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Cheap Bodybuilding Supplements?


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Do GNC also have a sale on Samui at the moment?

I can offer advice on supplements in Thailand shoot me a PM and ill email you some local contacts.

Two weeks ago I bought online from bodybuilding.com 14lbs of whey protein (3 boxes) and some fish oil, top brands like Optimum Nutrition and Champion Nutrition. I paid about $240 fedex included and arrived to BKK in 8 days time. Here I paid THB 1066 duty and that was all. I am very happy with what I got and I will order more. I have been ordering from bodybuilding.com for almost two years now and never had a problem to receive the package, even when I was living in Shanghai - over there they would not even charge duty and tax.

I don't trust local protein supplements of locally available brands which are ridiculously expensive.

Personally I think that if you lift heavy weights you need extra protein, you cannot get enough from the food, especially if you want to gain strength. In an ideal world we would all hunt our organic protein but in 21 century big city whey protein is convenient. Personally sometimes I even don't have time to boil some eggs.

I agree with the old style approach of 20 reps monster squat and milk. However, nowadays milk comes form industrial cows farms - imagine what they put inside or what "supplements" they give to the cows.

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  • 9 months later...
Becareful, creatine has side effects similar to steriods. Small balls, aggressiveness, mood swings and the inability to produce those chemicals naturally. ;-) I'm proud to say I do not speak from experience. Not to mention it is Cheating!!!

Could you please show some medical reports about this because its apsolute crap what your stating here.

As for supplements i just buy optimum nutrition gold whey in Thailand for 5000bt a 10lbs bag.

I also use cafeine capsules if i want a real hard workout, but not if i workout at night because then i would not be able to sleep.

Edited by robblok
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How about soybean protein instead of whey protein? How does that compare? I can buy it for a *lot* less than the prices I've seen quoted here.

Its a lower grade and many bodybuilders dont use soy bean because of problems with it. I would not touch it that is for sure. Its just not the right protein to build muscles. Also there are studies that show it could reduce test levels because of estrogenic compounds in the soy.

Im not saying that those studies are right but i wont take the risk. For a normal person no problem but for someone looking to gain muslce there is a problem.

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either use that link that siamsam posted or get them imported in BULK.

DONT IMPORT A LITTLE BUT BULK. Why? Because if you only lets say buy a few things and shipping might cost you on it say $60 fedex/ups eg 3kg but you could buy say 18kg for say 180kg not hard to see the saving.

Using sites like bodybuilding.com(theres a discount code for 10%), bulknutrition.com(code for 5% OR you can negotiate a discount on a big bulk order), vitacost.com(5%code), iherb.com and many more vitacost ships UPS international express at ALMOST the same prices as bb and bn etc charge for NORMAL international mail and ship order if recieved before 2pm est SAME DAY which means you get whatever within 2-3days.

You neglect the fact that the import duties will be horrendous and quickly bring the price back to what we are paying here.

I have no idea about import duties in Thailand so thats something you have to check. But if its like every where else it cant be that much and will vary depending on item and when your buying the items so much cheaper to start with might be better. in OZ for egg you can buy a total value upto 500 and not pay any duties. In some other places on a 800usd package(eg whey, mv, fish oil etc) you might end up paying about 20 in duties.

" I have no idea about import duties in Thailand so thats something you have to check....." like importing anything into thailand this will kill it dead,.......
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" I have no idea about import duties in Thailand so thats something you have to check....." like importing anything into thailand this will kill it dead,.......

Yes the import duties would kill it for sure. I seen products get taxed at 60% that is the big problem.

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eat raw egg, brake the shell and eat it

Only a few dangers

- Salmonella

- Biotin deficiency (if you eat too many)

- avidin toxix (also if you eat too many)

Myself i just boil my eggs

I love my protein shakes, but they are just a supplement and should not be seen as replacement of anything.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Don't need, Don't need, Don't need SUPPLEMENTS!!!!!!! I never understand the Bodybuilders love of supplements. ALL the nutition you need, you get from food. If you need to supplement drink plenty of MILK - the best quality protien supplement there is.

Forget "Whey" protien ( the byproduct of dairy fermentation) and certainly don't take Creatine unless you want to radioactivate your liver (latest findings are very scary).

