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Working Out ... Anywhere To Recommend?

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I'm moving to BKK permanently with work from the UK in two weeks time and wondered if any posters on here could give any pointers about good gyms to go to?

I'm 31 and used to box in England many moons ago so would love to be able to train at a proper Muay Thai gym, although only for fitness these days!

I'm a member of a fitness club and like doing weights - although only for toning and slight development.

I had a look at the website for a Fitness First club in Sukhumvit, but there weren't any prices and they didn't reply to my mail unfortunately.

I train most days, and would probably want to mix the routine between a boxing/muay thai gym one day and then a fitness/weights gym the next.

I don't think running around the streets is an option, so somewhere with running machines would be a help.

Thanks in advance for any advice, especially regarding prices etc. Is it the usual, as in the UK, to pay a monthly subscription rate or is it all done on a pro rata basis?


I may be wrong, but I think if you are a member of fitness first in the Uk, then you can use it over there.

You need to compare prices and see which one is the cheapest, then join up.


You could be right about Fitness First medicinebox but I've been paying £30 per month in the UK for membership (£40 to join) and I'm hoping it's going to be a little less in BKK if I start afresh rather than continue.

I've cancelled my membership here for the day I fly out and would want to join somewhere new. Not interested in a swimming pool, just want a good gym or two.....

Any takers?


Thanks lovelycutie but I tried that site already. They don't have any prices and they haven't responded to emails.

Have you got a rough idea how much I can expect to pay at a place like that?


Thanks lovelycutie but I tried that site already. They don't have any prices and they haven't responded to emails.

Have you got a rough idea how much I can expect to pay at a place like that?


Just a further thought.

There is a lower tariff price for off peak prices in Fitness First in the UK.

Maybe your uk card will be valid off and on peak in Bkk.

Shame you're not in Pattaya, there's an excellent body building gym with a punch bag are for boxing etc.

Chevin Gym in Soi Day/Night. Highly recommended.


Hi there lowersmiths, i don't know how seriouse you are about wanting to train in Muay Thai, but if you realy want to give it a go you can go to The Bangkok Fight Club, located on the roof (32nd floor) of the Ser Mit tower on soi Asoke.

i go here at least 3 times per week, sometimes 4.

B1000 to register then B2500 per month.


Cheers Mango :o


Cheers for the link Mango, the club looks like a good one.

My only problem is I will be working 5pm-12pm five days a week so need somewhere that is opening during the day time.

I may "drop in" to a couple of their BJJ classes when possible though. I've always fancied learning Jiu Jitsu but classes are few and far between in the UK.


I'm member of Fitness first at Sukhumvit 39, very good club, it has been Spa on 39 before amd FF bought it. It cost 2400 baht for month if you want roaming service(I'm using FF also in Singapore every month on my trips). Joining fee should be about 5000 baht, maybe more I will ask tonight as I go there.

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