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Thanks Samui

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Hi peeps,

I have just returned back to rip-off Brtitain after 11 days in Thailand and 6 of them were spent on Samui.I found the island to be a cool place to holiday and to be honest I could have stayed there for another 6 months without question. I came over with my brother and his family and we stayed at the Mare Mare in lamai. We paid 800bht per night with A/C and the beach was great for the kids. The bars I visited most were Rolling Stones and butterfly bar, I also went to another bar owned by Dave the owner of Churchills and made us most welcome and even invited us to a party at his bar for one off the ex pats birthdays. If I have a complaint it is that I only had six nights.

Now I am aware of the other posts that say Samui is not what is used to be and my little brother said the same but he still found it a great place to holiday and like me he would stay longer given the chance. I would like to say that for anyone looking for a bit of fun with the ladies it is simple and straight forward and also not as in your face unlike Pattaya where you feel you can't walk down bar street without being asked for money for sex every five seconds. I only paid the once and that was with a girl called Kae from Rolling Stones and although she was good in the sack she scared the <deleted> out of me by declaring true love after 20 minutes of meeting her and as I'm not really after a bunny boiler right now I told her that her services were not required the next night in the most polite way. That night she saw me with another ladie in Fusion and she went sick at this girl saying loads of stuff like I was her boyfriend and if she went with me she would do all sorts of stuff to her. That said I had a real blast and Songkran was pretty cool, I have a friend in BK who didn't go out for 3 days so a few hours throwing water around on Samui was perfect.

By the way my bro is now living in BK with his family and went back to Samui because that is where he met his missus and the did the deed and tied the knot a day before we came over so it was a real honeymoon for them and some fun for me regarding the night life and to those that are moaning about Samui and how it is now I suggest a trip to Pattaya should change your view back to a more positive one about Samui.

Like Arnie once said. I'll BE BACK.


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I am sure Lonely Planet et al will be PM'ing you to go and work for them, after such an eloquent recounting of your experiences, and with such in depth knowledge :o

Hmmm... OP gets criticized for a postive posting about his 11 days in Samui but another poster gets praised for posting his negative experiences of an entire 5 hour stay in Koh Phangan.

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I am sure Lonely Planet et al will be PM'ing you to go and work for them, after such an eloquent recounting of your experiences, and with such in depth knowledge :D

Hmmm... OP gets criticized for a postive posting about his 11 days in Samui but another poster gets praised for posting his negative experiences of an entire 5 hour stay in Koh Phangan.

It was SIX hours.

Other than that, you nailed it. :o

Crazy, ain't it?

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Don't get me wrong, I'm glad he had a good time, and would have enjoyed his post had he not started slagging off Pattaya after spending 5 minutes there, probably in some budget hotel in a less than salubrious neighbourhood.

Thanks to those that have responded, I wrote this after a 17 hour flight back to the UK so it wasn't my best post given the jet lag. I have spent more than 5 minutes in Pattaya indeed I spent 1 month there last year and whilst it is a more in your face resort area it does have it's good points but sadly it havs way too many negative points regarding the night scene and would not have been great for a young family. We chose Samui because we felt it was more family friendly and also my brother and his family were on a more Thai budget as he lives and works in BK so I just went with the flow regarding what they could and couldn't afford. That said I enjoyed the usual stuff like diving, Big Budda and also the waterfalls.

I enjoyed the bar scene in Samui because it was less in your face and nearly all the bars I went to were great and the girls working the bars were nice and not all just looking for you to pay a bar fine then get out as soon as you got there. I would happily live on Samui and within the next 4-5 years I am planning to move to the land of smiles and buy a resort rather than a bar and Samui would be top of my list if I was doing it now. Like anywhere in the world you have good and bad and it is up to you as to how you deal with the bad, but be proud of where you are and life will treat you well, be negative about where you are and life is not going to be good as you are using your energy in the wrong way.

As I said above I will be back and as a travel agent back here I would be very happy to say to my clients visit Samui and you will have a great holiday.

Thanks again



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I am sure Lonely Planet et al will be PM'ing you to go and work for them, after such an eloquent recounting of your experiences, and with such in depth knowledge :o

Hmmm... OP gets criticized for a postive posting about his 11 days in Samui but another poster gets praised for posting his negative experiences of an entire 5 hour stay in Koh Phangan.

as a moderator sbk , you are failing miserably in your duties by not removing the op.

he discusses bargirls , prostitution , paying for sex and the sexual performance of a bargirl .... and you have the nerve to call that a positive review of samui !!

shame on you !!!!

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