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Hopeless time ...


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hi, all of you

I have been offline for a while, and it seems that it will be kike this for a while ... in Chiang Mai, communication centrals are full-up, no way to get a line, and I have a number already ...

what do I think about this?

this is Thailand, there might be more money to get from mobile phone rather than with house-phone lines ...

by the way, who did so much for mobile ?

who made a fortune out of it ? who rule this country ?

and who has no plan to improve the telephone in all areas ?

despite all the promises made, the family of my wife, leaving in Esarn are waiting fot the phone for more than 4 years !

after we had made all kind of papers, and run from office to office ... useless to say that people are tired of the non-doing of this government ... don't you ?

we are living in a country we like, but time changes, and if you see things like me, I do think that this government is not only uselees to the country, but also very close to dictatorship, "they" don't like critics, don't like comment ...

is it a real democracy ?

I do think that "they" should learn the meaning of this word !

well, as the time pass by, I begin to think that living here is not nice the way it used to be only a few years ago ...

anyway, still hoping for a better time ...


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Thailand had more freedom under the Military rule.

With this new government, you can't expect much. It is so incompetent that it is very much afraid of "any" criticism and it shows. The Thais are not fools and they know one when they see one.

Things will not improve until the next election. Those 3 months campaigns are complete disasters and still showed as successes as if they were trying to sell something to the Thai people. This is what happens when you put a CEO as the head of a country. The US is another good example with Italy. Being a good CEO does not mean good head of state. But some people are stupid enough to think this. In the case of Bush, he was also a bad CEO so the rule still applies.

The problem with the current approach to "clean" everything is they are not providing any alternatives. Sooner or later, everything that made Thailand a small "paradise" are going to become like "every" other places. Prices will be high, the fun will be gone, no more drinking, the farangs will be expelled. The Thais might realize then that they have lost "something" and since no alternatives will be there to replace the "lost" incomes, they are going to feel betrayed by the government and the farangs because when something goes wrong in Thailand, it's always the fault of the farang.

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