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How To Load A Pick-up ....


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More and more foreigners are buying a new pick-up for themselves or for their "Tirac".

But no foreigner is loading their pick-up like it should be done in Thailand, aerodynamic.

Si, I will try to give in short a lesson with the help of my Thai experienced pick-up driver.

First, buy a device to extend your pick-up in the height and in the length.

Second, start loading your pick-up from the inside up and cover it to have an aerodynamic look like this:


The pick-up load is perfect if you can balance the pick-up up and down by pushing on the load with a low force as my skilled Thai driver is demonstrating.

How far can a pick-up be loaded legaly?

For the more skilled pick-up loaders, a pick-up load should be approximativly:

pick-up + payload = truck

But for the beginners, it is recommend to park your pick-up in front of a truck and compare your pick-up length with the truck length.

Your pick-up shall not exceed the truck length.


So, now you are ready to hit the road without worry.

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LOL, but where's he going to fit the 25 yahoos to shout "YOU, FARANG!!" as he nearly wipes my motorbike off the road?

Oh, on top like any other Thai pickup driver I guess... :o

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The load must be spun insulation or feathers!

What's really scary is to see these overloaded pickups with some real serious weight on them, careening all over the road, nearly out of control. I always give them wide berth!

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I wsh I had a copy of the photo in the Bangkok Post a few years back.

It showed a pickup with a broken back (chassis) due to overloading.

The really amusing part was the load - Tampons. :o

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I don't think it's that bad in the original post.. Obviously the load is extremely light in weight; the car still looks fairly balanced; I've seen a lot worse, weight-wise. (Of course if there's any kind of wind then all bets are off. :o )

(BTW, the picture says 'Isuzu' when you save it, but it's of course a Nissan Big-M. :D )

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I wsh I had a copy of the photo in the Bangkok Post a few years back.

It showed a pickup with a broken back (chassis) due to overloading.

The really amusing part was the load - Tampons. :o

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A few weeks ago, I was driving behind what seemed to be an overloaded pick-up.

When I passed the pick-up, it was a motorbike!!!!!!!!!!!

Wished that I would have my camera with me at that time.

Anyway, thanks for the many pictures in this thread.

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While quite a laugh to see these ridiculously overloaded pickups negotiating the roads without collecting trees, bridges & traffic lights in the process, all too often you see the aftermath of a sudden gust of wind that sends them careening into on-coming traffic or up-ending them in the median drainage ditch.


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Just one more.... but dont let the constuction workers in Thailand see :D

Seeing the wasted space, on top of the cab, in this picture reminds me that in Yemen, there would invariably be a roof-rack, with a full-grown camel squatting upon it ! :o

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