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At the moment we are surrounded by millions of tiny flies, (see picture) they are so small they can even get through the fly screens, they seem to like vertical items like the wire on hanging baskets to cling on, and they even strip the galvanized coating off the wire.

Our two dogs don’t know where to escape to for the best.

Can anyone identify what type of fly they are?

Thanks :o


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I think in English they are called fruit flies.

Seem to have an attraction to bodily orifices such as ears and noses, and anywhere with bodily fluids present such as eyes or wounds.

They come and go, and might be related to periods where farmers do a lot of fertilizing with animal feces...

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  • 2 weeks later...

If they are fruit flies, then they are harmless to humans and critters. As the name implies, they live and breed on ripening (and rotting) fruits and vegetables. If they are present, then there is food or produce about. Open drains can attract them too. Get rid of the habitat and you will be fruit fly free.

Every university kid in biology knows about fruit flies. We owe the origins of our basic knowledge about chromosomes and hereditary to the lowly fruit fly. The same traits that made it easy for Mendel to test his genetic theories, make them a nuisance to those folks not into playing with genes. Fast lifespan and high rate of reproduction. Once you get them, they are a hassle to be rid of. However, once you clean out the habitat, give it 2 weeks and they are gone. Sprays and potions are not a long term solution because they are resilient and will return if the breeding and food source remains.

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