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Retail Customer Service


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Lots of folks like to grouse about poor customer service at many retail establishments in Thailand. Well, today, I had a good experience. I was looking at universal remotes in the electronics section of Carrefore and the model I wanted was the last one available. Unfortunately, the included batteries that came with it had been stolen. On similar occasions in the past, bringing this up with the sales staff would bring grins and smiles but they would always say there was nothing they could do and put the item back on display for sale. However, today, when I asked if they could give a another pair of them, the sales lady (maybe more a assistant manager) so no problem and went in back and brought me a "free" pack.

Now, the cost of buying my own set would have been minimal...however, it was nice to see the customer service action in this instance :o

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I don't know if this is considered a "customer service" story or not, as it involves whichever bus company runs from Phang Na to Surat Thani. I was in Phang Na and bought a bus ticket to Surat, noting that the last bus left at 5:00 p.m. At about 4:40, I wandered across the road to the 7/11, returning to the bus station at about 4:50, where I was informed that the "5:00 p.m." bus for Surat had left without me. I explained to the ticket seller that I had to work in Bangkok the next day, and was on my way to Surat to get on a train that evening. She put me on the next eastbound bus, which took me about 20 km east to the first major junction and then stopped. I asked what was happening. The conductor said "That's your bus there", indicating another which was stopped beside the road.

The lady at the bus station had called ahead to someone, and had them stop the Surat bus just for me. Not remarkable in a way; the sign in the bus station was a painted one, not a temporary one. The bus shouldn't have left without me. But, being "just a farang", I hadn't expected the ticket seller to get very excited when she realized the bus had left without me.

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