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Internet Connecton Speed & Browser


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I have AIS GPRS and have encountered, many times a browser message that "internet site found, waiting for reply" Then nothing, the green bars stop at five and the bit counter on my wireless card stops turning over.

I assumed it is the bandwidth, portal or other internet problem and that my connection speed is involved.

HOWEVER, I haappend to re-boot my laptop, and lo and behold, I got connected to the same e-mail site right away.

Started rebooting my computer every morning when I want to access my e-mail and have little trouble connecting to hotmail or yahoo.

If I don't re-boot, same old problem.

Today I went on in the morning, and then again now. Same situation. It seems that if I leave my laptop "on" for some hours, without using it, my browser does somehting to make connceting to a website over GPRS problematical. By-rebooting, the problem seems to go away.

Anyone have any ideas as to why this happens?????

I have always left my laptop on over-night without this happening, except in a two week period in the past, but now it is evey time.

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AIS doesn't seem to have enough wired bandwidth to service its wireless network. Its quite common to have a 'hot' GPRS connection with no data flowing through it because the network is jammed up - the problem doesn't seem to be confined to individual cells.

Sometimes if you refresh the page or ditch the connection and dial in again you can get through but othertimes nothing helps and you just have to come back and try again later. The thing that weirds me out is that there doesn't seem to be any sane correlation between time of day and how well the service works. Like you'd think there would be less people using it and that it would be faster in the early hours of the morning. Not so ! I think the bastards are throttling their bandwidth and winding it back whenever they think they can get away with it to cut costs.

And since they've got us paying by the minute, what's the rush :o

If you're in a crowded place, it is also possible for all the available GPRS slots to be saturated, but once you finally get one it should work ok, which doesn't sound like your problem.

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what operating system are you using?

what type of device are you using to get a GPRS connection?

If it is a card, have you checked for newer drivers for your OS?

crushdepth I have not yet had a real problem yet with GPRS, ok its only doing a top speed of 20-40Kbps, but it still is enough for me to check email or be on IM.

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