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How Many Falangs In Thailand Are Broke?


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Just wondering how many Falangs you have met over here that are broke? I used to stay at a long-termers guesthouse in Chiang Mai, where some of the residents had no assets as such and relied on pensions from their governments in Australia, Canada, US and UK .............their health insurance was an open plane ticket back home. And one fellow there from the UK had to learn esl to get a job teaching english to support his thai wife and 2 kids (who all stayed with him in the 1 room).

But I've yet to meet some poor bastard on the bones of his arse with virtually no money and no way of getting "back home", though they must be out there from the way some people speak on this and other forums.

Try me :o

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I will go for number 6 now to realy confuse your minds.

You lied it says your up to 10. lets see if you can go for 20 now. can I ask you a simple question? why do you want to be a prick?

I thought i was copying you rak as you looked the most equipped member

If you notice my post in regards to your 2 post comment I edited shortly after realizing you posted 2 more after. I recall typing "Forgive". So dose this word leave me open not to be forgiven? Did you misinterpret it some how? If you where copying me then you simply would of said.. "No worry's mate". But you have not copied me in anyway and left your self looking like a prick. Now take a few mins and think to your self. If this was a public area face to face, what do you think could possibly happen?

I have spent a couple or 3 minutes to think what would happen face to face,and is this based on you calling me a prick or based on discussing this post.

Your turn to to take a few minutes to tell me.

3 mines eh? Don’t strain your self, I already thought about it before your reply, and if you wish to continue I be happy to show you? There is a insurance section on this forum and you should be considering it.

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I already have a wonderful medical plan which covers me for most things.Do you get commission for a sale or just to go on site,as i will glady check it out if you can get maybe 3% for this.

Well well you do have a sense of humor after all~~ now was that so hard? You are new to this forum so I suggest you keep that sense of humor or your going to have a bad day.!

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my sense of humour is brilliant but unfortunately i wound you up about the prick post.You should have said big prick then i would have ben ok about that.Also i never ever have a bad day here in the land of smirks lol.

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my sense of humour is brilliant but unfortunately i wound you up about the prick post.You should have said big prick then i would have ben ok about that.Also i never ever have a bad day here in the land of smirks lol.

Fair enough. That thought did cross my mind. For the records. Don't call me "rak" means Love in Thai. call me "Torlae" means Crazy Bi### lol

Edited by RakJungTorlae
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I will be relaxing in air conditioned german comfort on my way to work while your sweating it out on the bus.

Well, if it's a Mercedes or Audi built between 1998 and 2005, most likely you will be relaxing waiting for a tow truck. Anyone I know, including myself that has owned "german comfort" from that time period rues the day they made the mistake of buying during the Lada era. I won't list the defects I had, suffice to say I had lots. Everytime I see mention of wealth and Mercedes I laugh. Try posers and people trying to impress. People bought Mercedes because it was once a fine reliable vehicle. Today, savy drivers won't be caught dead in one. The only "wealthy" people that still opt for them outside of Germany are found in middle east oil kingdoms and African despot states. Take a hint from the King. He uses a Lexus.

hmm i think its a maybach 62 limo.. that the king rides in, and Im pretty sure plenty of drivers world wide still use bmw, audis, mercs, lets not forget porsche and vw but <deleted> do i know. Oh yeah go ahead and re read my post never said anything about a merc buddy. Just because you had a lemon of a german ride dosent make em all bad, I had a jag once, and a range rover......so you dont have to tell me about breakdowns, but they sure look good compared to toyota/ lexus. Anyways if you cant afford to fix em you have no buisness driving them. Again dont be mad at me because you gotta ride the bus

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And dont forget "asset rich cash poor" I fit this one quite well!

I always worry about money but just plan that in the future I will be ok, am always buying assets land, houses etc etc.

What is the future ? death ?,. i am the opposite, earn it spend it, and i have ,A LOT,. no regrets, i want to be the poorest corpse in the graveyard,. i have a lot of friends that are very wealthy, but, are not happy and have been no where ,for what ?..in fact ill go on to say we have met many people with money, but are tight @ssholes and worry themselves to death working out where to buy the cheapest,. if someone can be happy with nothing through ignorance who are we to criticise,.

Depends maybe in a few years I will have "loads" + my wife will be provided for and as I'm 44 and shes 32 I want to make sure she is ok financially.

Edited by lardy
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may not be true. some may have you believe english teachers are just doing it to supplement their income.

i think its hogwash. if you teach you need the money and are not in good financil shape.

above doesnt apply to teachers making over 50k$ in los btw.

