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How Many Falangs In Thailand Are Broke?


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I dunno... as long as one has enough money for his current and future obligations to himself and others, I think he's done well enough. To scrape for more constantly seems pathological, having mistaken money for its own point. Even worse is to brag about scraping for more... but that's getting off-topic. To be broke altogether is to fail in one's obligations- after all, you have an obligation at least to yourself for the future, and you make of yourself a risk to your family and friends if you don't take this obligation seriously.

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i agree about the poor being happy in Thailand. Plus, it does feel like its very easy for them to get a job if they want one, whatever it is. in the west, old people are pretty much screwed.

Big Myth. Take a good look at the vendors on the street. Yes they have a job, but do you really think they are happy, sitting there toiling in the hot stuffy conditions breathing bad air, bored and having to haggle with people? Take a look at most of the young people working menial jobs or in the hospitality trade. There is a lot of anger churning and seething under the surface. Ever wonder why riots always end up with death and mass destruction in asia including India? The genie can only be kept in the bottle for so long. Eventually it escapes and when he does, it aint pretty. The scene we see is is what social psychologists refer to as a coping mechanism. I'm not calamity jane, but I see alot of the same behaviours here that I saw in Indonesia before the mass killings

P---What killings, when, where?

and these behaviours

P--- What behaviours in particular?

were not evident a decade a go when I was much more adept at picking up social cues and first visited up in Thailand.

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i agree about the poor being happy in Thailand. Plus, it does feel like its very easy for them to get a job if they want one, whatever it is. in the west, old people are pretty much screwed.

Big Myth. Take a good look at the vendors on the street. Yes they have a job, but do you really think they are happy, sitting there toiling in the hot stuffy conditions breathing bad air, bored and having to haggle with people? Take a look at most of the young people working menial jobs or in the hospitality trade. There is a lot of anger churning and seething under the surface. Ever wonder why riots always end up with death and mass destruction in asia including India? The genie can only be kept in the bottle for so long. Eventually it escapes and when he does, it aint pretty. The scene we see is is what social psychologists refer to as a coping mechanism. I'm not calamity jane, but I see alot of the same behaviours here that I saw in Indonesia before the mass killings and these behaviours were not evident a decade a go when I was much more adept at picking up social cues and first visited up in Thailand.

It's hardly one way or the other. There is a lot of anger churning and seething, but at the same time there is still plenty of acceptance of one's 'lot' in life. And when the genie finally does get out of the bottle, do you know what happens? She does a brief and slightly satisfying belly dance (maybe you'll see some skin and a few hundred people will die... who are invariably the rather unfortunate poorest of merchants who probably have the most in common with the downtrodden masses) and then everything goes back to the way it exactly was, as in the Indonesian case.

On another note, a lot of street and mall vendors are probably better off financially than many TV forum members, despite their rather uncomfortable work places. Many of the wholesalers in the legal and probably illegal (trademark violators) garments business in the Bobay and Pratunam area come to mind. I've seen the bank books of those coming to me for bridge financing and seen ranges of 5,000 to 500,000 in cash flow per day. Of course, I'm not sure what the margins are, but if we're assuming 8-15% wholesale, it's not too shabby, and in many cases more than I make in a month despite the cushy aircon office.


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in the Bangkok Post the other day they were saying that average household debt for thais was

now about 116k. i see some merchants with a lot of income rolling in but this whole living on

credit business is causing a lot of problems already and more in the future i'm afraid.

try living on a budget and things do change when you're not shovelling money at everybody.

i try not to slam english teachers because they always get such a miserable rap. #1 it doesn't

seem many thais want them working. #2 constant bad press insinuating their wanted fugitives.

shifting out of tourist mode can be difficult for some. it doesn't matter how much you've got

stashed away, if you're out drinking and whoring every night you'll run into trouble eventually. :o

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Well, I got slightly depressed over in that other thread about who has the most net worth, so I came to this thread to do a little slumming so I would feel superior to all the insolvent farang. Other than the philosophy and the stories about shitting in the woods, I didn't hear much about guys who are dead broke.

As a pensioner who does not have much net worth, I assure you that you can live quite comfortably on a large pension. I have some close friends that I never divulge the total value of the monthly pensions, for fear I would make them jealous. I really do not understand how they live from month to month on less than half of what I have, but some of them are also eating up their principal quickly.

We have heard stories of farang beggars. I met a neighbor in the embassy who was on ten years of overstay, but he still paid his rent.

