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Buying Duty Free Booze Outbound


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This year I've departed Suvarnabhumi twice once on Singapore Airlines To Oz via Singapore, the other time was Thai Airlines direct both times to Melbourne.

Both times I could not buy duty free Booze both times I was airside, in Singers I could buy and was actually told by thai staff I could Buy in Melbourne. Duty Free is cheaper in Thailand.

Can anyone explain this please.

PS I've read 3 pages of the forum maybe this is something new.

lilBob :o

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If you had a direct flight to melb. it would be ok but as you change in sing . the carrying liquids rules cut in.As you didn't buy in secure duty free in sing. you cannot board the plane with stuff from a previous destination.

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If you had a direct flight to melb. it would be ok but as you change in sing . the carrying liquids rules cut in.As you didn't buy in secure duty free in sing. you cannot board the plane with stuff from a previous destination.

Interesting, does it also hold true for any stopover or just Changi or just Aus destinaions?

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Last June, just for fun, I flew Royal Bruei ... AKL - BNE - BWN - BKK.

I wanted a special bottle of a kiwi liqueur, Titoki, unobtainable elsewhere, for my nephew on Phuket

The guy in the airside shop, said it would be taken off me in Brisbane, because of deplanning and reboarding incurred another baggage search/scan.

Seemed dumb to me, once cleared in Auckland, or anywhere, one would expect to be clear for complete journey, so long as one stayed airside. Stupid Ockors.. grrrrr.

Yeah, in my experience, NZ duty free is lots cheaper than King Power, also cheaper than in Australia, but buy on arrival in Melbs, you will get better deals and no hassles carrying into cabin.

My next trip in a month I will fly Thai, direct to BKK, no probs, direct flight is best.

Buy at Swampy, if you really WANT to be ripped off by King Power. Some prices OK, but not many.

Good luck.

Edited by Zpete
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If you had a direct flight to melb. it would be ok but as you change in sing . the carrying liquids rules cut in.As you didn't buy in secure duty free in sing. you cannot board the plane with stuff from a previous destination.

Actually the Thai Airlines flight was direct Bangkok Melbourne but still not good enough. I thought that a direct flight and buying airside at the airport would be OK but apparently not

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Our WONDERFUL Oz gov't decreed that we are not permitted to bring booze as cabin luggage to Aust - mind you, we can buy it in Oz to take out of the country. Similar rules with cutlery on the plane. Metalware is OK going out, but only plastic knives coming in. Not that you couldn't do any damage with the steel fork...

DownTown DF have a hold on Sydney Airport for booze similar to what King Power had in TH. Kinda leaves me wondering which politician's families have shares in DownTown...

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DownTown DF have a hold on Sydney Airport for booze similar to what King Power had in TH. Kinda leaves me wondering which politician's families have shares in DownTown...

If you are so interested, why don't you look it up:


Or maybe you are happier living in a world of speculation and conspiracy?

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If you had a direct flight to melb. it would be ok but as you change in sing . the carrying liquids rules cut in.As you didn't buy in secure duty free in sing. you cannot board the plane with stuff from a previous destination.

but its not okay...

Actually the Thai Airlines flight was direct Bangkok Melbourne but still not good enough. I thought that a direct flight and buying airside at the airport would be OK but apparently not

Yes - unfortunately I have to side with the OP here, there doesn't seem to be any logic, ruling, or consistency with the old duty free booze-to-Oz question. One flight its fine, the next its not, sometimes direct, sometimes stopover - and it seems to change with alarming regularity.

I am always a fan of picking up a couple of bottles in BKK before getting on the flight (usually TG direct BKK-PER or BKK-MEL) but have been stopped (luckily) by the KP staff who had the sense to check my flight first - unlucky for those I saw at the gate having to abandon their brand new bottles of the good stuff, I swear grown men were crying while dumping bottles of very expensive liquor!!!

Stopping to buy it in the duty free after getting off the 10 hour flight, and having the rabble overtake you at the passport queues, is not a good way to end a trip.

