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Will People Start To Blow Up In Thailand In July?


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This topic is written on the assumption that the information that i have got on LPG prices is correct. The information i have got is that the price for the LPG used by vehicles in Thailand will reach a relatively high level compared to the current level, and that the LPG for domestic usage (usually cooking) will stay at about the current level. The information i have got also says that the prices are supposed to have stabilized somewhere in July this year.

Having got this information just before i entered Cambodia, a couple of days ago, gave me the opportunity to see what separate prices for LPG would look like in practice.

I passed a garage in Poi Pet. They had prepared two holes less than a meter from each other in the middle of the floor, each with a scale inside. One of the scales had an upside down LPG cylinder on top of it and a pump, similar to one of those Chinese high pressure water pumps, next to it.

Outside the garage was an advert showing how they had connected one side of the pump to the LPG cylinder on the top of the scale and the other side of it to the LPG cylinder in a car.

So i looked back into the garage and thought it all looked really dangerous! I then started to think about the information i had got about separate LPG prices in Thailand, and realized that this must be exactly what it would be like if you turned into a small road in Bangkok followed by a few turns into smaller and smaller roads until you've reached the garage i just saw in Poi Pet. Or, it might actually be worse since it would be illegal, and the people involved in this business would probably not prioritize safety since they would estimate the risk of being court to be quite large. And, anyway, this would be the point where people starts to blow up in Thailand...

Best regards,


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