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Murder Victims Photo's Kanchanburi

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It nothing unusual.

I returned from Thailand recently with a few gifts wrapped in newspaper. My friends where interested when they saw the crumpled newspaper. Before they started to investigate I informed 'there will probably be a few dead bodies on the front page'. I don't think they believed me, but there were.

Its something I have never understood. Surely the family of the deceased must be upset by it. What if someone was unaware that a family member had died and found out by buying the paper?



On Petchburi Rd. they used to post photos of road traffic victims, presumably to deter people from taking chances across a busy road.

On TV they are always showing dead people. I remember a year or so ago a floor of a new building collapsed crushing a worker. They showed the poor guy's head and arm poking out from the side...pretty gruesome stuff for TV. But I think that Thais are pretty philosophical about this stuff. It's happened so that's the way it is, sort of thing.

They also seem to show people who have been arrested, on TV; drugs dealers, murderers etc. I also remember seeing a tv item of a guy who had been shot through the head in his car. :o


They have a morbid fascination about this. Just look at some of the comic books they read.

I think they lack empathy also. Not to put too fine a point on the subject, but look how South East Asians in general treated captives in various wars.


when i first started to learn to read thai i decided comic books were the way to go, so there i am struggling over page 6 and wondering wot the ###### it was about, after 2 days i gave in and asked a thai, yep the text went something like this, there was a pic of a male over a female who was dead and he was saying wot good sex she was cos she wos a dead virgin and then he took her virginity.

it was at that stage that i really slowed down on learning thai script...

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