Perhaps most of the dirt poor farangs are away using the holiday as an opportunity to ask acquaintances for cash. Maybe the poor farangs cannot afford the cost of an Internet café which would allow them to follow and contribute to this forum. I really don't want to get the stories first hand anyway. The poor should be in survival mode, doing what they do best. In my neighborhood, near Sukhumvit Road Soi 3/1 the police sweep it every month to six weeks. They arrest almost everyone they question and it goes quiet for a while. Now that I think about it I've never seen anyone buying any of the sandals they sell over there. I'm not trying to be judgmental but I think these people are really poor. They spend a lot of time in the nearby Western Union sending out telegrams I guess.

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Getting back on topic, I know a number of farangs that definitely do NOT belong here. They lie, cheat, scam and steal. One in particular is broke, likes to drink and frequently gets in bar fights. He has no visa and has been in the local Pattaya monkey house on numerous occasions. The police just turn him loose when he sobers up. The only reason I can think of as to why he is not deported is that he has no money and the police cannot extort anything from him. People who try to do things legal hold the short end of the stick.

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I'm sympathetic about the guy living large on 17,000 baht a month and loving it.

It seems to me that a number of those who need to attack him are saying a lot more about themselves than him. It's sad when some---not only feel that their way is the only way--but they're also compelled to attack and be bitter about anyone seeming to enjoy a different path home.

I also sympathize with his struggles to learn to spell Thai correctly. After confusing 'Thai" and "south," and one more effort that was mostly beyond me, he kind of gave up on that.

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I'm sympathetic about the guy living large on 17,000 baht a month and loving it.

It seems to me that a number of those who need to attack him are saying a lot more about themselves than him. It's sad when some---not only feel that their way is the only way--but they're also compelled to attack and be bitter about anyone seeming to enjoy a different path home.

I also sympathize with his struggles to learn to spell Thai correctly. After confusing 'Thai" and "south," and one more effort that was mostly beyond me, he kind of gave up on that.

The issue is not that he's living on 17000 and loving it.

The issue is he gets on his high horse and attacks anyone who isn't living like him. Calling people fools for buying a Starbucks for example. And his attack on Thai women shows that he's really not loving his life. Happy people aren't that angry and bitter and contemptuous of others.

The guy isn't loving his life. He's attempting to rationalise his misery and lashing out at others who have a better life than he does

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Hippy dippy bullshit. There is no glory in poverty, and it takes a hel_l of a lot of skill to fail live on the breadline not only in the west but in Thailand also.

now try to give an example of your statement, but this time with Buddha as the character ... did you ever read any book about him?

... to the rest ...

poverty is a conception, the 17.000 baht guy is happy, he's trying to point out that it's enough, so he's not poor

could very well be that he still needs to learn on his principles and perception of Thailand etc, but anybody judging him over that has even more to learn ...


when I visited some villgae in the north I saw a man that in my western perception would be poor, noticed him hanging/sleeping in front of his house daily, so I asked if he didn't have work or so; reply; he had a very good harvest, so didn't need to work for the next 6 months ... that guy was in fact soooo rich he didn't had to work for the next 6 months, I bet he didn't have 10 baht in his pocket !

it's all a matter of perception and if you insist that you need a lot of cash to be happy etc, you're just insulting the Buddhist nature of this country !!

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I'm sympathetic about the guy living large on 17,000 baht a month and loving it.

It seems to me that a number of those who need to attack him are saying a lot more about themselves than him. It's sad when some---not only feel that their way is the only way--but they're also compelled to attack and be bitter about anyone seeming to enjoy a different path home.

I also sympathize with his struggles to learn to spell Thai correctly. After confusing 'Thai" and "south," and one more effort that was mostly beyond me, he kind of gave up on that.

The issue is not that he's living on 17000 and loving it.

The issue is he gets on his high horse and attacks anyone who isn't living like him. Calling people fools for buying a Starbucks for example. And his attack on Thai women shows that he's really not loving his life. Happy people aren't that angry and bitter and contemptuous of others.

The guy isn't loving his life. He's attempting to rationalise his misery and lashing out at others who have a better life than he does

I totally agree with 'Theyreallrubbish' here. The OP can't afford to get out of the hut and enjoy himself so he is forced to rationalize his lifestyle. He never did say how much he pays his maid!

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I'm sympathetic about the guy living large on 17,000 baht a month and loving it.

It seems to me that a number of those who need to attack him are saying a lot more about themselves than him. It's sad when some---not only feel that their way is the only way--but they're also compelled to attack and be bitter about anyone seeming to enjoy a different path home.

I totally agree !!

