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Uk Baby Passport/thai Passport

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Just wondering if someone can clarify what I would need to do,

my baby is being born in September hopefully in the UK and I was wondering what the procedure is to get a Thai passport eg. how to register the birth and apply e.t.c



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Hi Bread,

I ever did this for my daughter who was born in Swiss and her mother is Thai citizen.

In order to get Thai citizenship, firstly your wife must get kid Thai birth certificate from Thai Embassy. To get this you must check with Thai embassy what papers they required. Then you can ask to make Thai passport for your kid at the embassy instantly. Best thing to do is your wife should call Thai embassy to check each details. You can check at their website too, but they hardly update information there. Better make a call to be sure! :o

I hope Thai embassy will make passport for your kid more easier than mine. Good luck:)

Cause our case the embassy didn't want to do as they have changed rules. I have explained the reason on my other post, so I must proceed to get Thai passport for my kid in Thailand. It is quite long process to make passport in Thailand if kid was born aboard. cause there are many papers to prepare and both parents must be at passport division to get kid passport. (http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=106387&st=25)

Hope it helps.


Just wondering if someone can clarify what I would need to do,

my baby is being born in September hopefully in the UK and I was wondering what the procedure is to get a Thai passport eg. how to register the birth and apply e.t.c



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Yep, that weblink has all you need. We did this back at the end of march and just received the boys thai passport using the special delivery. Make sure you ring up for an appointment, we just turned up at the Embassy and didnt have one, fortunately the staff helped us by letting us fill a slot which someone didnt turn up for, but we might have been made to come back. And make sure you get the 2 photocopies of everything.

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