MILK and SQUATS. Old timers did it this way. Supplements don't help one hiota. I don't care how they're packaged/marketed etc

Chinese proverb --- " If 200 million people do a stupid thing, it's STILL a stupid thing " - hence the mass production/consumption of supplements by the masses.

The only person who GAINS from supplements is the person who sells them to dummy bodybuilders :)


I love it when people try to sound like they know something when they know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about it. There's a big difference from a fat ass who doesn't exercise and is content with being an out of shape porch monkey than someone who is proud of their physical prowess.

Edited by AskTheCPT
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A viewpoint from a pro:

People always ask me how the heck they could possibly gain or even maintain muscle on a vegan diet.

That's because they have been brainwashed to believe that without eating a billion grams of protein per day their muscles will shrink faster than their wang in a cold pool.

This simply isn't true. Not even close.

The body can only assimilate so much protein on a daily basis and you can only build muscle so fast.

If protein were really the key to building muscle you would see tons of 250 pound behemoths every where you went.

They would be sitting next to you at the movies, serving you in restaurants and rubbing elbows with you in the waiting room of the dentists' office.

Because, let's face it, everyone and their mother drinks protein shakes these days. And if that's all it took to build muscle there would be a lot more huge dudes walking around.

I'm sure plenty of you have tried this before.

You decided to start drinking an extra protein shake or two per day in the hopes of packing on new size.

Or you decided to really jack up your protein intake by adding an extra three eggs to your morning omelet and another two chicken breasts to both lunch and dinner.

And what happened after a month or two of this?

Absolutely nothing.

But why would it?

After all, it's just protein.

It's not like you were taking steroids.

I only wish it were that easy.

But as we have all found out the hard (and expensive) way; it isn't.

Total calories are more important than grams of protein when it comes to packing on muscle.

Having said that I will point out that some protein is necessary for those that want to build lean muscle.

But this is far less than what the muscle mags and supplement companies would have you believe.

Most people will need about .7 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight per day to build muscle.

More than that doesn't seem to offer much benefit.

So a 180 pound guy looking to gain size would need about 126 grams of protein per day.

Now, you're telling me you can't get that on a vegan diet?

Lentils, beans and peas are loaded with protein.

Almonds and pistachios have 7 grams of protein per serving and both pumpkin and hemp seeds have 11 grams per serving.

People usually only count protein grams from animal sources but this is a huge mistake.

Vegetables have protein, brown rice has protein and even your morning bowl of oatmeal has about 10 grams per cup.

If you eat a decent amount of legumes, nuts, seeds and veggies on a regular basis you should be able to hit your protein mark, no problem.

If you can't, you can always add in a scoop or two of pea, hemp or brown rice protein powder.

After a recent shoulder surgery incapacitated me for a few months I had lost a ton of weight.

I gained almost thirty pounds back so far eating nothing but the foods I just mentioned.

This week at the gym I deadlifted 455 for 5.

Last night I did heavy military presses, chins, shrugs, face pulls and finished up with 20 Prowler sprints.

Some of the meat eating college kids were on the floor after 10 sprints, but at almost 35 years old, I just kept on sprinting away long after they had all fallen out.

I've had no trouble regaining size or strength on a vegan diet and have never felt better in my life.

Trust me; you don't need meat to succeed and you won't lose an ounce of size or strength if you decide to go vegetarian or even Vegan.

And that's the bottom line,

Jay Ferruggia

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I don't agree with you about this one.

- How many vegan top athletes are there ? almost none i think

- Im not saying you cant be big and strong.. sounds like you are im saying you cant reach your full potential

- Your advertising 1,4 grams per kg of body weight im saying 2gr not an enormous amount of difference though

- As a rule its harder to get all the stuff your body needs as a vegan then as a normal person

I use protein powders as a supplement not as a replacement of normal protein. I get most of my protein out of chicken. But i like whey and other proteins after a workout. Then they can act right away. There are studies that tell us that half an hour after training is a great time to get the proteins to your muscles. Its hard to do with proteins that take a while to digest.

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To get bigger you need to train hard, have a good diet and get adequate rest. You are correct in that taking increased protein will not help you gain mass UNLESS you are putting the hard work in in the gym and getting enough rest. Steroids won't get you big either unless you are training/eating/resting enough.

