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Thaksin Asks Manchester City Players To Bow


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Thaksin asks Manchester City players to bow

MANCHESTER (UK): -- Manchester City owner Thaksin Shinawatra has hit the club with another shock by asking for the players to bow to him Thai-style before each game, Sunday Mirror reported.

Officials at the Eastlands club have been worried for some time by requests from Thaksin - and his latest is for the team to bow towards him after performing their pre-kick-off sporting handshake with the opposition.

Bowing is a traditional mark of respect in Thaksin's native Thailand. But some at City see this as another example of how the former Thai Prime Minister is turning the club into his personal dictatorship.

A City insider said: "At first we thought it was a joke, but the owner was serious about the players paying their respects. It's just not going to happen."

Sunday Mirror Sport revealed three weeks ago that Thaksin's relationship with manager Sven Goran Eriksson was at breaking point.

And the former England coach will be sacked at the end of the season, despite being less than 12 months into a three-year contract.

Thaksin aims to placate fans by bringing in Phil Scolari after the Brazilian's contract with Portugal expires after Euro 2008.

He is preparing to sack Eriksson against the wishes of all the high-ranking officials he retained at the club when he took over last summer.

Former chairman John Wardle, chief exe cutive Alistair Mackintosh and legal expert Bryan Bodek could follow Eriksson out.

City fans are furious about Thaksin's treatment of Eriksson - and some have demanded season ticket refunds after the Swede issued a personal plea on marketing material urging supporters to renew.

-- Sunday Mirror 2008-05-05

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Whoi the <deleted> does he think he is? He needs to remember that respect is earnt in England, not bought.

The bloke is finally losing all touch with reality.

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Highly, highly doubt this one to be true (he's not there a fair few matches anyhow). Fantastic if it was though...

I have to doubt this as well. Taksin would love, LOVE to be able to do this, but he knows enough about foreigners to know that it would be impossible to do.

He may be many things, but he's not entirely stupid.

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I think That Thaksin is about to find out how the British press work. He's had a pretty clerar run of it so far, but with his recent antics it's going to give the hacks something to get there teeth into. This will not be the first or last story that paints him in a bad light.

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story probably isn't true, rather a stunt by the media to raise the level of general hatred towards Thaksin in the UK. I've never had a high regard for British tabloids (apart from page 3 :o ), but my esteem for them has gone up a couple of notches!!

Nevertheless, you'll probably find people taking it seriously, and the fans mooning him (instead of bowing) on game day.

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Thaksin asks Manchester City players to bow

MANCHESTER (UK): -- Manchester City owner Thaksin Shinawatra has hit the club with another shock by asking for the players to bow to him Thai-style before each game, Sunday Mirror reported.

Officials at the Eastlands club have been worried for some time by requests from Thaksin - and his latest is for the team to bow towards him after performing their pre-kick-off sporting handshake with the opposition.

Bowing is a traditional mark of respect in Thaksin's native Thailand. But some at City see this as another example of how the former Thai Prime Minister is turning the club into his personal dictatorship.

A City insider said: "At first we thought it was a joke, but the owner was serious about the players paying their respects. It's just not going to happen."

Sunday Mirror Sport revealed three weeks ago that Thaksin's relationship with manager Sven Goran Eriksson was at breaking point.

And the former England coach will be sacked at the end of the season, despite being less than 12 months into a three-year contract.

Thaksin aims to placate fans by bringing in Phil Scolari after the Brazilian's contract with Portugal expires after Euro 2008.

He is preparing to sack Eriksson against the wishes of all the high-ranking officials he retained at the club when he took over last summer.

Former chairman John Wardle, chief exe cutive Alistair Mackintosh and legal expert Bryan Bodek could follow Eriksson out.

City fans are furious about Thaksin's treatment of Eriksson - and some have demanded season ticket refunds after the Swede issued a personal plea on marketing material urging supporters to renew.

-- Sunday Mirror 2008-05-05

Hmmn' looks like the players have lost the "plot"

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This is probably just a ploy by a well-known 'gutter rag' to stir things so as to get their circulation figures up with the 'racist'-prone.

