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Are there any sites you can go to and air complaints to either the Immigration Office or the Prime Ministers office???

Just wondering..It seems as though we all complain here but is there a place where we can be heard? Do we need to get together and protest at the Government Building in Bangkok???

How many on this forum would do so ? Or do we only want to talk about the problems but look for no solutions.....


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Before I ever would consider protesting anything in the host country I would pack my bags and return to my home nation where things are so wonderful.

I consider living here a privledge, not a right and as with anywhere else in the world, there is good as well as bad.

Just my opinion


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those not satisfied with the way things are run here should not be here.

thailand does things differently to back home , and if the system is not to your liking then you only have one option and that is to leave.

you wouldnt visit a persons house and protest about the colour of the wallpaper and ask them to change it.

you put up or shut up.

we can talk about the problems but until we are invited to put forward solutions we have no right to demand them.

the sight of a few hundred falangs demonstrating in front of government house would be high comedy for the thais. do you think one thai would join the demo ??

for most falangs here the benefits outweigh the downside , but for those who feel the downside outweighs the benefits then it is time to move out (with your thai family if necessary)

the thais owe us nothing , and would be only too happy to see the back of an ever increasing proportion of the falangs that wash up on these shores with no consideration for thailand or its people, make no effort to fit in or assimilate into mainstream thai society yet make a home here.

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Before I ever would consider protesting anything in the host country I would pack my bags and return to my home nation where things are so wonderful.

I consider living here a privledge, not a right and as with anywhere else in the world, there is good as well as bad.

Just my opinion


I personally am not living in los yet but have listened very closely and if you are not happy with your surroundings why stay, why bitch Thailand is not UK OR USA or Ireland for that matter it is a country striving to better itself. This will take time and if you want to complain about the country who has allowed you to stay in paradise but what you can do for your host country.

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Are there any sites you can go to and air complaints to either the Immigration Office or the Prime Ministers office???

1) They don't really care about what you think.

2) Name another country where you can do that...

UK, USA.....

And they also do not care.

But you think they do... :o

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I'm living in Thailand,like the country,the peiple(at least,most of the time)but Thailand is NOT paradise,it has as many problems as every other country,don't think that if you close your eyes they will disappear!

Why should I not complain if something is,in my opinion wrong?

Thailand is a democracy,right?(I know,Toxin doesn't agree) :o

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Why should I not complain if something is,in my opinion wrong?

because thais (well,those in high places at least) think they know everything and are always right and even when they are proved to be wrong they are still right and its all somebody elses fault , and if thais close their eyes the problems will magically cease to exist.

you have to work your way around the problem without actually doing anything to remove the cause of the problem. because the cause of most problems is usually someone in a high position.

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I wonder what bad treatment that you received and want to complain. Is it only because some officer is being rude to you? Did they just cause you inconvenience? Was the standard of service not what you would expect back home? or did they arrest you or detain you for no reason?

I would expect you to complain if it was the last one. Having said that when I arrived in the UK and got detained for over 12 hours without any reason. I didn't complain. And I think most of the Thai people will agree with me that immigration officers here are very rude to the Thais. Even James Wattana once complaint that everytime he arrives in the Uk for tournament. He always got hassled from the immigration who treat him like a criminal.

I used to feel bitter everytime I have to deal with them. I said to myself these people are nothing compare with my position if they were in my country. But they are not in my country. They are IN THEIR COUNTRY. And I have no right to complain as I am not a British national and this is not my country. :o

Well, you can complain but at the of the day if the Thai gov don't want to listen and don't care what the Thai people got to say why should they care about what the guests got to say?

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'Love it or Leave it'

Number one copout and an attempt to repress others, in my view.

Why should anyone feel they should hide their head in the sand just because Thailand 'does things differently than our countries' or because 'you are a guest here'.

I'm not anyone's guest here. I live here and contribute my entire life here, legally and responsibly. The ONLY difference is that I'm not a Naturalised Thai with citizenship. And my Thai language skills are still crap, in comparison :o

There is nothing wrong with saying you don't like something, in a civil manner. Nobody likes whiners that go on and on, in any culture. All cultures respond best to civil people. Sometimes others listen, sometimes they don't....

Another point to remember. Not every Thai thinks the same or even carries the same opinions. People here are as different from each other, in terms of attitudes and opinions, as the people in your country, or any other place.

Don't get so hung up on all this nonsense. 'Mai Pen Rai' and 'Cay yen' are words some of you should be paying more attention to. Be reasonable, and that's what you get in return, in my experience.

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Why should I not complain if something is,in my opinion wrong?

because thais (well,those in high places at least) think they know everything and are always right and even when they are proved to be wrong they are still right and its all somebody elses fault , and if thais close their eyes the problems will magically cease to exist.

you have to work your way around the problem without actually doing anything to remove the cause of the problem. because the cause of most problems is usually someone in a high position.

