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Funny Thai Signs


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Hard to read but it says "reduce global warming, use less save more" above a toilet paper roll in MBK. How do you use not enough toilet Paper?

one way would be to use both sides... :o

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I saw this outside a temple and thought that i would share it with you. By the way i don't intend to offend anyone by posting this, but i did find it funny.


Cheers, Rick

Sorry, I don't have a photo, but we have a classic sign here in Phuket, it shows a policeman and it says

"Drive fast, be careful"

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Quite a while ago there used to be signs all over Phuket Town saying "Keep Wales Tidy". :D Then the Phuket Gazette made light of them and they were taken down.

In Patong there are street signs saying "Turn Left When Safety"... oh for Christ's sake, there are ten gazillion native English speakers in Patong every day, why not ask someone to proof read stuff? :o

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J Waker singn in skyscraper in Bangkok

"Drink don't Drive"

a classic in getting your priorities right!

from ireland.. (yes i am Irish) and one of the few natinons that can laugh at our self's

"Car Park Pedestrians Only" this sign is in main st birr co offaly.

have a happy


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I saw this outside a temple and thought that i would share it with you. By the way i don't intend to offend anyone by posting this, but i did find it funny.


Cheers, Rick

Sorry, I don't have a photo, but we have a classic sign here in Phuket, it shows a policeman and it says

"Drive fast, be careful"

Right on the top of Patong Hill...


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Small typo in an in-flight magazine:

Never worked out if it was deliberate or not, but French Connection UK is real enough http://www.<deleted>.com/uk/ :D

I think he was talking about the typo next to the watch...

Er - Yes! :D

How about this pair? Firstly:

post-35489-1210168576_thumb.jpg :D

haha..very good one :DB):D

I should drive the other road..new driver...too bad... :o:D

And then the next sign:


And yes, it was ****ing steep! :D

In Kanchanaburi near a village called BAN POO PONG a road sign as follows.


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J Waker singn in skyscraper in Bangkok

"Drink don't Drive"

a classic in getting your priorities right!

from ireland.. (yes i am Irish) and one of the few natinons that can laugh at our self's

"Car Park Pedestrians Only" this sign is in main st birr co offaly.

have a happy


You're Oirish? Well I'll be damned!

If Parnell were alive today, he'd turn in his grave.

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I saw this outside a temple and thought that i would share it with you. By the way i don't intend to offend anyone by posting this, but i did find it funny.

Cheers, Rick

dear rick, you do not offend, you just don't understand! the thai writing would explain to you that the meaning is 'racks'. just that so many thai tongues (coming from china) can't pronounce the 'r' and speak 'l' instead. one of the most (in)famous examples is: "loom leddy", which in fact is a message from your hotel room maid that your "room is ready". just like some english tongues have a problem with the pronouciation of the thai city and province of 'trang' (ตรัง) which for them is thus spelled 'trung'. some english people drink 'beer chaeng in traeng' do you think this funny?

cheers, stephan

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I saw this outside a temple and thought that i would share it with you. By the way i don't intend to offend anyone by posting this, but i did find it funny.

Cheers, Rick

dear rick, you do not offend, you just don't understand! the thai writing would explain to you that the meaning is 'racks'. just that so many thai tongues (coming from china) can't pronounce the 'r' and speak 'l' instead. one of the most (in)famous examples is: "loom leddy", which in fact is a message from your hotel room maid that your "room is ready". just like some english tongues have a problem with the pronouciation of the thai city and province of 'trang' (ตรัง) which for them is thus spelled 'trung'. some english people drink 'beer chaeng in traeng' do you think this funny?

cheers, stephan

Jeez.....get a sense of humour.....This is a light hearted review of the more amusing signs in Thailand.....not a lesson in Thai pronunciation....or is this an attempt to show off you have some form of mastery of the Thai language ??...

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I saw this outside a temple and thought that i would share it with you. By the way i don't intend to offend anyone by posting this, but i did find it funny.


Cheers, Rick

:D There used to be a magazine ithink called "Asia Busines Week", or something like that, in which there was a monthly feature called "Traveler's Tales" of funny mistakes like that found by people who traveled around Asia. Some examples:

1. In a hotel in Pakistan unmarried men were not allowed to have female guests in the rooms. The sign said:

Unmarried men are not allowed to entertain unescorted ladies in their rooms. A guest recption room is provided in the lobby for that function.

2. A newspaper announcement from Hong Kong: (about a tonic for women showing a rooster crowing and two golden balls on it's carton).

The manufacturer wishes to announce that the product for ladies, formerly known as "Golden Cock" is being renamed. It will now instead be called "Golden Balls". The quality will be the same. We hope that all our women users will still apreciate the reliability of our "Golden Balls".

3. And one I saw myself in a hotel in Pattaya many years ago, warning against smoking in bed. It showed a cigarette with a circle around it and a X drawn thru the circle. The text said:

Hey you, be safety life.


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I think some wag has doctored this sign. The Thai says "beware of falling rocks ahead". The English probably used to read "beware of the brick in front of you" until someone scrubbed out the bottom part of the B. Still funny though !!

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I saw this outside a temple and thought that i would share it with you. By the way i don't intend to offend anyone by posting this, but i did find it funny.


Cheers, Rick

:D There used to be a magazine ithink called "Asia Busines Week", or something like that, in which there was a monthly feature called "Traveler's Tales" of funny mistakes like that found by people who traveled around Asia. Some examples:

1. In a hotel in Pakistan unmarried men were not allowed to have female guests in the rooms. The sign said:

Unmarried men are not allowed to entertain unescorted ladies in their rooms. A guest recption room is provided in the lobby for that function.

2. A newspaper announcement from Hong Kong: (about a tonic for women showing a rooster crowing and two golden balls on it's carton).

The manufacturer wishes to announce that the product for ladies, formerly known as "Golden Cock" is being renamed. It will now instead be called "Golden Balls". The quality will be the same. We hope that all our women users will still apreciate the reliability of our "Golden Balls".

3. And one I saw myself in a hotel in Pattaya many years ago, warning against smoking in bed. It showed a cigarette with a circle around it and a X drawn thru the circle. The text said:

Hey you, be safety life.


I think that was the Far Eastern Economic Review based in Hongo Kong whose last page collected some hiralious howlers. I The magazine ultimately folded and a somewhat academic version is now published under the same name but without the laughs.

I think they published a book collection of their best gems.

There must be other books of funny signs and sundry Thaiglish?


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