If true and not just a ploy, it indicates that Thaksin has gone doolally.

I doubt that, as it doesn't happen quickly and there haven't been any precursor symptoms reported to my knowledge.

(If it has happened quickly, Thaksin's friends should be asking themselves if there is new drug that might have been slipped into his food or drink!)

Edited by Martin
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Well well well. It didn't take him long to show his true colours. You know the club had their chance to knock back the deal long before they took Taksins blood money. They knew full well what a muderous c**t he was. They knew he had fleeced the Thais and expats out of the money to pay for the club. They knew he was a racist xenophobe and they were all just farang scum to him. So I'm happy that he is rubbing their faces in it. Som nom Na. As the Thais would say 555.

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Thaksin asks Manchester City players to bow

MANCHESTER (UK): -- Manchester City owner Thaksin Shinawatra has hit the club with another shock by asking for the players to bow to him Thai-style before each game, Sunday Mirror reported.

Officials at the Eastlands club have been worried for some time by requests from Thaksin - and his latest is for the team to bow towards him after performing their pre-kick-off sporting handshake with the opposition.

Bowing is a traditional mark of respect in Thaksin's native Thailand. But some at City see this as another example of how the former Thai Prime Minister is turning the club into his personal dictatorship.

A City insider said: "At first we thought it was a joke, but the owner was serious about the players paying their respects. It's just not going to happen."

Sunday Mirror Sport revealed three weeks ago that Thaksin's relationship with manager Sven Goran Eriksson was at breaking point.

And the former England coach will be sacked at the end of the season, despite being less than 12 months into a three-year contract.

Thaksin aims to placate fans by bringing in Phil Scolari after the Brazilian's contract with Portugal expires after Euro 2008.

He is preparing to sack Eriksson against the wishes of all the high-ranking officials he retained at the club when he took over last summer.

Former chairman John Wardle, chief exe cutive Alistair Mackintosh and legal expert Bryan Bodek could follow Eriksson out.

City fans are furious about Thaksin's treatment of Eriksson - and some have demanded season ticket refunds after the Swede issued a personal plea on marketing material urging supporters to renew.

-- Sunday Mirror 2008-05-05

He'd better be careful what he asks for, because he may well get another type of show.

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Taksin is an idiot, we all know that, or most anyway. but, I do not think he would try to make this happen. if he did do it I hope the team goes on strike or something. he can get away with being a di-k in Thailand to farang but not in England.

why dont somebody just wack him? that would be good.

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Taksin is an idiot, we all know that, or most anyway. but, I do not think he would try to make this happen. if he did do it I hope the team goes on strike or something. he can get away with being a di-k in Thailand to farang but not in England.

why dont somebody just wack him? that would be good.

Did I just see a solicitation on ThaiVisa to commit an illegal act toward a Thai national? :D

If it happens, we can trace your ISP address, Onnut! :o

Edited by toptuan
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Bowing is a traditional mark of respect in Thaksin's native Thailand.

It is? And I thought it wa wai-ing. Maybe they're confusing Thaksin with being Japanese?

In Thailand people wai each other and bow to royalty. Maybe Thaksin thinks he is is some sort of king (of soccer)? :o

Edited by soundman
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Bowing is a traditional mark of respect in Thaksin's native Thailand.

It is? And I thought it wa wai-ing. Maybe they're confusing Thaksin with being Japanese?

In Thailand people wai each other and bow to royalty. Maybe Thaksin thinks he is is some sort of king (of soccer)? :o

I think he may some sort of King, a Wan King possibly.

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I wonder......

If the players did bough to the little emperor (highly un-likely unless theere were a few scots on the team who would probably turn before boughing very low in their kilts), would he bough back or even acknowledge them?

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I wonder......

If the players did bough to the little emperor (highly un-likely unless theere were a few scots on the team who would probably turn before boughing very low in their kilts), would he bough back or even acknowledge them?

Unlikely, as he believes that Farangs are scum anyway.

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I wonder......