Inconsistencies aren't limited to duty free either. I recently had a trip from Yangon to Bangkok, few days there, then HK, China, few days, then Japan, few days, then back through HK and Bangkok and on to Oz.

I had put 3 sets of high grade surgical scissors in my hand luggage (small backpack) when I left the pearl farm in Burma, intending to give them to a colleague in Japan - and we didn't meet up. I completely forgot they were in there when I left Yangon, let alone any other stop.

They were finally picked up by a metal detector on the return trip at Hong Kong airport - not one of the 5 other security checks in various airports picked up on it. I thought that was amazing - until I found my pocket utility knife in the same backpack after getting home to Tasmania...... :D

DownTown DF have a hold on Sydney Airport for booze similar to what King Power had in TH. Kinda leaves me wondering which politician's families have shares in DownTown...
If you are so interested, why don't you look it up:


Or maybe you are happier living in a world of speculation and conspiracy?

Can't work out which one of you is being tongue in cheek - or if neither of you are... :o

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i was hassled in tpe a year++ back. bought bottle jwb and everything ok till boarding to usa. had to check it, seal it and was worried it would 'go missing' or where to find it... it was right there and i nabbed it b4 my bag! but i think the days of buying duty free prior to boarding are over.

couldnt be happier - less tax/income for thailand :-)

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Our WONDERFUL Oz gov't decreed that we are not permitted to bring booze as cabin luggage to Aust - mind you, we can buy it in Oz to take out of the country. Similar rules with cutlery on the plane. Metalware is OK going out, but only plastic knives coming in. Not that you couldn't do any damage with the steel fork...

DownTown DF have a hold on Sydney Airport for booze similar to what King Power had in TH. Kinda leaves me wondering which politician's families have shares in DownTown...

That is not the reason, we can bring in duty free grog no problems. What the issue is is the layout os BKK airport. See the security is AFTER the duty free shops and there is no way to know if the liquid was purchased in the airport or before. I beleive the same issue applies in SIN. Some other airports with a similar set-up do what the US does and delivers the duty free to the aircraft door thus ensuring it is ok. I reckon they should do like in Europe and seal the bag at time of purhase. So sealed bag= goods ok and no security issue.

PS. This 'problem' applies to ALL flights to countries that insit on the 100m liquid rule, not just Aus.

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That is not the reason, we can bring in duty free grog no problems. What the issue is is the layout os BKK airport. See the security is AFTER the duty free shops and there is no way to know if the liquid was purchased in the airport or before. I beleive the same issue applies in SIN. Some other airports with a similar set-up do what the US does and delivers the duty free to the aircraft door thus ensuring it is ok. I reckon they should do like in Europe and seal the bag at time of purhase. So sealed bag= goods ok and no security issue.

PS. This 'problem' applies to ALL flights to countries that insit on the 100m liquid rule, not just Aus.

There are huge signs put up at the final bag check at boarding which state it is an Oz Gov't (Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government) directive.

It was also enforced for a short time at DM, which was better (ahem) designed.

I agree, the layout at Swampy is pathetic with no obvious thought for this.

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That is not the reason, we can bring in duty free grog no problems. What the issue is is the layout os BKK airport. See the security is AFTER the duty free shops and there is no way to know if the liquid was purchased in the airport or before. I beleive the same issue applies in SIN. Some other airports with a similar set-up do what the US does and delivers the duty free to the aircraft door thus ensuring it is ok. I reckon they should do like in Europe and seal the bag at time of purhase. So sealed bag= goods ok and no security issue.

PS. This 'problem' applies to ALL flights to countries that insit on the 100m liquid rule, not just Aus.

There are huge signs put up at the final bag check at boarding which state it is an Oz Gov't (Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government) directive.

It was also enforced for a short time at DM, which was better (ahem) designed.

I agree, the layout at Swampy is pathetic with no obvious thought for this.