I think most negative comments here are just excuses to vent frustrations, not a serious reply to the topic ...

and let's face it; anybody coming here will think that Thai woman are money grabbers for the first few months, as most of the Thai girl you meet at the beginning are in fact money grabbers, it takes some time and some luck to find a honest Thai girl, so give the guy a break !

anyway, let me repeat; I make a lot of money and I think anybody who likes to get fcucked in the @ss ( read -> buys Starbucks) is a sucker !

comin' ... call me a cheap charlie ... I have some nice arguments ready to slap you around about that as well ...

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There was I time around 5 years ago, when I had 80 baht to my name, my rent was late, all my clothes were dirty, and I didn't even have my passport. Fortunately I had started selling time share 2 weeks prior and I made my first sale (of anything ever in my life really) and I had enough to breathe. How I pulled my self out of that drama is a whole other story but suffice to say I was damm low during those times. You do what you gotta do to survive and pull your self up. What I don't get is how some people stay like that though..I have seen so many guys just doing what ever lousy job, just to say in Thailand..its sad.

I hear you Huey, I have been there myself. I think the difference boils down to ambition and some people simply have higher ambitions than others.

There is nothing wrong with setting your sights lower than others, but for true peace of mind there must surely be a personal minimum level of financial security to take care of your needs in times of hardship or illness, but only you can define what these words mean to you.

I think without the peace of mind that financial security brings, true personal happiness can never be achieved. Yes, that includes the love of family, because families bring with them the burden of fiscal responsibility as well as all that other lovely stuff that we can not do without. The stress of not being able to provide for them in times of their need is a very good cure for happiness.

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This is very funny. Class warfare, Thaivisa style.


I always thought the classiest people in TV were found in the health and animal sections. Compassion and genuine decency oozes from those contributors and mods. They never beat up on anyone either. :D Rich or poor, no one knows for sure, save the banker, wot?

I reckon the reality is that the truly wealthy folks won't be in here, they'll be out on their lovely tugs or squeezing some jugs or perhaps sharing some hugs on the links. I'm stuck in CM hiding from the unruly masses counting the days when I can get to Bangers. My bestest friend has taken pity on me and is flying back from Isaan to see me. So i wanna brag now and say I be rich, rolling in the luchre of someone to have some Mekong juice with demain.

And now a word from me granny; If you have your health and working faculties you're not broke. Count your blessings.

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I'm broke after paying to take my family(4 of us) on a 3 week holiday to Melbourne.

Unbelievable the prices of some things there. Got fined $66 for facing the wrong way whilst parking and even more for going 66 km/h on a 60 limit.

The cheapest family hotel is more than double the best hotel here. But we had a great time - isn't that what money is for?

I have a job, a loving family so I don't give a ****.

Some of my fondest memories have been when I'm broke.

I'd rather be broke here than rich, with a boring job I hate, in Scotland.

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indeed... money alone does not provide happiness. in addition to money one should have bonds, shares, real estate, gold bars, old masters, sculptures, per[ver]sian carpets, a good wife, a mia noi... :o

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As someone who literally ended up on the streets, I would say that a little bit of money is nice. I don't have much of it, but I don't feel insecure about this. I am confident that I will always keep my head above water. When you have previously lost everything you lose you fear of losing it again.

I try and do the best I can for my family and this makes me happy.

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its not about having money its about not abusing the country's poorness to the extreme, as farangs we have the oportunity to make way more money than most thais. and coming here to live on 17k a month getting welfare from your country you are

1) abusing your own goddamn country

2) abusing this country

you're living like one of those dirty backpackers except fulltime. at least they go back and munch off their own country after a couple weeks.

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its not about having money its about not abusing the country's poorness to the extreme, as farangs we have the oportunity to make way more money than most thais. and coming here to live on 17k a month getting welfare from your country you are

1) abusing your own goddamn country

2) abusing this country

you're living like one of those dirty backpackers except fulltime. at least they go back and munch off their own country after a couple weeks.

Rubbish.What are you on?

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Ok, I will admit it ,I am a pauper compared to the 30% of posters on the "nett worth "who claim to be millionaires.

Been there ,done that,with the assistance of an ex-wife and a smart lawyer ,I went from a silk purse to a sows ear in the blink of an eye.

Its a shock to the system to go from "high Roller status" ,being wined and dined and flown around the South Pacific and S/E Asia on freebies to having your platinum card suspended overnight.

Nowadays ,I have a nice car ,no patches on my jeans ,a harmonious home life and very little cash and am as happy as a pig in poo with the hand I have been dealt.

Oh yes, and I am one of those that the Oz Govt sends a cheque to every month,and after 50 years of big tax assessments I deserve every cent of it.

