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Farang Woman

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... I will have no fingernail or toe nails left if I have another manicure/pedicure, my hair is so well groomed from the desire to be touched, even the pain of a thai massage is no longer working, so where do the men with an interest and passion for life hang out?

Also, women just don't talk or think this way about grooming and spa services. This post is in a piss-taking tone towards foreign women in an attempt to troll.

I'm not in the services profession, sweetie, so "competition" is not even issue, and this topic is for trolls. :o

Kat, I thought you are a teacher. Isn't that both a profession and a service?

No, I'm not a teacher and teaching is not a service profession, because your aim is to teach and not coddle, as in customers.

* And you are a newbie, so how would you profess to know anything about me, unless you are an old hat masquerading as a troll.

Hi Kat,

My apologies, my mistake.

I actually read through many of your very interesting posts. Not all I'm afraid.

In my haste, I clearly mixed you up with someone else. Sorry...but surely being called a teacher isn't so bad is it? More of an honour I would have thought.

Trolling is not my thing but I do enjoy a good discussion of tricky/difficult issues with like minded serious people.

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No, that's my point: REAL teaching isn't bad, and is a real profession with real credentials that is an honor and service to some, that should never be equated with the coddling and pedestal that you described. There's a difference between service, and service providers. :o

And I'm very glad that you read my posts, but how curious that as a newbie you are not very current.

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