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7/11 Restrictions On Selling Alcohol


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Took a late night visit to 7/11 ( 12.13am ) in Phuket last night to stock up on a few cans of Beer, only to be told by the staff that they are now obliged to the new regulations of only being able to sell Alcohol between 11am - 2pm and 5pm - 12am...

What is happening? only last month you where able to buy alcohol 24/7 at 7/11 ( apart from Buddist Days and Elections )

I have been here 3 years now, and these new laws IE no smoking in clubs and pubs are getting out of control!

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Took a late night visit to 7/11 ( 12.13am ) in Phuket last night to stock up on a few cans of Beer, only to be told by the staff that they are now obliged to the new regulations of only being able to sell Alcohol between 11am - 2pm and 5pm - 12am...

What is happening? only last month you where able to buy alcohol 24/7 at 7/11 ( apart from Buddist Days and Elections )

I have been here 3 years now, and these new laws IE no smoking in clubs and pubs are getting out of control!

Not sure which branch of 'Seven' you are frequenting but the chain has been observing these regulations for several years now. Signs are on fridge doors in many branches. It's kinda hard to believe that you've been here three years and never come up against this before.

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Took a late night visit to 7/11 ( 12.13am ) in Phuket last night to stock up on a few cans of Beer, only to be told by the staff that they are now obliged to the new regulations of only being able to sell Alcohol between 11am - 2pm and 5pm - 12am...

What is happening? only last month you where able to buy alcohol 24/7 at 7/11 ( apart from Buddist Days and Elections )

I have been here 3 years now, and these new laws IE no smoking in clubs and pubs are getting out of control!

hey mate your lucky

at least the 7/11 in phuket sells booze,up here they stopped selling the stuff over a year ago

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Never have a problem at my local 7/11 in BKK. The only time they wont serve alcohol is between 2 and 5, which is no problem as the local mom and pop shop in our soi are always more than obliging.

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Not sure which branch of 'Seven' you are frequenting

For someone who places themselves at the top of the pyramid of English language usage by rushing to correct others' typos, it's amusing to see your infantile grasp of basic English punctuation.

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Not sure which branch of 'Seven' you are frequenting

For someone who places themselves at the top of the pyramid of English language usage by rushing to correct others' typos, it's amusing to see your infantile grasp of basic English punctuation.

Excuse me? :o

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Not sure which branch of 'Seven' you are frequenting

For someone who places themselves at the top of the pyramid of English language usage by rushing to correct others' typos, it's amusing to see your infantile grasp of basic English punctuation.

Excuse me? :o

I don't think he likes your use of single ears as a stress/quote mark, maybe "Seven" or even just Seven would be more acceptable, I understood what you meant :D

I'm not sure the use of the word "infantile" is appropriate.

Anyway, we are more than mildly off topic and I too am surprised he's not come across this ruling before, it's been around for some time :D

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For late night boozers, Family Mart is your friend.

At the end of our Soi, we have Family Mart, 7/11 and a Mini Big C all within 75 metres of one another. They are all open 24 hours, and they all serve late night/early morning beers.

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Not sure which branch of 'Seven' you are frequenting

For someone who places themselves at the top of the pyramid of English language usage by rushing to correct others' typos, it's amusing to see your infantile grasp of basic English punctuation.

Excuse me? :o

The OP is about the Alcohol Laws.

Enough of this bickering.



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This, along with taking alcoholic beverages out of gas station convenient stores: If it even provides a dent (and IMO it does) in drinking and driving during the time when most folks are on the road... when kids are going to and from school, it's a good thing.


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The next 7 down the road would likely be happy to sell it to you, I often buy late at night as I frequently don't go out until 2 or 3. If at first you don't succeed .....

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Took a late night visit to 7/11 ( 12.13am ) in Phuket last night to stock up on a few cans of Beer, only to be told by the staff that they are now obliged to the new regulations of only being able to sell Alcohol between 11am - 2pm and 5pm - 12am...