Yeah, undoubtedly true - but also for every other country currently existing on planet earth... :o

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I wonder what bad treatment that you received and want to complain. Is it only because some officer is being rude to you? Did they just cause you inconvenience? Was the standard of service  not what you would expect back home? or did they arrest you or detain you for no reason?

  I would expect you to complain if it was the last one. Having said that when I arrived in the UK and got detained for over 12 hours without any reason. I didn't complain. And I think most of the Thai people will agree with me that immigration officers here are very rude to the Thais. Even James Wattana once complaint that everytime he arrives in the Uk for tournament. He always got hassled from the immigration who treat him like a criminal.

I used to feel bitter everytime I have to deal with them. I said to myself these people are nothing compare with my position if they were in my country. But they are not in my country. They are IN THEIR COUNTRY. And I have no right to complain as I am not a British national and this is not my country. :D

Well, you can complain but at the of the day if the Thai gov don't want to listen and don't care what the Thai people got to say why should they care about what the guests got to say?

Looks like somebody needs some friends in high places in England and the



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'Love it or leave it' is certainly not the solution.

There are a lot of things I do not like, in Thailand or other countries where I used to live. Sure, we can discuss in here, in the pub over a beer.

But, if you complain as a foreigner you run against a wall with the locals, even if one would agree that you are right. Guess, it is human mentality. I pay my taxes in Thailand, my advice or complain is still not welcome, and I don't give it.

Air your grievances in Thai Visa, in the immigration web-board as suggested. Write a letter to Bangkok Post ot The Nation.

Years ago an American living and working as expat in Japan, found a perfect solution. Instead of complaining he wrote in the local English newspaper (Japan Times I believe?) a weekly column about his experiences in the country. He got rid of his frustration, the readers had a good laugh and he finally made some additional money by publishing his columns in 3 books plus one translated into Japanese. (OK with explantion what foreigners laugh or complain about)

In real life, in LoS it is easier to find out where the problem is and how to solve it, very often the solution is not a a logical one but works.

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may be "love it or leave it" is not the answer , but if you hate or if the frustrations or brick walls that you can come up against here get too much then i think its time to leave, because in most cases it will prove too difficult to change anything.

back home , you usually know where you stand re. regulations,business practices and your rights on straightforward matters, and if you are not sure about anything then it is easy to obtain the relevant information and answers.

here , it is not like that , nobody knows anything to any degree of certainty and ask the same question of three people and in all probability you will get three different answers , couple that with frequent goalpost movements and its easy to see how life can become frustrating. if you cant deal with that then thailand is not the place to be.

with thailand becoming more and more regulated by the minute , and with the poor level of understanding of those regulations by those who are supposed to implement them , things can only get worse ! :o

better stock up on some valium.

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Why should I not complain if something is,in my opinion wrong?

because thais (well,those in high places at least) think they know everything and are always right and even when they are proved to be wrong they are still right and its all somebody elses fault , and if thais close their eyes the problems will magically cease to exist.

you have to work your way around the problem without actually doing anything to remove the cause of the problem. because the cause of most problems is usually someone in a high position.

This about sums it up. I wouldn't dream of protesting in front of any office here, I'd like to stay a bit longer.

The solution is not 'love it or leave it", but 'laugh at it or leave it'.

In real life, in LoS it is easier to find out where the problem is and how to solve it, very often the solution is not a a logical one but works.
Agree with this one, too. Don't argue with the way things are, find out how it works instead.
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may be "love it or leave it" is not the answer , but if you hate or if the frustrations or brick walls that you can come up against here get too much then i think its time to leave
Yep. Everyone should like where they live. If it gets too much for you to be happy, then maybe it's time for you to find greener pastures.

Home is where you heart is, or at least it should be :o

Don't argue with the way things are, find out how it works instead.

Good advice...But easier said than done, na'? :D

Edited by Ajarn
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Thailand is a democracy,right?(I know,Toxin doesn't agree) :D


Thailand is a Monarchy, True?? :o

A monarchy.... but with a democratically elected government...

totster :D

A monarchy...with a democratically elected government military style. Namely,most of the leaders are from the military background and still have power and influence. :D

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Yes you are all right, we should just mind our own business, I mean christ what would the world be like if we took an interest in what was going on around us.

For example, that black bitch should have got out of the white seats and gone sat at the back of the bus.

We should let the US invade any countries they like

The germans wanna roast the jews, thats fine too, doesn't bother me right?

You prats, the world doesn't change for the better unless we critisize the wrong we see around us. Those of you who are quite happy to watch the Thai people get shafted by there own government while probably shafting the younger ones themselves will no-doubt come back with something intelligent like 'If you don't like it pack your shit and get out'. To them I will say you are not helping your 'host country' in anyway by not being prepared to say anything about the wrongs that are crippling this country in case your shagging for 500 baht privilages get taken away from you. You are worthless go elsewhere.

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