If the players did bough to the little emperor (highly un-likely unless theere were a few scots on the team who would probably turn before boughing very low in their kilts), would he bough back or even acknowledge them?

Just had the same thought Soundman.

A Wai, and a Moon, is just determined by direction.

If he insists, do so, but accidently face the wrong direction, and say you thought he was on the other side of the field. Oh don't forget the broken elastic on the shorts


If you do , Send photos, ,,,,,,,,, everywhere

Edited by Gonzo the Face
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Thaksin asks Manchester City players to bow

MANCHESTER (UK): -- Manchester City owner Thaksin Shinawatra has hit the club with another shock by asking for the players to bow to him Thai-style before each game, Sunday Mirror reported.

Officials at the Eastlands club have been worried for some time by requests from Thaksin - and his latest is for the team to bow towards him after performing their pre-kick-off sporting handshake with the opposition.

Bowing is a traditional mark of respect in Thaksin's native Thailand. But some at City see this as another example of how the former Thai Prime Minister is turning the club into his personal dictatorship.

A City insider said: "At first we thought it was a joke, but the owner was serious about the players paying their respects. It's just not going to happen."

Sunday Mirror Sport revealed three weeks ago that Thaksin's relationship with manager Sven Goran Eriksson was at breaking point.

And the former England coach will be sacked at the end of the season, despite being less than 12 months into a three-year contract.

Thaksin aims to placate fans by bringing in Phil Scolari after the Brazilian's contract with Portugal expires after Euro 2008.

He is preparing to sack Eriksson against the wishes of all the high-ranking officials he retained at the club when he took over last summer.

Former chairman John Wardle, chief exe cutive Alistair Mackintosh and legal expert Bryan Bodek could follow Eriksson out.

City fans are furious about Thaksin's treatment of Eriksson - and some have demanded season ticket refunds after the Swede issued a personal plea on marketing material urging supporters to renew.

-- Sunday Mirror 2008-05-05

I reckon he should read British employment law before he starts imposing his cultural desires on him employees.

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Thaksin asks Manchester City players to bow

MANCHESTER (UK): -- Manchester City owner Thaksin Shinawatra has hit the club with another shock by asking for the players to bow to him Thai-style before each game, Sunday Mirror reported.

Officials at the Eastlands club have been worried for some time by requests from Thaksin - and his latest is for the team to bow towards him after performing their pre-kick-off sporting handshake with the opposition.

Bowing is a traditional mark of respect in Thaksin's native Thailand. But some at City see this as another example of how the former Thai Prime Minister is turning the club into his personal dictatorship.

A City insider said: "At first we thought it was a joke, but the owner was serious about the players paying their respects. It's just not going to happen."

Sunday Mirror Sport revealed three weeks ago that Thaksin's relationship with manager Sven Goran Eriksson was at breaking point.

And the former England coach will be sacked at the end of the season, despite being less than 12 months into a three-year contract.

Thaksin aims to placate fans by bringing in Phil Scolari after the Brazilian's contract with Portugal expires after Euro 2008.

He is preparing to sack Eriksson against the wishes of all the high-ranking officials he retained at the club when he took over last summer.

Former chairman John Wardle, chief exe cutive Alistair Mackintosh and legal expert Bryan Bodek could follow Eriksson out.

City fans are furious about Thaksin's treatment of Eriksson - and some have demanded season ticket refunds after the Swede issued a personal plea on marketing material urging supporters to renew.

-- Sunday Mirror 2008-05-05

I reckon he should read British employment law before he starts imposing his cultural desires on him employees.

his employees

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Taksin is an idiot, we all know that, or most anyway. but, I do not think he would try to make this happen. if he did do it I hope the team goes on strike or something. he can get away with being a di-k in Thailand to farang but not in England.

why dont somebody just wack him? :D that would be good.

Did I just see a solicitation on ThaiVisa to commit an illegal act toward a Thai national? :D

If it happens, we can trace your ISP address, Onnut! :D

sorry, should of put a smily thingy after that..

and I have just moved :o

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