What is happening? only last month you where able to buy alcohol 24/7 at 7/11 ( apart from Buddist Days and Elections )

I have been here 3 years now, and these new laws IE no smoking in clubs and pubs are getting out of control!

When they get to know you they just sell it ihihi.. :o:D:D

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The next 7 down the road would likely be happy to sell it to you, I often buy late at night as I frequently don't go out until 2 or 3. If at first you don't succeed .....

Definitely. But that cuts out a significant # of people (again, talking about "denting" the amount of alcohol being poured on the roads) who are too lazy to stop at another non-gas station convenient store roadside -not to mention sometimes it isn't that easy to park at these shops-. Naturally, folks who are intent on hunting their booze down or stock well ahead of time will get what they need anyway.

Myself, I have a minibar onboard, so as long as they keep selling ice, I'll be okay as well.


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Took a late night visit to 7/11 ( 12.13am ) in Phuket last night to stock up on a few cans of Beer, only to be told by the staff that they are now obliged to the new regulations of only being able to sell Alcohol between 11am - 2pm and 5pm - 12am...

What is happening? only last month you where able to buy alcohol 24/7 at 7/11 ( apart from Buddist Days and Elections )

I have been here 3 years now, and these new laws IE no smoking in clubs and pubs are getting out of control!

When they get to know you they just sell it ihihi.. :o:D:D

A lot of shops simply can't ring it up because the barcodes of alcoholic bevs are locked out during the times of day when they aren't supposed to be sold. So that just leaves the few clerks that will sell it to you 'off the register' (and go through the trouble of ringing it up later) who think they are earning 'street cred' with 'connected/heavy' 7-11 customers.


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When people complain that Thailand is corrupt, I feel a shred of sympathy. It is. And it makes life 'interesting'.

When people then complain when laws are actually enforced, as in this case, I guess that sympathy diminishes.

But when people become morally outraged that a law is enforced, and that bloody law diminishes someone's ability to buy a freakin can of beer past midnight, I despair.

What kind of lives do people like this live?

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When people complain that Thailand is corrupt, I feel a shred of sympathy. It is. And it makes life 'interesting'.

When people then complain when laws are actually enforced, as in this case, I guess that sympathy diminishes.

But when people become morally outraged that a law is enforced, and that bloody law diminishes someone's ability to buy a freakin can of beer past midnight, I despair.

What kind of lives do people like this live?

Blissfully happy, as fueled by beverages containing the demon alcohol! :o

I am a scofflaw too as I sometimes purchase a lime breezer during the verboten period. My supplier is Big One. I hope one day to beat this horrible addiction to the demon rum.

And yes, you are correct in your logic. However, you should know by now that some pigs are more equal than others.

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When people complain that Thailand is corrupt, I feel a shred of sympathy. It is. And it makes life 'interesting'.

When people then complain when laws are actually enforced, as in this case, I guess that sympathy diminishes.

But when people become morally outraged that a law is enforced, and that bloody law diminishes someone's ability to buy a freakin can of beer past midnight, I despair.

What kind of lives do people like this live?

I am with you on this one for a change Bendix. I am usually too pissed to stand up, let alone go in the 7/11 to try and purchase more booze after midnight :o

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Just along the road from my local “Seven” (not sure what punctuation I am allowed to use without that geezer shouting at me) on Phuket is a local store that sells similar stuff. I prefer to use the local store as I like to support local businesses. Anyway in the local store they sell alcohol any time. If it happens to be a public holiday anytime near an election or after hours they just put in a brown bag.

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When people complain that Thailand is corrupt, I feel a shred of sympathy. It is. And it makes life 'interesting'.

When people then complain when laws are actually enforced, as in this case, I guess that sympathy diminishes.

But when people become morally outraged that a law is enforced, and that bloody law diminishes someone's ability to buy a freakin can of beer past midnight, I despair.

What kind of lives do people like this live?

Twice a year I buy a carton containing 12 bottles of Chang.

Last time was 4 months ago at Udon Thani's Tesco, 10.48 when I paid for all my groceries and was told I could not take the Chang home unless I waited 12 more minutes :D .