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all the english teachers and ebayers and whatever else they are hustling are one divorce, illness, accident, police extortion away from being broke/homeless/etc...

you know so much, please set up you own web forum

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i make only 17000 baht a month dont work at all except on developing my website and taking the odd person to a temple for a tattoo and translating for them.

On this 17000 baht a month i live quite well only i dont have any savings.

And there's the killer, you are only one mo'cy accident, one fall down a pothole, one snake bite away from becoming a complete mess. Doesn't sound like you pay Thai taxes therefore the system here owes you nothing. Sure a local hospital may patch you up for free but what if you need further treatment or surgery?

The post of the thread IMHO. Sure they guy is as happy as pig shit on his 17K....until - and then he is f*cked.

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Some of these posts bemuse me.

Just because somebody is paying a small amount for something why denigrate them? I love a deal , don't you

Maybe my annoyance with this thread is based upon my ignorance of how ignorant people are.


Even a rich man likes a bargain, and it's a good thing to be ignorant of that. How ignorant people can be, much less care, I mean.

Edited by Shotime
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I saw a guy last night layed out in front of a 7-11. I thought I was home for a minute. He was not in good shape. I'm pretty sure he's not here for the sex.

My TWGF says teachers no good which I take to mean they have no good money. How much sex is the guy in the OP's post having a month. If he saves 100 baht a day by fasting, he can maybe once a week. Not bad. I see it's a few months old so I'm just trying to make it more current.

I'll use this again because I think it's Buddhist - A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can let alone.

Do you think the first Buddhists who came from India to here, came for the sex?

What's tagged mean?

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may not be true. some may have you believe english teachers are just doing it to supplement their income.

i think its hogwash. if you teach you need the money and are not in good financil shape.

above doesnt apply to teachers making over 50k$ in los btw.

Probably most the teachers need the cash to survive, but not all.

Now, let say you have $500k (17 mil bt ) US dollars in the bank and you want to semi retire early. Probably not nearly enough to feel comfortable retiring. Now if you supplement it with 30k bt per month teaching English, you can have a decent life in Thailand.

If you live off a 40k pension, wouldn't the extra money be nice.

Many x-pat English teachers fall into the above categories.

Don't understand the last sentence in your post. I would think teachers making 50k with little saving, at risk of running out of money. I assume most of these can catch a flight home and start over in their home country.

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anyone with a western passport can make 20k baht atleast a month teaching english... i would hardly begin to worry about 'broke' farang. most thais dont come anywhere near that salary range.

Only if they either have a degree and TEFL or they work illegally. I would also add that in addition to a Western passport they should, in order to teach English, be reasonably fluent in the English language. But this depends on the person's ethics and how desperate he is to stay in Thailand.

As for living on a pension in Thailand it depends on how much of a pension a person is drawing. The basic UK old age pension is something around 120 GBP per week. That works out a little over 1000 Baht per day (at today's exchange rate). Although it is possible to live on that it leaves absolutely nothing for the unexpected or even a hint of a social life. It also is fine until you need medical attention, then you are well and truly screwed.

To try and answer the OP's question I have heard and observed some people living in Thailand that are absolutely brassic (and lint - skint - broke - penniless). I have never met them as I prefer to avoid these people whose lives are little more than a rolling disaster. Invariably they will try and turn any conversation round to money as a lead in to asking for a "loan". So by avoiding contact with these types I avoid feeling uncomfortable when I just say no.

What are u on? you cant have a social life if you only have a 1000 baht to spend a day? thats around 30,000 baht a month, thats more than enough, unless you visit bars etc phillharries!

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last resort tactics...?

'A British tourist, Alain Scott, 36, and his Thai girlfriend Wilaiporn Chaisaentao, 26, were arrested last week and charged with illegally distributing YaBa pills, obtained from a Thai drug dealer, to foreign tourists. A tip-off received by local police led them to the road in front of Ruamphat Hospital, at which meeting point Scott and Wilaiporn later arrived in a car which had been previously identified by the informant. 10 YaBa pills and .6 of a gram of heroin were found hidden in a packet of cigarettes; both suspects were arrested. A subsequent search of their accommodation resulted in the discovery of 128 more YaBa pills. During questioning, Scott told police that he had become involved with Wilaiporn during his stay in the city, and had not wanted to return to the UK as a result. Having run out of money, he decided to deal YaBa to other tourists, mainly in and around the Night Bazaar.'

source: Chiangmai mail

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Your health is your wealth.

Be kind to yourself, having lots of money is not the end to end all.