The reason you don't see 250 pound behemoths everywhere is down to a combination of genetics limiting the average person and training, diet etc not being efficient enough for those gentically capable of getting that big. It takes a lot of discipline and dedication to get to 250 pounds of lean muscle, a lot less to get to 250 pounds of fat.

You can get protein from non meat/dairy sources, but meat is a better source for high quality protein. You need to consume more calories of non meat sources to get the same amount of protein as meat sources. If you are trying to stay lean this can be a problem.

Robblock is correct about whey protein being a good supplement after a training session as it is fast digesting and can be utilised by the muscles. Slower digesting proteins, such as those from milk, are not as effective at this time.

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The meat of the post was that even a vegan who takes no supplements can pack on muscle whereas someone who take massive supplements might not get any results. Forget the vegan part. If you are eating right you don't need more protein. You certainly can get your protein from supplements, but there are no requirements to do so.

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The meat of the post was that even a vegan who takes no supplements can pack on muscle whereas someone who take massive supplements might not get any results. Forget the vegan part. If you are eating right you don't need more protein. You certainly can get your protein from supplements, but there are no requirements to do so.

I agree with you that eating right is the basis for getting big. Doing it alone on supplements is not the way to go. But i guess everyone would agree to that. I just take the supplements at times like post workout that other proteins cant work in the tame frame needed. But im not taking massive amounts of supplements.

I always tell people to start with the basis and that is good food.

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Right, nowadays the advice is 3 square meals a day is not enough. People need to be eating every 3 hours or so and not just one thing, but getting a little everything per time. That is theory but reality is many have busy life styles and are on the run so it is not practical plus it can be difficult to adapt to radically different eating patterns. But just getting a little extra here and there in the day between meals is good. Supplements are one way to fill in gaps, but food can also do the job perfectly well if one wishes to.

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Right, nowadays the advice is 3 square meals a day is not enough. People need to be eating every 3 hours or so and not just one thing, but getting a little everything per time. That is theory but reality is many have busy life styles and are on the run so it is not practical plus it can be difficult to adapt to radically different eating patterns. But just getting a little extra here and there in the day between meals is good. Supplements are one way to fill in gaps, but food can also do the job perfectly well if one wishes to.

I recently read the 3 hour thing is also not needed anymore. It was thought it was better for burning fat and so on. But there have been researches in that it does not help much at all. Its all about what you eat and how much you eat.

I ate every 3 hours for a while.. its hard to combine with a normal lifestyle.

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  • 1 year later...

My suggestion would be to work harder in the gym.

many products re body building can be dangerous and pumping up your muscles quickly can be harmful.

just like dieting,why do people buy pills,all you need to do is eat less and eat the right things.

I cannot understand why people want to look like somebody from another planet,walking round,looking like you have had a footpump inserted up your ass and plenty of air injected.

I always laugh when i see a bodybuilder walk,looks like he has been out to buy a roll of carpet and he has lost the carpet but doesnt know(his arms away from his body,walking like a monkey).

I had 2 mates(brothers who pumped up and both finished with small testicles and no power in sperm,and both died before they were 30.both had erectile problems too and looked like blimps.

sorry to hear about your mates, it is tragic how much people destroy themselves to be beautiful and accepted by others.. something I have wasted a lot of energy on in my life as well.

I agree about 99% with you - buying supplements is sometimes a form of denial, nothing replaces good workouts (deep cardio - 40-60 min, strength (all body parts, 5 sets, 3-4 diff exercises) and large amounts of stretching (before & after workouts, throughout the day, yoga and pilates practice). strength, cardio, flexibility. 6 days a week hard workouts. Eat a high protein diet with complex carbs, lots of veggies, no sugar, no simple carbs. (ie - wheat bread vs. white bread/rice, ie muesli and yoghurt vs bacon and toast, etc)..

do this and watch what happens to your body. and drink 100oz of water a day..

I do support supplementing with a good whey protein shake after the workout.. if training hard then a multivitamin is good. Also I think a moderate amount of creatine, glutamine, and bcaa's can really be helpful and is a natural supplement.


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  • 5 months later...

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