So the next poster who feels lucky enough to pour scorn on pension recipients ,a holiday awaits. :o

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indeed... money alone does not provide happiness. in addition to money one should have bonds, shares, real estate, gold bars, old masters, sculptures, per[ver]sian carpets, a good wife, a mia noi... :D

Aahhhhh... :o finally you came out Naam ! Good for you !

I mean, if Helmut decides for a 35 years younger woman and Putin choses a 24 year old...why not you ? :D


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Some people come to Thailand with plenty of money and lose it all. Some people come with nothing and make a life here. Some people base their life around the idea of one day moving to their place in the sun, when conditions of right, but for many this day will never come. Some people live in the now.

I am always broke haha..but to live in Europe in the snow eating farang food and no temple round the corner to go to and speak with the monks, no Pad kaprao

or Gaeng Thai (แกงใต้) no going waddling in the stream catching fish (ทอดแหจับปลานิน) and maybe a million other things then i just couldn't live.

i make only 17000 baht a month dont work at all except on developing my website and taking the odd person to a temple for a tattoo and translating for them.

On this 17000 baht a month i live quite well only i dont have any savings.

I can understand someone who comes here lives in a beer bar, starbucks kfc and the pizza hut would prefer to go home and make money than live here broke, as they live the same western life here as they do at home...

but i cant eat that stuff i eat only thai food and for me a pad kaprao with a fried egg on top costs me 15 baht or 2 curries on rice i get for 20 to 25 baht

I also cant live without this food i dont eat bread and all that farang bull it isnt tasty and also expensive.

A coffee in starbucks costs 60 baht (uff what a waste thats 3 square meals for me which are much more delicious than a coffee)

I always wonder why some farang copme here as some people pack their tins of beans, marmit/vegemite, and all their other "home copmforts" and live on that when they are here...what is the point of being here if you cant adapt to the lifestyle and have to need your stuff from home country.

This is like taking your country with you.....why dont you just stay home if you dont like the real life/food/culture here?

i suppose some people only come for the women..which is as far as i am concerned stupid, as Thai women dont like farang they just like their money.

I couldn't take a wife who only wanted an easy life and a free ride but really all she is waiting for is me to die so she can go home and make a house and marry the thai she has always told me is her little brother or cousin.

I know a guy he employs his wife's little brother...well that guy is her boyfriend really i found out about it...but i ain't telling the farang because he has to learn himself.

Broke in Thailand? yes! But it is still better life than being middle class in Europe.

How many people in europe can afford a prawn and lemon grass soup every day eating out?

Even your average Thai can afford to eat fresh fish, prawns and lots of other lovely stuff on a "Broke" budget.

My 2 room condo apartment costs me 2700 baht a month and have internet for 300 a month 1mb another 100 baht a month gets me 50 cable tv channels...god i would have to work my ass off in Europe to keep all that together.

The broke thing isnt important as if you have a lot of money here then you either just blow it all on uinnecessary luxuries (ie starbucks) or some woman or thai guy syphons it out of you.

If you have nothing for them to take then they cant take it off you.

my god you talk shit. 20baht pays for what 5 baht can buy! quality! many asian friends 'only" eat asian while buying burger king as a treat in london, and west indian friends queue for goat stew on holidays while stuffing there faces with 'pret a manger' sandwiches and sushi the next your home is where your heart and hat is not your stomach or fisherman pants. your opinion is so arrogant and simplistic.

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I'd just like to add as a note in this thread that I just saw an article on Yahoo (targetted at Americans) giving the 'secret' of being able to save $1000 *a year*, as if it were something really, really hard to do (and maybe the way things are going in America, it is!) Maybe someday I will be sending remittances to my family there (and maybe folks there need to learn how to stop being broke!)

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I'd just like to add as a note in this thread that I just saw an article on Yahoo (targetted at Americans) giving the 'secret' of being able to save $1000 *a year*, as if it were something really, really hard to do (and maybe the way things are going in America, it is!) Maybe someday I will be sending remittances to my family there (and maybe folks there need to learn how to stop being broke!)

I think the majority of Americans are carrying credit card debt. And now there are millions who have home loans on houses where the loan is worth more than the house. Its not the good old days now there.

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man, the only good thing about america is that imported items are as cheap as can be. you can buy many imported items in the usa for less than they cost in the country they were manufactured in. high volume and low margin is a dream for the consumer. take thailand, small selection and high prices.

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Very interesting thread and a lot of good answers.

The only thing I know is if you have an income more than is needed for your life style you are happy and if your income is less than the lifestyle you want you will be unhappy. This is the theme of a lot of the posts and I agree with them

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