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An Overseas Enquiry

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The following e-mail was found in my junk mail box and is from a man who's name I recognize and who's face I almost certainly would from back home in the Buckinghamshire town I had been living in the past twelve years.

The best place for advice is in my opinion is HERE, so please read the following, advise if you can and I will e-mail him a link and reccomend he become a member here - that's my own best advice to him.

Hello *******

I'm not sure if we know each other, but I'm 34 and come from *******, so we probably do.

I have been given your name by ****** ****** as someone who may be able to point me in the right direction about work opportunities in Thailand.

He works in TEFL, this is a possibility, but my background is logistics and so I'm hoping I can get in with a western company in this sort of capacity - I think I will earn more and be able to get a longer work visa.

I am trying to find out if there are any bodies or forums at which western companies meet, and also the names of companies established or getting started over there. I would think they all like to get together at times and talk shop, and also to recruit - particularly any consultants out there. I am trying to contact the British Embassy, but past that I'm struggling.

My general impression from all is that the Thais particularly like the British and British businesses seem to be well respected.

My girlfriend is Thai and lives in Phuket - she visits Bangkok every once in a while, but not enough to get around and find out and meet a few people for me, plus she's very traditionally Thai and rather shy and polite, particularly around westerners!!! She will talk all day to me, but when it comes to others, she gets a bit embarrassed about her English, even though it is good! Bless her!

I would even be interested in short - medium term contracting work with any companies that are setting up over there, but again, it is quite difficult to find out this information from just doing internet searches.

Can you help me? Thanks in advance and I'd be grateful for any advice.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Nick *****

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Wow, my name is Nick, I work in logistics, I'm 34, yet that is not me. :o

Go figure.

If he works in logistics, then he should check with his current company/agent for opportunity. This would be his best bet.

He can also run a search on the internet for logistic companies in BKK, and contact them directly. He doesn't need me to do this, and if he is in the industry, then he knows the names.

The only opportunity in that line is BKK.

Think he would have a tough go of it to find a position that paid decently, or I would be there, right. :D

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Hi everyone - thanks Gentleman Scamp and SoCal.

I am not working currently in the logistics industry, but that is where most of my experience comes from. I'm primarily looking for a start over there in whatever way I can, and logistics is a massive industry.

I have worked across the board in this industry - in third party warehousing and distribution, and for suppliers and retailers in supply chain, inventory management and import / export, particularly in the food & drink sector.

I'd be happy to discuss any opportunities and am very flexible with what I do - I'm up for a fresh start and new challenges! So please get in touch.


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I have worked across the board in this industry - in third party warehousing and distribution, and for suppliers and retailers in supply chain, inventory management and import / export, particularly in the food & drink sector.

I'd be happy to discuss any opportunities and am very flexible with what I do - I'm up for a fresh start and new challenges! So please get in touch.


Not sure if it's much help, but I have a Thai friend working logistics in inventory management. His salary is 6,600 baht per month.

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John, that's pretty much what I am saying. The head of my office in BKK only makes 40k/mo, and he set up the office overseas the staff, etc.

Nick, the internet is an incredible resource. I advise you find UK or EU companies operating in BKK, then apply to them expressing your desire. If you go over without a job, it will take a lot of time working in jobs you may not want for less pay than you want, until maybe you can make the proper connections. Even then, you will not necessarily be viewed as an expat when it comes to wages.

Best to find the job that appoints you to work in Thailand.

Second best is to stay in UK, and spend all your free time in Thailand.

Third, and only my opinion, is to go there with nothing, and try to figure it out.

Depends on what you want from life.

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Thanks for your advice guys. Necessity is becoming the mother of invention here... There are a couple of online recruitment companies, but they are not entirely up to date. I am hunting down this elusive list of British companies in Thailand - when I find this I can go-see their sites...

Thanks again.


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