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Farang Pretend-police

Ulysses G.

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Just a quick question; since this is obviously so important to you,

why don't you go to the Tourist Police office and ask for a copy of the exemption yourself?

I'm sure if it's important to others that they could do the same. :o

For one thing, it's never been established that a "copy of the exemption" even exists.

So you want to know, but you want others to do the research for you....

Why the police volunteers haven't been pro-active themselves and indeed have been extremely obtuse on the issue of providing evidence that qualifies their legal status is simply more proof that they aren't legal.

This internet phenomenon of 'nobody has PROVED it to me so it's obvious that it's not true' simply amazes me! Thank God most legal systems don't work that way.

Lastly, If I were to go to the trouble of making my own personal inquiries on the issue,

You've already made about 10 personal inquiries but you are insisting that other people go out and do the leg work for you! Get off your butt and do it yourself if it's this important to you. Stop demanding that others satisfy your needs and fulfill them yourself!

it would not be to the police who don't have cognizance and authority on the issue in the first place, but to the Labour Ministry

I doubt that anyone but you gives a dam_n which ministry is responsible. You seem to know just where to go to get the correct information, go get it yourself.

to make a formal investigation about the illegal workers involved.

If you think they are illegal, why not state that it's your opinion that they are working illegally, then go out and find the proof yourself instead of whining that no one is giving you your answers.

Hey.... they don't owe you any. If you want them, go get them yourself. Why not show us just how correct you are? At this point, all we hear is one person complaining that people must be working illegally because no one has proved to him otherwise, despite the fact that people working in that field have already told you what they have been told by the officials in that field.

I've not done that yet because I've always expected that such a simple question could have easily been answered by the people involved here on the forum. However, as the years and threads tick by with more denials and rationalizations and obfuscation, that expectation is eroding.

How many years will it take before you learn, and actually take some action yourself? This is absolutely incredible!

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Just a quick question; since this is obviously so important to you,

why don't you go to the Tourist Police office and ask for a copy of the exemption yourself?

I'm sure if it's important to others that they could do the same. :o

For one thing, it's never been established that a "copy of the exemption" even exists.

So you want to know, but you want others to do the research for you....

I already know that it doesn't exist. If it did, they would have showed it already. I've already done the research on the applicable laws and provided links that cover them as well as provided previous posts from Thaivisa admin that backs this up, news articles from government officials who are responsible for the issue of work permits and the ramifications for non-compliance. What have the police volunteers provided other than the verbal say so of someone not in a position to speak definitively on the issue.

Why the police volunteers haven't been pro-active themselves and indeed have been extremely obtuse on the issue of providing evidence that qualifies their legal status is simply more proof that they aren't legal.

This internet phenomenon of 'nobody has PROVED it to me so it's obvious that it's not true' simply amazes me! Thank God most legal systems don't work that way.

The legal system works in a way that says, "It is the law that it is illegal to work without a work permit. No exceptions."...Extremely straight-forward. That has only been countered with a feeble "oh, but Somchai says we have an exception"... that is what is amazing to me. That and your defense of a group that elects not to defend itself except with obtuse and indirect, non-answers.

Lastly, If I were to go to the trouble of making my own personal inquiries on the issue,

You've already made about 10 personal inquiries but you are insisting that other people go out and do the leg work for you! Get off your butt and do it yourself if it's this important to you. Stop demanding that others satisfy your needs and fulfill them yourself!

How much legwork is involved for them? They are the ones that supposedly have this work permit exemption letter (although I contend they don't)... But if they do, copy it the next time they are in the office? How difficult is that? I've not "demanded" they travel any great distance and speak with dozens of people. It's something that could be done in a couple of minutes... but it's never been done. Why? It's because it doesn't exist, that's why.

it would not be to the police who don't have cognizance and authority on the issue in the first place, but to the Labour Ministry

I doubt that anyone but you gives a dam_n which ministry is responsible. You seem to know just where to go to get the correct information, go get it yourself.

I already have and posted the links in this thread to the correct information.

to make a formal investigation about the illegal workers involved.

If you think they are illegal, why not state that it's your opinion that they are working illegally, then go out and find the proof yourself instead of whining that no one is giving you your answers.

They have provided all the proof that's needed... which is to say, no proof of their legality on their part. Do they really want to be formally investigated? That's rhetorical question for you, btw, as I would leave it up to them to respond to the potential seriousness.

Hey.... they don't owe you any. If you want them, go get them yourself. Why not show us just how correct you are? At this point, all we hear is one person complaining that people must be working illegally because no one has proved to him otherwise, despite the fact that people working in that field have already told you what they have been told by the officials in that field.

They owe to the public at large. Have they proved it to anyone? Additionally, I would strongly encourage you to look through other similar threads if you think I'm the only one who's asked these questions. I am not.

I've not done that yet because I've always expected that such a simple question could have easily been answered by the people involved here on the forum. However, as the years and threads tick by with more denials and rationalizations and obfuscation, that expectation is eroding.

How many years will it take before you learn, and actually take some action yourself? This is absolutely incredible!

I have taken action and done the research, which is something they haven't done despite that it directly involves them and not me. I'm not the police volunteer. I'm not the one subject to the penalties, they are. What's incredible is that they have never produced anything nor have they ever denied that the applicable laws I've cited are incorrect.

Your dogged defense of their illegality, while admirable, is misplaced.

Edited by sriracha john
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There has been enough speculation on the status of the Tourist Police Volunteers on this thread.

I am closing this topic now, as further speculation is purely that... speculation.

Should a member of the TPV wish to have their opinions on the subject aired, or wish to either refute or substantiate any of the speculation on this topic, please send a PM to an online moderator who can re-open the thread for your contribution.

Until then, this thread will remain closed.


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