Be assured this law has effectively reduced considerably my intake of beer :D

Now wether this law really has more than 0.0001% influence on drunken Thai drivers, I seriousely doubt :D

Do I feel I live in a country with idiot lawmakers? Yes Yes and Yes. :o

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Oh come on. It's not an idiotic law. It's just a law. What you're railing about is an over-officious interpretation of that law.

Most countries have some kind of limits on when alcohol can be purchased. Why get frustrated with it?

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Its simple as this.

If you know that you might have an urge to have a beer at an odd time that might not co-incide with trading hours - buy in advance & keep it in the fridge.

The one that annoys me slightly is alcohol trading restrictions applied to restaurants, especially in tourist areas. Late lunch etc & you might feel like a beer with your delicious 579B++ steak only to be told - no sell 2.02pm. :D

Triple whammy: Stealthy (scammed by deception :o ) application of VAT, Service charge & also can't get what you want. Not good for repeat business.


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To chip in with 'me too" (sorry merely a tease to misuse single/double quote) regarding purchase of in my case Leo beer from a small independant shop during recent Pattaya election days - any time of day, although my wife is a friend of the shop owner this is balanced by them being a police family.

I have had the pleasure of spending a little time working in Sweden, land of bright furniture with clean crisp beech wood and sensible cars. However please read this link to understand the sale of alcohol in Sweden. Although dated 2001 I was last there about 3/4 years ago and it was still the same.

I also read that Britain's experiment with 24 hour drinking has resulted in more hospital cases and arrests.

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It is an idiotic law. All countries have them. But it is easily solved. Refrigerators. I once tried to buy a bottle of wine on Sunday in a certain Southern US state and was thwarted. Not cheap whiskey but good wine to have with dinner. That being my country, it made me angry because that is clearly a law inspired by Christianity when the US government is supposed to be separated from the "church".

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For some people stocking your fridge up may be the answer, but not for me !

I am more likely to drink what is there when normally I wouldn't walk to the shop and buy it, no matter how close it is.

I am sure a lot of members here can relate :o

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Also I totally agree with soundman regarding the more expensive tourist restaurants no being able to sell, what do the government care how much as farangs drink anyway ?

One time I took my Mum to Fuji to have a nice meal. We had been walking in the heat for a while and decided a nice chilled bottle of wine would go well with our meal, only to hear the 'no can sell'. Then to get asked if we wanted water, cola, fanta etc :o

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Never have a problem at my local 7/11 in BKK. The only time they wont serve alcohol is between 2 and 5, which is no problem as the local mom and pop shop in our soi are always more than obliging.
Just along the road from my local “Seven” ... on Phuket is a local store that sells similar stuff. I prefer to use the local store as I like to support local businesses. Anyway in the local store they sell alcohol any time. If it happens to be a public holiday anytime near an election or after hours they just put in a brown bag.

perhaps, this being thailand, this is what they were trying to achieve when they passed the law.

support of the small family owned local businesses while allowing the large well funded corporations to have a market presence as well.

combined with lax enforcement of the one with stringent enforcement of the other.

sounds like good government.

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Never have a problem at my local 7/11 in BKK. The only time they wont serve alcohol is between 2 and 5, which is no problem as the local mom and pop shop in our soi are always more than obliging.
Just along the road from my local “Seven” ... on Phuket is a local store that sells similar stuff. I prefer to use the local store as I like to support local businesses. Anyway in the local store they sell alcohol any time. If it happens to be a public holiday anytime near an election or after hours they just put in a brown bag.

perhaps, this being thailand, this is what they were trying to achieve when they passed the law.

support of the small family owned local businesses while allowing the large well funded corporations to have a market presence as well.

combined with lax enforcement of the one with stringent enforcement of the other.

sounds like good government.

That would be an unusually subtle approach by the Thai government but you might have a point...

Edit: by the way, no such restrictions here in Singapore - buy what you want, when you want. One-Nil to "draconian" Singapore? Surely not...

PS. was my use of double quotation marks acceptable to the grammar monitor?

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