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Visa Based On Having A Kid

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Read post #21 from Sunbelt. If not married and child under 7 it will require court paperwork.
If your child is under 7 years old and you don't have a marriage certificate then you need a court order for the court to sign on the child’s behalf that you are the father.

Hi again

Mypoint in asking was when i enquired about this and spoke to the chap at sunbelt on the phone ,i was not told about the court to sign any paperwork,i was told if you are not married yo cannot get

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As far as the regulation reads, there is no need to be married. It is just a matter of proving you are the father, which it sounds like from the last Sunbelt post that it requires a court visit if the child is under 7 and you are not married.

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Yes, if I understand it properly, it seems that if you are over 50 but not married, then you still need to do the same as in the old rules prior to 2006 and prove the child is yours. Or as it was said to me, have it formerly recognised as your child.

Now why this is not enough just with the birth certificate dumbfounds me. I am the father of the child as stated on the birth certificate, but this is not enough here, it is back home, but not here.

I had to do this 3 or 4 years ago and went to court and had my child recognised by the court as mine and received the required documents stating so. The child was under 7yo by the way. I cannot remember the time frame, but I think it was under 6 months, I do on the other hand clearly remember the cost of it.

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Yes, if I understand it properly, it seems that if you are over 50 but not married, then you still need to do the same as in the old rules prior to 2006 and prove the child is yours. Or as it was said to me, have it formerly recognised as your child.

Now why this is not enough just with the birth certificate dumbfounds me. I am the father of the child as stated on the birth certificate, but this is not enough here, it is back home, but not here.

I had to do this 3 or 4 years ago and went to court and had my child recognised by the court as mine and received the required documents stating so. The child was under 7yo by the way. I cannot remember the time frame, but I think it was under 6 months, I do on the other hand clearly remember the cost of it.


How much did the trip to court cost?

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I recently re-married, I have a 9 year old daughter from a previous marriage, but even though she was over 7 years old I still had to go to court and get proof I was the father and ....

Its a long story, but I was divorced from my first wife when we had our child. I came to realise that I needed to get my daughter away from her mother, So I brought her to live with me and then started the court proceedings. First court date came up after two months and a visit to child welfare, all good received a "yes you are the daddy" document. Then had to wait three months for next court date, along with a second visit to child welfare, all went well again and received the "yes you are the sole legal guardian" document (definately could not have done this without the help of my new wife).

So where does the 7 year old thing come in ??.

Incidentally, the reason the court was fairly quick was that:

A, My ex wife didnt show up for any hearings.

b, my new wife called the mayor of Samut Prakan a few times.

c, If you get on the wrong side of my new wife, you had better watch out :o

Now, I suppose in 3 years time I can apply for the long stay (with child), or do I need my 9(12) year old daughter to sign that she is looking after me ??


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Yes, if I understand it properly, it seems that if you are over 50 but not married, then you still need to do the same as in the old rules prior to 2006 and prove the child is yours. Or as it was said to me, have it formerly recognised as your child.

Now why this is not enough just with the birth certificate dumbfounds me. I am the father of the child as stated on the birth certificate, but this is not enough here, it is back home, but not here.

I had to do this 3 or 4 years ago and went to court and had my child recognised by the court as mine and received the required documents stating so. The child was under 7yo by the way. I cannot remember the time frame, but I think it was under 6 months, I do on the other hand clearly remember the cost of it.


How much did the trip to court cost?


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well all very interesting. went into imm off korat the other day asked this question and he told me yes correct no money needed if you have thai child, 50+ and married. great says i . then he says better you show some money. how much says i . 100-200k bt ok. oh all chang in two minuets. then he has a long conversation with my wife along the lines of,,, you go get tax id, tell them you earn 40k bt a month, only bull shit. and the tax is aprox 1k bt a half year . now whats this all about?, is he imm or revenue, do i need money or not . god help me amazing thailand indeed.

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  • 2 months later...

Hello Again!

My visa is about to expire so I would like to resolve this problem as soon as possible

I'm not Married, but we've lived together for about 10 years.

My Daughter is 7 years old.

I am 50 years old

My name is shown as the father on her Thai birth certificate and her last name is the same as mine.

I should have no problem producing photo of us at our appartment and together in many locations.

The problem I have is the document called “proof of family relationship”!

1. What is the name of this document in Thai?

2. Can I get it at the Umpur?

3. If I go to the Umpur will they understand what I'm trying to get, and for what purpose it will be used?

4. Can my daughter sign this document, being 7 Years Old

5. If I get this document, what are the odds that I will actually get a visa

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Fascinating stuff.

Does it make a difference if you get married after the baby was born wrt to having to go to court to get the piece of paper to prove you are the father so that you can get the visa etc etc....

It would appear to be illogical for them to not need a court visit if the marriage occured after the baby was born. mind you, it is completely illogical not to accept the birth certificate and passports !

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Hello Again!

My visa is about to expire so I would like to resolve this problem as soon as possible

I'm not Married, but we've lived together for about 10 years.

My Daughter is 7 years old.

I am 50 years old

My name is shown as the father on her Thai birth certificate and her last name is the same as mine.

I should have no problem producing photo of us at our appartment and together in many locations.

The problem I have is the document called “proof of family relationship”!

1. What is the name of this document in Thai?

2. Can I get it at the Umpur?

3. If I go to the Umpur will they understand what I'm trying to get, and for what purpose it will be used?

4. Can my daughter sign this document, being 7 Years Old

5. If I get this document, what are the odds that I will actually get a visa

There is no such document. You simply need to proof is the family relationship. In your case that would be the birth certificate, naming you as the father. Further you would need proof of that you are actualy living together.

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Politely ask for person to check - show them the Thai version (you can download from link in pinned items) - have legal firm such as Sunbelt help you.

All this is very good news for me indeed as i qualify in all respects - yet always have a struggle to show that min lump sum in a Thai bank. Are we all SURE now that it is not needed in this scenario?

How long has this 'facility' been available?

Just a word about lawyers and Chiang Mai Immigration (and what they have said to me via my Thai wife may apply to other Immigration offices). Here in CM they absolutely do NOT like lawyers accompanying foreigners into the office, either to make inquiries or to 'help' at application time.

It may be a 'face' thing, but they complain that Thai lawyers seldom know anything about the Immigration requirements and only slow things down and waste time. So to me, taking advice before going in yourself (as some have done here, I see) must be the best option.

The English of some Immigration officers is not good and here I always take my wife as 'poot laam' and it has always helped. The other thing to beware of here is info given out verbally by the 'bright young volunteers' at the front windows. They are trainees or University volunteers and do sometimes give out incorrect advice which can cost you money and/or much stress.

Always best to tell the youngsters that you "have a very complicated visa question" and would like to sit down inside with an officer. Wait 15 mins or so (take a good book) and in you will then go to get the right info from the right people.

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Are we all SURE now that it is not needed in this scenario?

How long has this 'facility' been available?

For the over age 50 living with child there is no financial requirement. It has been available since October of 2006 but was slow to be accepted by some offices as (from talk) was designed for adult children to take care of there aged parents. But at the same time this happened the provision that allowed taking care of a child was removed so at least this often fills the need for those over age 50. Those under age 50 taking care of child still have no direct access to extension of stay.

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