Think you miss understood what I meant. Yes it is a government decree, but the decree isn't a blanket ban on bring in duty free grog. The decree is you cannot take the liquids through SECURITY, which is where the layout at Swampy and other places becomes an issue as security is after the duty free shops. If there is an airport where security is before duty free there is NO problem at all taking it to Australia. LHR is one such example, provided of course you leave it on the plane in BKK.

LA is another example, but that is because duty free purchases are delivered to the aircraft door and hence are fine. I understand there are a few places like swampy where security is after the shops where they are doing delivery to the aircraft gate to get around the requirement. Bottom line though is maybe Australia and Thailand and other places where this is an issue need to do as they do in Europe. That is duty free liquids are sealed with the receipt visible and can be taken through airport security so long as the seal isn't broken.

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That is not the reason, we can bring in duty free grog no problems. What the issue is is the layout os BKK airport. See the security is AFTER the duty free shops and there is no way to know if the liquid was purchased in the airport or before. I beleive the same issue applies in SIN. Some other airports with a similar set-up do what the US does and delivers the duty free to the aircraft door thus ensuring it is ok. I reckon they should do like in Europe and seal the bag at time of purhase. So sealed bag= goods ok and no security issue.

PS. This 'problem' applies to ALL flights to countries that insit on the 100m liquid rule, not just Aus.

There are huge signs put up at the final bag check at boarding which state it is an Oz Gov't (Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government) directive.

It was also enforced for a short time at DM, which was better (ahem) designed.

I agree, the layout at Swampy is pathetic with no obvious thought for this.

Think you miss understood what I meant. Yes it is a government decree, but the decree isn't a blanket ban on bring in duty free grog. The decree is you cannot take the liquids through SECURITY, which is where the layout at Swampy and other places becomes an issue as security is after the duty free shops. If there is an airport where security is before duty free there is NO problem at all taking it to Australia. LHR is one such example, provided of course you leave it on the plane in BKK.

LA is another example, but that is because duty free purchases are delivered to the aircraft door and hence are fine. I understand there are a few places like swampy where security is after the shops where they are doing delivery to the aircraft gate to get around the requirement. Bottom line though is maybe Australia and Thailand and other places where this is an issue need to do as they do in Europe. That is duty free liquids are sealed with the receipt visible and can be taken through airport security so long as the seal isn't broken.

Haven't been flying to australia for years so don't know about that. But i frequently buy bottles from Swampy and they are sealed to the bag by the duty free staff and no probs taking them into the plane...

Direct flight no probs, if stopover that requires you to get out from the plane then expect problems.

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I will be flying Bangkok to Brisbane but there is a stop over in Sydney, does anybody know what the deal is with duty free, do you technically enter the country at Sydney or do you stay airside in Sydney. Cheers Rick

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I will be flying Bangkok to Brisbane but there is a stop over in Sydney, does anybody know what the deal is with duty free, do you technically enter the country at Sydney or do you stay airside in Sydney. Cheers Rick

I'll hazard a guess you are travelling Thai flight TG991, departing Brisbane, transit through Sydney, to Bangkok?

Thai Airways Brisbane schedules

Unless anyone can correct me (please do if I am wrong) you will go through departure immigration in Brisbane, and be airside in Sydney during the transit, hour or so.

Regarding booze (the important questions) the DOT website states you can still buy duty free booze, but then they go on to say that if you are transiting, and are security screened again - that they will confiscate it.

Aust Dept of Transport FAQ's - duty free

Can't recall whether you can buy the good stuff after you clear security again airside SYD.

As posted earlier in this thread - it seems a grey area, and I gave up on buying duty free booze outbound - instead I have been grabbing a bottle on arrival in BKK before clearing immigration.

Last couple of times I arrived in BKK, King Power staff told me "only one bottle per passenger" for arrivals. They didn't make a distinction between wine or spirits - so I just grabbed a bottle of scotch.

SOmeone else who does the BNE-SYD-BKK leg can probably clarify this. Has anyone been getting duty free booze on this sector?

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