Love, kindness, caring and a positive attitude to your fellow man is more than enough for most men.

I have been rich and poor and the times I was most happy when I had just enough to survive.

Having some sort of health insurance in Thailand is essential I also pay my health insurance in my home country minimal which only costs me 25000bhrt a year gives me peace of mind. An open return ticket also helps.

As one gets older little essentials do help but going back to the basic fundamentals of

Love, kindness, caring and a positive attitude to your fellow man is more than enough for most men.

Just enough to survive.

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can someone who teaches english check around and see how many have 500,000 K in the bank?

sorry sir, i just dont follow most of your reasoning. no offense as some dont understand mine.

ps. im kinda lost by showtimes posting too!

Edited by cynthialee
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I am confused by all this.I live in Chiang Mai and my pension is about 94,000 baht a month at the current exchange rate,which I think is ok but my wife says her Thai friends look down on her because she is with a "poor" farang.However,the forum has many stories of farangs here who have much less. I believe I have this poor image because I rent house and do not own one.The other strange thing is despite this income I am not able to save a whole lot of money.I do have car payments,insurance etc. but so does everyone else.Plus I eat almost entirely Thai food which wife cooks.Anyway I have lost the point of why I am even writing this so if you can live on little money and be happy then good for you but if you like Starbucks coffee then good for you too.If you like Thai food that is fine.If you like farang food that is fine too.Personally I eat anything,but I would rather eat good Thai food than bad farang food.

I think living your own life is hard enough.Living everyone elses life is just too much work.This was not a very eloquent message.Either way,I do enjoy reading the arguments of my fellow farangs,especially the snobby rich guys and self-righteous Thai wannabe guys.I just said the last part to get more arguments going.

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can you name the thai wannabe guys.

no offense to thais, but i wouldnt wannabe one!

perhaps you need a microsoft spreadsheet to see where all yr money is going. have a big colum for wifes family needs, you know, whiskey for uncle, motobike repairs, etc etc

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Just wondering how many Falangs you have met over here that are broke? I used to stay at a long-termers guesthouse in Chiang Mai, where some of the residents had no assets as such and relied on pensions from their governments in Australia, Canada, US and UK .............their health insurance was an open plane ticket back home. And one fellow there from the UK had to learn esl to get a job teaching english to support his thai wife and 2 kids (who all stayed with him in the 1 room).

But I've yet to meet some poor bastard on the bones of his arse with virtually no money and no way of getting "back home", though they must be out there from the way some people speak on this and other forums.

Have been living more than three years in Thai and have not met one broke farang yet. I met a lot of broke Thai girls instead and made my best to support them :o

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can someone who teaches english check around and see how many have 500,000 K in the bank?

sorry sir, i just dont follow most of your reasoning. no offense as some dont understand mine.

ps. im kinda lost by showtimes posting too!

Is that good or bad? I wanted shortime, but someone had already taken it. Showtime's ok. BallBreaker is good, but that's taken too. I give my TWGF baht just for listening to me. It's almost like talking to myself except people, who don't know me, won't think I'm crazy. Guys can have many reasons for loving (how's that?) their TWGF's.

It can't be good for a farang to be broke in Thailand. Maybe if he can speak Thai. Before someone had mentioned a transliteration of a Thai phrase. The second word was ngoc. Do you know what that means cyn?

Edited by Shotime
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[My 2 room condo apartment costs me 2700 baht a month and have internet for 300 a month 1mb another 100 baht a month gets me 50 cable tv channels...

you sure are one rich farang. how can you afford all that luxury? :o

dam_n here in Pattaya I am paying 590 baht +100 baht for the phone line + 7% VAT for my 512k internet with TOT and my condo charges me 300 baht a month for Sophoncable TV ...they are robbing me bigtime !

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I am not buying any whiskey for uncles.Wifes family doesnt drink.I don't have a motorbike.In fact I am not giving wifes family anything.I did adopt wifes niece but I figure school and other expenses into the budget.I maybe gave wrong impression.I am not broke,I just think I should be better at saving money.lus I should have add I don't drink myself anymore,so it is not going on booze.

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Also the Thai wannabe guys are like guy who says he is just like Thai guy because he eats Thai food and

lives in cheap room like Thai people but then goes on about how he has computer and satellite with 50 channels.says he is like Thai but I say same same but different.

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I met a TEFLer on samui recently. he said he was so strapped for cash he sometimes couldn't top up his phone or put fuel in his motorbike.

I still didn't buy him a beer though - come on, I'm scottish. :D

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