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German Infected 450 Thai Woman With Aids


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AIDS man went on Thai sex spree

CHAIYAPHUM: -- A German national is believed to have deliberately infected more than 450 young women with the HIV/AIDS virus in Thailand's northern Chaiyaphum province.

The one-legged naval veteran is in jail for overstaying his 30-day tourist visa by three years. His non-immigrant visa had expired in 2001.

Hans-Otto Schiemann, 56, who has lived in Thailand for nine years, said he went on a sexual rampage after testing positive to HIV/AIDS in 2001.

He would cruise in his car, looking for groups of young people after school and offering them the equivalent of their parents' monthly wages to have unprotected sex. They generally agreed.

His core prey consisted of young girls, 15 and older. "They sell their children here," he said. "The only reason I'm in jail is because I had sex with a policeman's daughter."

Schiemann, who was living off a German disability pension, had also offered loans to poor people in return for use of their daughters.

A spokesman for the German embassy said Schiemann had been detained for overstaying his visa but the embassy was not aware of other allegations.

The deputy head of the provincial police station, Kampol Nonuch, said that under Thai law Schiemann could not be held for deliberately spreading the AIDS virus. "Look, we have him on visa charges, but we want to make it much harder for him than that . . . if we let him go, he might just end up in Cambodia, Laos or Burma and keep spreading this disease," he said.

The Public Health Ministry wants Chaiyaphum's young women tested for HIV, regardless of whether they have had sex with Schiemann. Local hospital staff had posted more than 2000 warnings about the German, urging girls to have blood tests. In response to the appeal, 66 girls had tested positive out of a town of 30,000 people.

"We don't know how many people he has infected, but it's somewhere in the vicinity of 400 to 500," a health official said.

Schiemann's common-law wife, Noi, is dying from AIDS and has allegedly suffered several violent attacks by Schiemann.

--The Age, AU 2004-10-12

Continued from here:


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If they can't get him for deliberatly spreading AIDS (although attempted manslaughter seems possible), they hopefully will get him for statutory rape of minors and soliciting minors for sex. That should get him a deportion and prosecution in Germany (bye, bye passport) hopefully. Otherwise stick him in the BKK Hilton to his end of days!

Hate bastartds like this. Taints us all. :o

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I have heard that the chance of a man infecting a woman is somewhere in the range of 1/100. So that means he must have had sex with 45000 women up there. Hmmm....

The odds are much higher if he has rough sex, as blood to blood contact has a much higher chance of resulting in infection. The figures are probably the usual Thai overstatement of an exageration of an inflated estimate (i.e. someone said 'lots' and someone else decided to quantify what 'lots' means!) - TiT.

Suppose they could also be alluding to the chain effect - those he infected infecting others (though one would have thopugh most 15 y/o girls were not particularly active, at least in the eyes of the Govt).

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This man should be chopped up alive, slowly...over the course of months, and then thrown to the crocodiles.....preferably hungry ones.


If it is true, he should be locked up in a Thai prison on any trumped up charges they can bring. Kept in solitary confinement without any treatment whatsoever for his disease.

Then as his skin is falling off and his teeth are falling out, he may realise what he has done to innocent victims. :o

This however does not help the victims. Maybe the only good thing to come of it will be parents educating their daughters.

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I am trully shocked....such a bastard...i hope the authorities find a way to keep him in jail for the rest of his life...and i hope he will have nasty and painful ending. i usually don't want anybody to die or suffer, but this man deserves to suffer...long and very badly.

Poor girls...my prayers go to them and their families .

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This man should be chopped up alive, slowly...over the course of months, and then thrown to the crocodiles.....preferably hungry ones.

I think that the best thing would be to give him to the families of his victims and let them decide his punishment (provided he is guilty of course)

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The odds are much higher if he has rough sex, as blood to blood contact has a much higher chance of resulting in infection.

somehow that sick bastard did get some angry angles with only one leg. i think he should be thrown in a room with a pack of wolves high on yaba.

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How can anyone be so bitter and twisted to behave in this way?Knowing that he was sentencing these poor girls to a death sentence,Selfish disgusting Bastard,I hope he dies a agonising death from aids in Bangkok Hilton,

We had this here last year a African guy infected his partner and others deliberetly and i think he was jailed for attempted murder.

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"In response to the appeal, 66 girls had tested positive out of a town of 30,000 people."

In Thailand, the HIV rate is around 1.5%, so in a town of 30,000 you should expet 450 people who are positive. They really need to do more work to determine if this guy was the cause (forcibly test the bastard!). I think this is a case where the rights of the many outweigh the rights of an individual.

I hope the girls who tested positive get some counseling. Even if they tested positive, there is a good change they are NOT positive. The HIV antibodies test is not the most accurate test. If it is 99.5% accurate, in a population of 29,550 people who are negative, 147 will test false positive. And 448 of those who are positive will test positive with two testing as false negatives. So the total number of people testing positive is 595. So the chance of being NEGATIVE given that they tested positive is 147/595 = 24.7%, which is not insignificant. These girls need to get tested again.

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He should live the rest of his life in a hole away WITHOUT medication and away from human contact. A person like him did not have an appropriatly loving mother and was not taught common consideration and courtesy. He should suffer as those poor young women and their families sure will.

It is a shame that we treat ourselves and eachother the way we do. We loose faith, trust and misunderstand each other. SO scary and very sad.

Please be informed that you can get HIV 3 different ways:

Sex(Blood and body fluids:semen, and vaginal secretions)

IV Drug use-heroine or sharing needles in anyway.

Blood transfusion(still common in some countries.


We really need to educate ourselves and our children. Our existence will depend on it.

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The figures of 450 wemen infected with HIV might be reliable if we think that sexual intercourse is not the only mean you can spread the virus: once a girl gets infected by this Bastard she might have contacts with other people and this is easy if we think about the poor of both hygiene standards and culture of places where daughters are sold by families !

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I can't recall a more despicable, horrendous, contemptible, appalling, horrific, atrocious, most God awful act by any foreigner at any time in any place in Thailand.  :o

Absolutly! Not in the world ba anybody!

Not so. In the UK, about 10 to 15 years ago, some little shit named Roy (something or other) found he had AIDS and deliberately coaxed his girlfriend and several other women into anal sex, infecting them all. His girlfriend was pregnant at the time! :D

I remember his mum on TV asking people not to judge him too harshly! :D He said something like "It's not my fault (feel sorry for me)". No one did. The baby was born without being infected; I think the girlfriend died a while later.

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People like this need to be sorted out. It's everyone's responsibility to look out for these 'types', and do the right thing whether it be notifying the authorities or otherwise. As a foreign national the behaviour of all other foreign nationals has a direct impact on my day to day acceptance in the community. I'm sick to death of seeing people being treated like sh*t by these c*nts from countries with a better exchange rate. Its up to all of us to do our bit and weed out the few bad apples that bring shame on us all like this.

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I can't recall a more despicable, horrendous, contemptible, appalling, horrific, atrocious, most God awful act by any foreigner at any time in any place in Thailand. :o

Excellent use of adjectives to describe a complete <deleted>. :D

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