles of wine next trip for sure.

It is no more legal now to bring in undeclared 10 bottles of wine than it was previously. They've just done away with the form, that's all. If you go through the green line, you are assumed to have "nothing to declare". If they happen to pull you aside for a spot check and find that you DID in fact have taxable items on you, you're still in the same trouble as before.

You noticed as such, I sid my mates. Me, I avoid trouble of all sorts. :o

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You just gotta love this country. Telling my mates to bring me 10 bottles of wine next trip for sure.

It is no more legal now to bring in undeclared 10 bottles of wine than it was previously. They've just done away with the form, that's all. If you go through the green line, you are assumed to have "nothing to declare". If they happen to pull you aside for a spot check and find that you DID in fact have taxable items on you, you're still in the same trouble as before.

You noticed as such, I sid my mates. Me, I avoid trouble of all sorts. :D

Your mates are gonna love you when they get nabbed. :o

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First place, I was kidding. Seconf place, the next person that gets 'nabbed' and fined for bringing in a few too many bottles of wine into this country will be the first I've ever heard about.

Now a full suitcase of new cellphones, cameras or laptops might be a reason to get nervous, but a few bottles of liquid love, hardly.

I know you guys are the 'authority' on everything that is Thai and Thailand, but I'd place my bets with Chicken Little having a better clue on this matter.

Eh, guess I'll give them all this website and let them decide for themselves. :o

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First place, I was kidding....

Now I would not take everything too easy or too serious.

Legal advice: everything has to be declared incl. the one bottle you carry.

By taking the green lane, you declare that you have no dutyable items.

Inofficially, the customs officer might close an eye or two if you bring more than allowed for duty free, don't count on it.

For ten bottles we are talking about commercial quantities.

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I always found Thai customs pretty lax anyways. Always filled in the green " nothing to declare" form , hand it to the officials and u are through, no x ray, no nothing. I assume they screen passenger bags before this anyways. Compare this to Aussie customs with x rays and random Beagle searches :o

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You just gotta love this country. Telling my mates to bring me 10 bottles of wine next trip for sure.

It is no more legal now to bring in undeclared 10 bottles of wine than it was previously. They've just done away with the form, that's all. If you go through the green line, you are assumed to have "nothing to declare". If they happen to pull you aside for a spot check and find that you DID in fact have taxable items on you, you're still in the same trouble as before.

What kind of troubles for 10 bottles of wine?

Give one as a fine? ;-)

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